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Barack Obama Inauguration to Cost Most in History


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Obama's Inauguration will cost nearly 4 times as much as the next most expensive celebration.

As the recession continues to wreak havoc on the U.S. economy and inauguration celebrations ramp up, a lot of people are asking: "How much will this shindig cost?"

The short answer? More than $150 million — and yep, that's the most expensive ever. (By comparison, George W. Bush's 2005 inauguration cost $42.3 million. Bill Clinton managed with $33 million in 1993.)

More here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_pl204

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Costs for so many things are just plain ridiculous. I blame all those who 'buy' into the pagentry. I guess anyone who pays taxes buy into it, but I certainly don't support it willingly.

Same as weddings. They're privately funded but what a waste of money. They may not even last 4 years, statistics prove that. Oh brother.

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Not that there's anything you or I can say or do to change it, so why throw stones at a brick wall?

Of course the election of the first black President would be more expensive than the election of the 44rd white guy.

Is that some kind of new ebonic lingo ? I'm not throwing stones at a brick wall, I walk away from it or around it. I don't meet it head-on. I'm an observer not a participant.

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It's cruel irony in a way. He uses the economy as one of the issues to get into the White House, and his inauguration turns out to cost 3x more than the last several.

Black, Asian, Latino, white, etc. it doesn't matter. It's a slap in the face to those out of work.

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Is that some kind of new ebonic lingo ? I'm not throwing stones at a brick wall, I walk away from it or around it. I don't meet it head-on. I'm an observer not a participant.

I suppose you're quite the philosopher too?

On the outside looking in? Or is it on the inside looking out? :rolleyes:

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I suppose you're quite the philosopher too?

On the outside looking in? Or is it on the inside looking out? :rolleyes:

I only profess to think. Whether I'm in or out, I'm looking all the time at those on the other side. Does that help ?

Life is philosophy, if it wasn't I'd say one would be braindead.

Edited by punksandwich
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(By comparison, George W. Bush was given a hard time for the $42.3 million cost of his inauguration .... but that number, as Media Matters points out, did not include security.)
...italics mine

The good news for taxpayers: Inaugural celebrations are paid for by the inaugural committee — and Obama has, once again, been a very successful fundraiser — at least $41 million by recent counts
...should be good for the economy in d.c.
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To clean up Bush's mess...

Please. Outside of the war, does Bush control the economy? Is Bush's person the Chair of the House Financial Services Committee? Does Bush control the budget? Economies go up and down. We are in a down period, with a lot of factors influencing it. Start passing that blame around to the members of Congress before you jump right on Bush's back.

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Not that there's anything you or I can say or do to change it, so why throw stones at a brick wall?

Of course the election of the first black President would be more expensive than the election of the 44th white guy.

Hi 'bigstickbonzo'

Can someone help me here, where I come from you call a "Spade a Spade", now correct me if i'm wrong but why is Mr Obama being called "Black" when at least he is only half Black, he was brought up by his "White Grandparents" like most halfcaste kids, the Black Fathers are nowhere to be seen in most cases. This has also happened in my own family so I know what i'm talking about.

In reality Black people shun halfcaste children on the grounds of them being "Not Black Enough" its only when one becomes famous that the Black Community take him/her as one of their own. They are going to have a shock when Mr Obama acts like the White President that he is, dont you think?

Regards, Danny

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What the practice of forcing banks to give loans to people who can't afford it. Not sure that was a Bush Idea. Granted i think the bailout is a bad idea.

No one was keeping tabs on the Banks and their loan practices, Wall Street, etc. during the last months of Bush's administration The head of the SEC should have been keeping an eye on the Banks, financial institutions so this mess should have never happened. I feel the same about Wall Street and the Banks. There is no oversight on how the monies are being spent since no one is keeping an eye on them and the way they are spending it. I have a feeling that the government may ask for some of the monies back once there is some oversight - it will be interesting to see what the 100 days brings. Not sure if you seen the story on the daily beast about Obama freezing white house salaries for approximately 100 staffers, now there is a start. Start at the White House. Here's the link: http://www.thedailybeast.com

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Please. Outside of the war, does Bush control the economy? Is Bush's person the Chair of the House Financial Services Committee? Does Bush control the budget? Economies go up and down. We are in a down period, with a lot of factors influencing it. Start passing that blame around to the members of Congress before you jump right on Bush's back.

but that is what they do....dont expect that the CHANGE!!!

pun intended.

**to** change...oops.

Edited by Mrs. Plant
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Hi 'bigstickbonzo'

Can someone help me here, where I come from you call a "Spade a Spade", now correct me if i'm wrong but why is Mr Obama being called "Black" when at least he is only half Black, he was brought up by his "White Grandparents"

Regards, Danny

I'll help you. He's 50% White, 33% Arabian and ONLY 16% Black.

He only LOOKS mostly Black. Funny thing is, you see these wild young black kids near my neighborhood yelling, OUR MAN IS IN !!! But they don't realize he had more of what I am (Caucasian), than he has in common with them. 50%-16% !! I find it hilarious.

BTW, I like Barack, and what I said wasn't to demean him at all. Just sayin' it like it is. Oh wait, here's the breakdown,

His mother is 100% white, his father is mostly Arab. In fact, the only “black†blood his father has is a great grandparent, on his mother’s side. That’s Obama’s great-great grandparent. That makes Obama 1/2 Caucasion, 7/16 Arab, and a mere 1/16 “black.â€

I was wrong, he's only 1/16th Black. Must be a dominant gene though. :huh:

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I'll help you. He's 50% White, 33% Arabian and ONLY 16% Black.

He only LOOKS mostly Black. Funny thing is, you see these wild young black kids near my neighborhood yelling, OUR MAN IS IN !!! But they don't realize he had more of what I am (Caucasian), than he has in common with them. 50%-16% !! I find it hilarious.

BTW, I like Barack, and what I said wasn't to demean him at all. Just sayin' it like it is. Oh wait, here's the breakdown,

His mother is 100% white, his father is mostly Arab. In fact, the only “black†blood his father has is a great grandparent, on his mother’s side. That’s Obama’s great-great grandparent. That makes Obama 1/2 Caucasion, 7/16 Arab, and a mere 1/16 “black.â€

I was wrong, he's only 1/16th Black. Must be a dominant gene though. :huh:

explain to me how his father being from Kenya, makes him Arabian. Or are you just that fucking stupid?

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explain to me how his father being from Kenya, makes him Arabian. Or are you just that fucking stupid?

:huh: I guess I am. Have you bothered to research it ?

Obama is African-American insofar as his father is from the continent of Africa, and Obama is an American. But that’s about as far as it goes. By that definition, a caucasian person born in say South Africa who’s migrated to the U.S. is also an “African American.†Even still, it’s a stretch, and doesn’t really apply, seeing as Obama wasn’t born on that continent. Point is, when you’re talking about ethnicity, it’s the genetics and not the geography that counts… despite the politically correct term being “African American,†it’s sort of a confusing term.

Indeed, Obama’s father is from Kenya. Kenya is a geographical descriptor. His father’s _ethnicity_ is NOT however indigenous Kenyan. The Arabic name “Barack Hussein†alone should tell you which culture and identity resonates with his father.

Do you really want me to show you more evidence ? Actually I'll just let you find out for yourself.

Do you always greet people so rudely ? Is that part of your upbringing ?

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Here let me make it easy for you before you start your query.

Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian, that from his mother. What those who want Mr. Obama to write history by becoming “America’s first African-American president†ignore is that his father was ethnically Arabic, with only 1 relative ethnically African Negro — a maternal great-grandparent (Sen. Obama’s great-great grandparent, thus the 6.25% ethnic contribution to the senator’s ethnic composition).

Here is the truth about Mr. Obama’s name, and his father’s ancestors:

True Negro tribal members of western Kenya where his father was born have Christian names, not Arabic. His father’s decision to name him with an Arabic name is a matter of his father establishing his ethnic identity in Africa - it is done deliberately to separate him from the African tribes. He may live among them, but he is not one of them. His father’s message is that he is Arabic, not Negro.

Many will find these truths unsettling. I’m often asked, “But I thought his father was Kenyan. How could Mr. Obama not be African-American, how could his ethnic composition be so Arabic?â€

The definitive clue to that answer is to look at his name, his father’s name, and the names of all his ancestors on his father’s side. They are all Arabic.

Researching his roots reveal that on his father’s side, he is descended from Arab slave traders. They operated under an extended grant from Queen Victoria, who gave them the right to continue the slave trade in exchange for helping the British defeat the Madhi Army in southern Sudan and the Upper Nile region. Funny how circular is history; now the British again face the Madhi Army, albeit this time Shiite, not Sunni, as in nineteenth century Sudan.

But telling America’s black community that while their ancestors were breaking the shackles of slavery, Mr. Obama’s ancestors were placing those shackles upon their wrists would hardly play as an Oprah Winfrey best-seller.

Being the son of a poor Kenyan goat-herder plays much better than being the son of a highly placed Arab-African who operated at the top of the Kenyan government following his education at Columbia. You see, even the way he portrays his father is a lie.


I even provided ONE link, there are many ways to find this out...Do yourself a favor and read before you mention stupidity...oh, and the fucking part too.

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That was absolutely unnecessary and no one here gives a flying turd what percentage of what ethnic group our President is a part of. I can almost guarantee you no one has ever said here, "Gee, I wonder what percentage of Barack Obama's genes are white."

BigDan inquired, I helped him. I was called fucking stupid and was asked to explain what I'd posted.

I did.

Others do care. Just because you don't, doesn't mean others don't.

It's only for information. Does that scare you for some reason ?

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Here let me make it easy for you before you start your query.

Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian, that from his mother. What those who want Mr. Obama to write history by becoming “America’s first African-American president†ignore is that his father was ethnically Arabic, with only 1 relative ethnically African Negro — a maternal great-grandparent (Sen. Obama’s great-great grandparent, thus the 6.25% ethnic contribution to the senator’s ethnic composition).

Here is the truth about Mr. Obama’s name, and his father’s ancestors:

True Negro tribal members of western Kenya where his father was born have Christian names, not Arabic. His father’s decision to name him with an Arabic name is a matter of his father establishing his ethnic identity in Africa - it is done deliberately to separate him from the African tribes. He may live among them, but he is not one of them. His father’s message is that he is Arabic, not Negro.

Many will find these truths unsettling. I’m often asked, “But I thought his father was Kenyan. How could Mr. Obama not be African-American, how could his ethnic composition be so Arabic?â€

The definitive clue to that answer is to look at his name, his father’s name, and the names of all his ancestors on his father’s side. They are all Arabic.

Researching his roots reveal that on his father’s side, he is descended from Arab slave traders. They operated under an extended grant from Queen Victoria, who gave them the right to continue the slave trade in exchange for helping the British defeat the Madhi Army in southern Sudan and the Upper Nile region. Funny how circular is history; now the British again face the Madhi Army, albeit this time Shiite, not Sunni, as in nineteenth century Sudan.

But telling America’s black community that while their ancestors were breaking the shackles of slavery, Mr. Obama’s ancestors were placing those shackles upon their wrists would hardly play as an Oprah Winfrey best-seller.

Being the son of a poor Kenyan goat-herder plays much better than being the son of a highly placed Arab-African who operated at the top of the Kenyan government following his education at Columbia. You see, even the way he portrays his father is a lie.


I even provided ONE link, there are many ways to find this out...Do yourself a favor and read before you mention stupidity...oh, and the fucking part too.

His father was born in Kenya, thus he is Kenyan. His father wasn't a muslim until he entered the United States. I have done research.

I was born in America, which makes me an American. Do you understand this concept?

And yeah, you are fucking stupid. You are stupid because you are attempting to put fear into people.


Being Muslim and being Arabian are two completely different things. You should really educate yourself on things like this, before you speak.

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