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Are we all Anti-Stairway


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I don't listen to it a whole heck of a lot these days. It's probably a little bit of the overplaying coming into play here but mainly I think, it's cause there are other songs I'd rather hear right now. I remember an interview with Robert Plant back around 1990 during that Led Zep weekend on MTV and he said it was the variety that kept Zeppelin alive.

Usually though when I do play it, it's the live version from BBC Sessions that I play. I guess that's my favorite version. :)

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I've never stopped listening nor loving stairway...

a perfect blend aof all the right melodies and styles rolled into one, and just an all-round great song...

I dont listen to Radio, so for me, its not overplayed!

Hi 'ledzeppelinrock'

I'm completely with you there, the only use I have for the radio is for travel/road updates, music never, i'm too much in to playing my Zeppelin CDs in my Van, esp the "Stairway To Heaven" track.

:piano::boohoo::drumz::elvis2: "And as we wind on down the road"

Regards, Danny

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I've never stopped listening nor loving stairway...

a perfect blend aof all the right melodies and styles rolled into one, and just an all-round great song...

I dont listen to Radio, so for me, its not overplayed!

i listen to radio but besides that perfectly said.. for fans to say because u like stairway u arent really a die hard fan is garbage.. i hate that sentiment alot.. best song ever penned.. and yes i love every song even the 2 songs that are just ok..so please stairway bashers dont label me a non die hard fan for loving and adoring stairway :slapface:

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well the first time i rellized that this band was one of the lengeds, i was tinkering with my car and stairway came on the radio i was kinda tuneing in and out of the sond then the last verse (after the solo) came on and it just blew me away it was like rock and roll nirvana. after that i couldnt get enough of the band granted that was bout 6 years ago but as any hit somg it does get over played and looses interest, i can go with out hearing the song but when it does come on when that last verse spits out i crank it.

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Stairway is the song that got me hooked on Zeppelin; if only for that reason alone, it is the greatest rock n roll song of all time. I remember listening to Zoso for the first time, and feeling like I had "discovered" Zeppelin. To this day (25 years later), I can't listen to Stairway without getting goosebumps.

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I still love it. I just don't listen to it all the time. I know how deep Zep's catalog is and I have found other songs to obsess over.

With that said, it is still a magical, wonderful song. I will always love it. I just love other songs more. It's as simple as that. I believe some Zeppelin fans choose to hate it to prove how "BIG" of fans they are. People don't need to try so hard. It's alright to like Stairway!


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I still love it. I just don't listen to it all the time. I know how deep Zep's catalog is and I have found other songs to obsess over.

With that said, it is still a magical, wonderful song. I will always love it. I just love other songs more. It's as simple as that. I believe some Zeppelin fans choose to hate it to prove how "BIG" of fans they are. People don't need to try so hard. It's alright to like Stairway!


I agree with that. I think there's probably a lot of LZ fans out there that 'hate' the song because Robert doesn't like the song anymore. If Robert was to announce today that he totally thinks it was the best song they recorded, many of the haters would probably instantly become lovers.

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I agree with that. I think there's probably a lot of LZ fans out there that 'hate' the song because Robert doesn't like the song anymore. If Robert was to announce today that he totally thinks it was the best song they recorded, many of the haters would probably instantly become lovers.

I agree with you also. Good point!

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I agree with that. I think there's probably a lot of LZ fans out there that 'hate' the song because Robert doesn't like the song anymore. If Robert was to announce today that he totally thinks it was the best song they recorded, many of the haters would probably instantly become lovers.

I'm not sure I'd agree with that. Seems to me people who have expressed their dislike for the song have stated their reasons, none of which have to do with Robert's feelings on it.

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I agree with that. I think there's probably a lot of LZ fans out there that 'hate' the song because Robert doesn't like the song anymore. If Robert was to announce today that he totally thinks it was the best song they recorded, many of the haters would probably instantly become lovers.

exactly im just being honest i love stairway and people try too hard to show they are big fans im comfortable in my fanism of zeppelin and know they are a big part of my life so i dont care if someone doesnt realize that cuz i love stairway

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I agree with that. I think there's probably a lot of LZ fans out there that 'hate' the song because Robert doesn't like the song anymore. If Robert was to announce today that he totally thinks it was the best song they recorded, many of the haters would probably instantly become lovers.

Speaking only for myself, I disagree. I dislike the song not because of anything Robert has said about it, but because I think it's overplayed and overhyped. Personally, I think they did better songs that deserve more airplay than Stairway has gotten and more than likely, will get.

It's a great song, no doubt. But it's not even the best song on the album it's on. I think people (not necessarily anyone here) have created this image of Stairway being this Godlike song, when it's not. Their later material to me, was a lot stronger musically and lyrically.

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