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A special thread for Mr. "President" Bush

Rock Action

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Iraq was and still is justifiable.

Even if so, the priorities are all wrong. Why is Bin Laden still alive? Why didn't we finish that job first, with a strong militia, instead of dragging out all our money and people as thin as possible fighting two wars at once? Stupid, any way you look at it. Bush shoved us in Iraq to finish a job his daddy couldn't do. :rolleyes:

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Even if so, the priorities are all wrong. Why is Bin Laden still alive? Why didn't we finish that job first, with a strong militia, instead of dragging out all our money and people as thin as possible fighting two wars at once? Stupid, any way you look at it. Bush shoved us in Iraq to finish a job his daddy couldn't do. :rolleyes:

I agree with everything you said, except the last sentence. Bush 41 could have wiped out Sa-damn easily. It just wasn't the objective.

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Bush has protected us from prosperity, that's for sure. He's protected us from the admiration and respect of other countries too. He protected us, alright...

Who did he protect from prosperity. You. no me. not Obama whose net wealth in 2000 is appaling when compared to now.

I think it like this way. The bush tax cuts did no cause this economic meltdown, in three years since the tax cuts, the people who he cut taxes for, paid double in total tax revenue. it went something in the 300 billion to 600 billion after tax cuts in three years. If you allow people to keep their money, they spend more and get tax more.

Admiration. From who. France? Germany? Russia? the same ones who lost money because we went into Iraq. Tell me Rock, What was the last time a country was invaded and they did not ask for our assistance.

We are losing our hold on the world economy because we are unwilling to allow free trade. That is something the Dems. are very proud of stopping. Countries stopped earning money from our economy, and that why they don't like us.

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What was the last time a country was invaded and they did not ask for our assistance.

Point taken there. We're always friends when someone else needs something. I agree.

And please don't mistake this as an endorsement for Obama. it isn't. I still don't think he's the answer, though I'd honestly like to be proven wrong.

But I still feel Bush has fucked us, and good riddance.

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Even if so, the priorities are all wrong. Why is Bin Laden still alive?

Is he? I do wonder given that he hasn't shown his face for so long and we only get tape recordings. And poor ones at that and it's in the best interest of al quaeda to have people believe that he is still alive so that the terrorist dream doesn't fade. I bet there will be another tape soon following these elections.

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Is he? I do wonder given that he hasn't shown his face for so long and we only get tape recordings. And poor ones at that and it's in the best interest of al quaeda to have people believe that he is still alive so that the terrorist dream doesn't fade. I bet there will be another tape soon following these elections.

You could be right, I admit. But I want confirmation, dammit!!


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Well, I guess we only have the American people to 'Thank' for not being intuitive enough to realize Bush was a waaaay bigger bood than Kerry. I feel a need to smugly add I never voted for that idiot, good riddance!

I didn't vote for that pile of shit either. Happy Trails, loser. Now fuck off.

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You know it Bro! ;)

Rockin back to Arizona and Alaska..respectively B)

Hi Rorer

Hopefully firstledzep is going with Palin as he thinks shes so hot.

This has been a hell of a day for the USA and as a definite outsider I congratulate the American voters for their turning out and for bringing in change regardless of whether Obama is black or not.

If he turns out to be the confident assertive leader he says he can be then it will be good for America. For me and I think others around the world America needs this change, it needs to reassert itself globally, to be able to look outside of itself and recognise that the rest of the world has valid views and politics that can be worked with, nurtured and supported. Not ridden roughshod over or ignored.

A confident America, an assertive not aggressive America is better for the world.

I truly hope that Obama can bring that.

As for your internal politics it still remains a bit of a mystery at times and I wonder how the Republicans are going to recover and reinvent themselves so that they too are in tune with the whole of America.

I guess there will be a lot of in fighting as politicians do when they lose an election. Importantly where is their Obama going to come from, who will lead them to push Obama in 4-5 years time?

Palin does not seem to me to be the future of the Republican party so who will come out of the shadows to lead them now?

McCain did his best but he was on a hiding to nothing given Bush's administration, the credit crunch and his poor international politics. he deserves to rest.

I was impresed by his speech after his defeat, humble and gracious ( unusual in politics) and even GWB's speech seemed genuine in refelcting the momentous decision you have made over there.

A pity politicians can't be like that more often, they are no different here in the UK.

So I hope Obama recognises that people will want instant results once he takes office and people's patience canbe very thin when wanting instant change and it won't take too long for the grumbles to set in even from those who voted for the first time, who switched allegience from the republicans to the democrats and perhaps especially the black Americans who may want even more from him.

We shall see but here's hoping he turns out to be a great president, a great leader and a great international statesman.

Just a Brits view point :)

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Hi Rorer

Hopefully firstledzep is going with Palin as he thinks shes so hot.

This has been a hell of a day for the USA and as a definite outsider I congratulate the American voters for their turning out and for bringing in change regardless of whether Obama is black or not.

If he turns out to be the confident assertive leader he says he can be then it will be good for America. For me and I think others around the world America needs this change, it needs to reassert itself globally, to be able to look outside of itself and recognise that the rest of the world has valid views and politics that can be worked with, nurtured and supported. Not ridden roughshod over or ignored.

A confident America, an assertive not aggressive America is better for the world.

I truly hope that Obama can bring that.

As for your internal politics it still remains a bit of a mystery at times and I wonder how the Republicans are going to recover and reinvent themselves so that they too are in tune with the whole of America.

I guess there will be a lot of in fighting as politicians do when they lose an election. Importantly where is their Obama going to come from, who will lead them to push Obama in 4-5 years time?

Palin does not seem to me to be the future of the Republican party so who will come out of the shadows to lead them now?

McCain did his best but he was on a hiding to nothing given Bush's administration, the credit crunch and his poor international politics. he deserves to rest.

I was impresed by his speech after his defeat, humble and gracious ( unusual in politics) and even GWB's speech seemed genuine in refelcting the momentous decision you have made over there.

A pity politicians can't be like that more often, they are no different here in the UK.

So I hope Obama recognises that people will want instant results once he takes office and people's patience canbe very thin when wanting instant change and it won't take too long for the grumbles to set in even from those who voted for the first time, who switched allegience from the republicans to the democrats and perhaps especially the black Americans who may want even more from him.

We shall see but here's hoping he turns out to be a great president, a great leader and a great international statesman.

Just a Brits view point :)

Cool post ledded! It's amazing to see someone from another country be interested in American politics.I enjoy reading an outsiders opinion,(good,bad or indifferent).I think it sets a certain precedent for me.

I am also proud of our country for taking this into their collective hands and making a difference in the way politics should be...If you get off your ass and vote,you may change what's in front of you.Good job America!

Alaska woud be an appropriate place for the both of them.(Palin and firstledzep)

Alaska would seem to be the place to cool ones hotness!

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I didn't vote for that pile of shit that just won either.

But you did vote for the one who shits in a pile?.. in his diapers? :rolleyes:

Good riddance, Bush.. I was flabbergasted when hey won re-election, but Kerry didn't promise much either. Dems dropped the ball four years ago.. nice to see they've redeemed themselves this time around.

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But you did vote for the one who shits in a pile?.. in his diapers? :rolleyes:

Good riddance, Bush.. I was flabbergasted when hey won re-election, but Kerry didn't promise much either. Dems dropped the ball four years ago.. nice to see they've redeemed themselves this time around.

It's going to take the Dems a lot more than winning an election to redeem themselves. Only time will tell.
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