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That's kind of my point.... it's all fluid - for people in here to say that Robert played less part in Zep's success than JP or JPJ is crap - chemistry is as much as anything else, and for that it took all four of them

That--with which I entirely agree--is very different to claiming we were all saying that the melody was the least important part of a song. Nobody said that (in fact, most people assume Plant wrote only the lyrics, anyway).

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Maybe that's how they cut it up for royalties but to me the lyrics are the least important aspect in the music. You appear to give it a split with melody, so 25%. I'd give the lyrical part MUCH less as it's the way one sings that gives the music it's validity. Someone could sing about yellow matter custard or a craberlocker fishwife for all I care. Honestly, poetry always bored me to tears.

I wanna be your big stuff hurtin'

always sounded better to me than

I wanna be your beast of burden, anyway. B)

uh huh! lyrics to Zeppelin songs are insignificant.

they are not important and add very little to anything - quite dispensible and I could write them!

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uh huh! lyrics to Zeppelin songs are insignificant.

they are not important and add very little to anything - quite dispensible and I could write them!

Wow- "quite dispensible". :o

Can't say I agree with that. Zeppelin's lyrics on occasion rose to the level of good to great poetry, but most of the time they were simply great rock music lyrics. They become even better when paired with the music, but standalone they hold up as some of the best in rock.

"Not important"? "Add very little"? I suppose to show that you'd have to envision all of Zeppelin's music without lyrics and then see if you think the songs are as good. Hard to do and have it still feel the same.

I don't know if you could or couldn't write the same caliber of lyrics, but in my experience it's harder than it looks. Have to respectfully disagree with your points here.

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Wow- "quite dispensible". :o

Can't say I agree with that. Zeppelin's lyrics on occasion rose to the level of good to great poetry, but most of the time they were simply great rock music lyrics. They become even better when paired with the music, but standalone they hold up as some of the best in rock.

"Not important"? "Add very little"? I suppose to show that you'd have to envision all of Zeppelin's music without lyrics and then see if you think the songs are as good. Hard to do and have it still feel the same.

I don't know if you could or couldn't write the same caliber of lyrics, but in my experience it's harder than it looks. Have to respectfully disagree with your points here.

Ditto. Disagree quite forcefully, in fact. (If the lyrics are so dispensible, and contribute so little, why are people quoting them all over this and every other Zeppelin forum?)

Adding: go on, then, Caroselambra--start with Kashmir, and give us your "just as good" version. :D

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uh huh! lyrics to Zeppelin songs are insignificant.

they are not important and add very little to anything - quite dispensible and I could write them!

Led Zeppelin lyrics are as vital a force as is the music IMHFO.

But to each his or her own.

Plant's lyrics paint with sweeping strokes,not color by numbers.

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