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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Mmmmm...loverly. All of a sudden I'm thirsty.
  2. Thanks, Steve, for pointing that out. I was just going to question if Robert Plant was on board with the idea of that tagline "The Voice of Led Zeppelin"? It seemed highly suspect he would approve of that.
  3. Makes me think of how interesting an acoustic Kashmir would have sounded had they worked up an arrangement for the "Unledded" special. I notice it's a Yamaha acoustic. I assume Jimmy still has, and would never part with, his original Martin acoustics that he used in the 70s?
  4. Is this one of docron's famous swinger parties?
  5. Bah humbug! This Angels season is on Manager Mike Scoscia. They already got rid of his stumblebum buddy Mickey Hatcher, if the Angels don't make the playoffs, Scoscia will be next. A virgin would have a better chance of surviving a Motley Crüe/Kiss splooge-fest intact than Scoscia has of coming back if the Angels miss the playoffs. I need a Baltimore sweep of Texas! Come on O's!
  6. I'm fortunate in that I don't have any weird workplace BS stories to relate, mainly because I've never really had to work in a "cubicle" environment, which seems to be a major incubator of Workplace BS behavior. Even my time in the Army was relatively free of hassles with my superiors in the chain-of-command. Only hitch I recall was when a fellow platoon member stole my marijuana. Which I dealt with in such a way that I never had issues with him again. Sure, one of my current places of employment(I split time at two jobs) can seem like a high school at times...most of my fellow employees are young women and there is always drama with boyfriends, PMS, and cliques being formed, but it rarely involves me. Compared to some of the horror stories here, my working life has been blessedly free of strife. Jimmie ray, I actually thought your story was going to wind up with that guy being caught masturbating into that cup.
  7. Geographical note: The Vincent Thomas Bridge is the bridge you see in films such as "Gone in 60 Seconds" and "Heat"(although Robert De Niro misnames it the "Saint Vincent Thomas Bridge"). It's located in the San Pedro/LA Harbor area of L.A.
  8. Happy birthday to the Golden Lion! Cheers to a fellow Leo!
  9. Not to quibble with your "important" tag, but I'm a little burnt out on 1975 soundboards for the time being. It would be nice if we could get some unreleased shows from other often neglected years.
  10. What an utter and most welcome surprise! Finally, after all these years the mystery of the girl in "The Song Remains the Same" has been revealed, and the ray of light piercing the darkness is wielded by none other than the fair maiden herself. Thank you, thank you, and most definitely and sincerely THANK YOU, Ms. Virginia Parker, for taking the time to share your experience with us...and for being willing to reveal yourself after so long. From the time "The Song Remains the Same" premiered in October 1976 to the end of 1980, I saw the movie 88 times, and I often wondered about you: Who was that beautiful princess? Why did I not see her in other movies after that? Was she a friend of the band? Many many years later, all I could find was a name...Virginia Parker...but little else. I thought I would die without finding out anything more. Thankfully, that will not be the case now, thanks to your generosity in sharing with us strangers a little slice of your past life. Thank you for giving this Led Zeppelin fan a little closure on a facet of their career that has long fascinated me. Best wishes on your future endeavors.
  11. Yeah, at least the Raiders scored some points in their game. I have now watched part of the two Jets preseason games and their offense looks pathetic no matter who is QB. Looks to be a long season in New York.
  12. It depends where in the U.S. one lives. The contiguous United States cover 4 time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific. For instance, it is now just past 3am in Liverpool as I write this. In New York, you subtract 5 hours from Greenwich Mean Time, which makes it just past 10:00pm. Each time zone is an hour less as you move West, so here in Los Angeles, it is just past 7:00pm. California and the Pacific Time Zone is 3 hours behind the East Coast and 8 hours behind the UK. Alaska is another two hours behind the West Coast, and Hawai another hour behind that...Hawaii is 3 hrs behind California, 6 hrs behind New York, and 11 hrs behind London.
  13. ^^^ Trust me, MM, my expectations are fairly realistic...I'm just happy if Liverpool avoids relegation. So where's our resident gambler? Does Rick put a ten-bob on the EPL?
  14. Yummmm! I'm a fiend for ice cream, whether American style or Italian gelato, so I will duly note this Chesapeake Bay Farms place and put it on my "to-do" list! Thanks for the tip, ebk. P.S. Speaking of happy...everyone, it's ebk's birthday today, so let's all wish her a very happy birthday!
  15. Is that allowed? Jimmy'll be disappointed. Knebby is still here...alive and kicking!
  16. I miss all of the Pagettes.
  17. ^^^ Ok, back on topic... Let's talk about "Killer Joe"!!! Believe the buzz...this is William Friedkin's return to form and a perception-changing performance by Matthew McConaughey. For those who may have forgotten, William Friedkin is the director responsible for such 1970-80s classics as "The French Connection", "The Excorcist", "Sorcerer", "Cruising", and "To Live and Die in LA". Went to see it with friends last Monday...saw a matinee showing, as there was a Grandaddy concert to go to that night. As the tag-line to one of the film's posters says, it's "A Totally Twisted Deep-Fried Texas Redneck Trailer Park Murder Story". It is NC-17 and it earns that rating. Not because of any explicit sex or even violence...there isn't anything here that people probably haven't already seen in "Saw" or plenty other R-rated movies. What is hard-core is the dark psychology and the violence and humiliation visited upon the characters, particularly Gina Gershon. You will never ever look at Kentucky Fried Chicken the same way after this movie. You won't look at Matthew McConaughey the same way, either. For years, after his breakout in "Dazed and Confused", he seemed content to just skate by on his looks and Texas-cum-stoner-charm. Bad movie after bad movie followed in mind-numbing succession, culminating in the apocalyptic awfulness of "Surfer, Dude". But after a couple interesting appearances in small films like "Bernie" and "Magic Mike", he finally has a lead role that reminds you of what he can do with the right material. He hasn't been this good and this riveting since "Lone Star". His seduction of Juno Temple and breakdown of Gina Gershon are astounding scenes to watch...all the while turning your stomach yet daring you to look away. Emile Hirsch(who spends most of the movie getting his whiny ass kicked) and Thomas Haden Church are also very good in this film. And what a killer soundtrack, ending with a great Clarence Carter song. But make no mistake..."Killer Joe" is NOT for the sensitive. If you don't like violence, foul language, twisted sexuality, STAY AWAY from this movie, for I guarantee you will be offended, if not outright nauseated by "Killer Joe". If you can handle the darkside and are strong enough for stern subject matter, then "Killer Joe" will be something the adventurous among you may find worth your while. Just plan on eating something other than fried chicken afterwards.
  18. Bloody hell, indeed. I've been so wrapped up in the recent Spaghetti Western retrospective and other shows and work and shit, that I completely lost track of certain dates and events and, to my horror, have now discovered I missed three concerts I wanted to see in the past couple of weeks: Redd Kross @ the Roxy, Andrew Bird and Sharon Van Etten @ the Greek, and Sigur Rós @ the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. The Sigur Rós is the real killer, as I have never missed a show they've played in L.A. Damn damn damn.
  19. ^^^ You shouldn't let a gadget have such control over your emotions.
  20. Well bless your New England heart...I'll have to do the same for you sometime. Meanwhile, lawd help me...I must have Rick's disease for I am watching the NFL channel's replay of the Buffalo Bills vs. Minnesota Vikings preseason game.
  21. Well, she does speak with an English accent, does she not?
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