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Mick Wall Interview


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He is not very kind in his descriptions of JP:


WHEN rock bands break up there is usually only one winner.

John Lennon was the moptop who mopped up the plaudits, while Paul McCartney was left with pipedreams of glory. And sappy Pipes Of Peace.

Led Zeppelin authority Mick Wall says this maxim is also true of the ground-breaking heavy metal outfit.

Mick has interviewed all the living members of Zeppelin on numerous occasions, knows their colleagues and friends, and has now written a meticulously researched biography, When Giants Walked The Earth. The man who knows Zepp best claims Black Country blues belter Robert Plant has a future as long and splendiferous as his hair.

But lead guitarist Jimmy Page isn’t so fortunate, and is a shadow of his former self, who finds it impossible to leave the pomp of the past behind.

“Robert is exactly where he wants to be,” says Mick. “He no longer needs to have anything to do with Led Zeppelin and is in charge of his own destiny.

“More so than Paul McCartney, more so than Mick Jagger, more so than Roger Daltrey. Plant has really pulled it off.”

The West Bromwich singer’s current position in the music industry is largely due to Raising Sand, the hit album he released last year with country singer Alison Krauss, which was followed by a world tour.

But Plant, 60, also made the news in late 2007, thanks to a one-off reunion gig in London with Led Zeppelin.

Since then, rumours have abounded that he would team up with his other band mates for a full-blown tour of America.

Mick says that is highly unlikely.

“Anybody who has seen those wonderful shows Robert’s done with Alison Krauss knows he is so happy, so enjoying what he’s doing on the stage,” he argues.

“The music he’s playing at the moment has so much meaning for him, far more than singing old Led Zeppelin songs that he first sung when he was in his 20s.”

Mick says there is another important reason while Plant won’t be zooming off with the Zepp – the old gang are grumps.

“It’s far more fun working with Alison than working with people like Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin bass player John Paul Jones,” he says.

“They can be fairly joyless people at this point. Really hard work, very uphill.

“Everybody has got their own manager. Everybody has their own agenda.”

Mick has particularly harsh things to say about Page, even though he was once very close to the guitarist.

The two fell out when Mick decided to write his book about Led Zeppelin.

Initially, the rock writer attempted to persuade his old friend to get involved.

But Page refused and has even threatened to sue over the contents of the book. “It has been made plain through mutual friends that I’ve burned my bridges with him,” says Mick.

“But you know what? I’m 50 now.

“When I was 30, 35, even 40, it was very important for me to keep those doors open with Jimmy.

“But now it’s far less important.

“I’ve had 20 years of talking to him and I don’t really need to talk to him again.

“I know him almost too well. They say familiarity breeds contempt. I don’t think it’s turned into contempt by any means, but the novelty wore off a long time ago.”

Mick believes Page should follow Robert Plant’s lead, and start making fresh music which reflects the interests and anxieties of a man in his mid-60s.

However, he assumes this won’t happen, because Page remains obsessed with getting Led Zeppelin back on the road.

Mick even claims Page – who is infamously passionate about the writings of the late Midland occultist Aleister Crowley – has squandered his immense talent and now rarely plays guitar.

“Not because he’s brooding over the works of Crowley,” says Mick. “These days he’s far more likely to have a remote control in his hands.

“From what I’ve heard from mutual friends, he just sits watching football on the telly. Tragic, really.”

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“Robert is exactly where he wants to be,” says Mick. “He no longer needs to have anything to do with Led Zeppelin and is in charge of his own destiny.

Robert Plant continues to perform Led Zeppelin songs at his concerts. Maybe Mick Wall should let Jimmy Page make his own artistic decisions.

Edited by eternal light
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Mick has particularly harsh things to say about Page, even though he was once very close to the guitarist.

The two fell out when Mick decided to write his book about Led Zeppelin.

Initially, the rock writer attempted to persuade his old friend to get involved.

But Page refused and has even threatened to sue over the contents of the book. "It has been made plain through mutual friends that I've burned my bridges with him," says Mick.

"But you know what? I'm 50 now.

"When I was 30, 35, even 40, it was very important for me to keep those doors open with Jimmy.

"But now it's far less important.

"I've had 20 years of talking to him and I don't really need to talk to him again.

"I know him almost too well. They say familiarity breeds contempt. I don't think it's turned into contempt by any means, but the novelty wore off a long time ago."

Mick believes Page should follow Robert Plant's lead, and start making fresh music which reflects the interests and anxieties of a man in his mid-60s.

However, he assumes this won't happen, because Page remains obsessed with getting Led Zeppelin back on the road.

Mick even claims Page – who is infamously passionate about the writings of the late Midland occultist Aleister Crowley – has squandered his immense talent and now rarely plays guitar.

"Not because he's brooding over the works of Crowley," says Mick. "These days he's far more likely to have a remote control in his hands.

"From what I've heard from mutual friends, he just sits watching football on the telly. Tragic, really."

Some friend you turned out to be, Mick. You were never stopped from writing about him

in the past, but then you didn't have a book deal tempting you to divulge things said in confidence. A lot was said in 20 years, as you know, but your speaking of Jimmy now as if he were already dead.

By the way, since when does he give a toss about football?!

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Some friend you turned out to be, Mick. You were never stopped from writing about him

in the past, but then you didn't have a book deal tempting you to divulge things said in confidence. A lot was said in 20 years, as you know, but your speaking of Jimmy now as if he were already dead.

By the way, since when does he give a toss about football?!

...I suppose it is good to have a "controver$y" with a book deal...and mutual friends of Legendary Jimmy Page would really say things behind his back...I don't think so...they must be distant people in general, if at all...

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I was looking forward to buying and reading this book, but now I think I'll pass. Who needs enemies when you have a "friend" like Mick Wall.

Same here, I was going to order it to read over Christmas but I don't feel right putting money in a backstabber's pocket.

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This idea of pitting Robert vs. Jimmy in a competitive stance seems a bit immature for a seasoned writer. There is simply no reason to build one up and slag the other. Just my opinion.

People may think that they are going to manipulate Robert Plant or Jimmy Page, but they forget that both have worked in the business for a long time. I would imagine they both see through those kinds of tactics that are aimed at playing on their real or imagined weaknesses.

So that is the reason they build one up and slag the other, to manipulate them into playing ball with someone in the business, perhaps a creepy promoter or someone of that ilk.

Edited by eternal light
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I was looking forward to buying and reading this book, but now I think I'll pass. Who needs enemies when you have a "friend" like Mick Wall.

I'm just aching to read it as much as I a dying to read the groupie's tellings....

NOT!!!! Bleach to both types of books.

I really want to read crap about that boy... not likely B):)

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He is not very kind in his descriptions of JP:


The man who knows Zepp best claims Black Country blues belter Robert Plant has a future as long and splendiferous as his hair.

But lead guitarist Jimmy Page isn’t so fortunate, and is a shadow of his former self, who finds it impossible to leave the pomp of the past behind.

Shows how much he knows. Nothing.

Jimmy has yet to reach his Zion point.

And it's coming... B):)

I am sure he is already understanding how wrong he was to follow Crowley

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Watching the Wolverhampton Wanderers? :rolleyes:

:beer: no, that's Robert :thumbsup:

we've seen Jimmy more than once declare he has (or HAD) no interest in the game, so wher does this theory come from, God only knows.

And Mick Wall, you are a 24-carat jackass. You make your career off the back of the greats for decades, and then bite the hand that fed you. Actually Jimmy needs someone like you to a far less extent than you need him, if you could only grasp that obvious fact.

I take it then, Mick Wall will not be applying for a seat at any Page project of the future.

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It may have worked on you, but it did the opposite for me and Kentuckygirl and Kabbalahone!

In deed. Last thing I want to do is read negative shit when I know there has been so much more going on for decades and decades. B):)

Edited by kabbalahone
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Wall contradicts himself comparing Robert to Jimmy modern day. Now he is a life coach? Shame he missed his calling huh? :rolleyes:

I am sure Wall feels it was a waste of time for Jimmy to work on Led Zeppelin projects, living in the past an all...Even still...Is it anyone's business, (and it isn't) if the man wants to stare at the TV all day watching football? So much bitterness comes from a small man. How did he fit in for so long?

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Wall contradicts himself comparing Robert to Jimmy modern day. Now he is a life coach? Shame he missed his calling huh? :rolleyes:

I am sure Wall feels it was a waste of time for Jimmy to work on Led Zeppelin projects, living in the past an all...Even still...Is it anyone's business, (and it isn't) if the man wants to stare at the TV all day watching football? So much bitterness comes from a small man. How did he fit in for so long?

perhaps that is why he is a Wall rather than a Wall Ace. lol B):)

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