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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Oh my gosh!! So we both discovered this awesome album at the same age! That's wonderful, Virginia!
  2. Early evening snack : a bowl of fruit consisting of apples, sweet lime, oranges and green grapes, followed by a liter (0.26412 US gallons) of water. Dinner : Okra Sambar (a lentil based vegetable stew, having origins in Southern India), onion raita, 2 rotis, followed by yet another liter of water.
  3. A BBC documentary about the General Election of 1945, called "Churchill's Defeat".
  4. That version of "Love of My Life" is truly gorgeous and heart felt, Virginia! I'm sure it was wonderful, listening to this album on vinyl!! "Queen : Live Killers" is a special album for me, as it was my first live album by Queen. I bought the 2 cassette version back in 2001, when I was just 14! *Edited for spelling error
  5. Thanks, Walter! My dad has dark brown hair, so I guess I get my jet black hair from my mom's side of the family! I will definitely be sticking around! This is pretty much one of the most friendly forums I've come across in my life (except for a few trolls, of course! ). Sam's doing a fantastic job!! I know what chaos is like on an internet forum, as I was a member of one where trolls used to rule roost and where the mods had pretty much given up and fled the scene! It wasn't pretty at all! Yikes! Well, I am a big fan of the Aussie band INXS! I really love the songs from the Michael Hutchence era! Really nice to see a photo of you, Walter! Awesome that you and your co-worker seem to know the mayor, personally! Do let us know whether you're on the left or right! *Edited for a spelling error
  6. Oh, pish posh, Strider! The correct word here is middle aged. You are not old. You are middle aged. There is a big difference. Here are some definitions of middle age from the Collins Dictionary and Oxford English Dictionary: middle age Definitions noun the period of life between youth and old age, usually (in a man) considered to occur approximately between the ages of 40 and 60 middle age Definition of middle age in English: noun [MASS NOUN] The period after early adulthood and before old age, about 45 to 65. Still don't believe me? Well, just so you know the U.S Census since 1998, has classified all those people aged between 45 and 64, to be middle aged! So there! Right, back on topic: Having a good old fashioned cup of tea
  7. Steve, I appreciate you taking the time and trouble for replying in such a frank and honest fashion towards my post to you and I really appreciate you sending me a PM too, more than you'll ever know! Thank you for that! I am very sorry that I lost my temper like that! I now understand what my post might have looked like to you and I am sorry for all the misunderstanding! I am really glad that both of us are getting the opportunity to clear the air and sort things out! Ethnicity wise, I am Indian and I absolutely hate racist behaviour of any sort. I found the video of the chirping cricket that Sathington posted to be funny! I wouldn't dream of persecuting any one on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, etc. because it is just wrong and just sick! I have friends from so many different countries and cultures like China, Korea, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Singapore, the UK, Australia, etc. but I also know what it's like to be at the receiving end of racist taunts! Anyway, cheers to you! Hope you're having a great day in Tokyo! It's been a wonderful 5 years on this forum and I am hoping for at least 5 more years!
  8. Thanks, Julie! <3 I really appreciate you supporting me! I have asked SAJ a few questions, in response to his post. Wonder what his response will be like. He'll probably call for my ban, I guess. If he does, I can't stop him but I will not stand for any nonsense from some random guy on the net about the way I dress! It is uncalled for! And I hope Sam Webmaster understands that I usually HATE quarrels with other members on here and that I am very peace loving and I do tend to stay away from all controversial threads, but this one time, I couldn't help myself! If I am banned just because I stood up for myself, then so be it!!
  9. Thanks, Sath!! Of course you will! Don't say maybe! You just have to believe in yourself that's all! I know you can do it!! Good luck with it and for any kind of moral support, please don't hesitate to drop me a PM! That's such a nice photo! Thanks for sharing and contributing to "Throwback Thursday"! You must be very tall, mate! I am 5 ft 11 inches tall. You must be more that 6 ft tall?
  10. Howdy, Steve! In the 5 years I have been on this forum, I have never had a problem with you so far and sometimes, we have even exchanged some pleasantries in the past. Now, seeing this post of yours, I am guessing you are not very pleased with the way I dress? Fantastic! And now, I have a couple of questions that I would like to ask you. Number one: How come you haven't posted a photo of yourself? Come on, mate! Show yourself! Since you love to assess other people's looks and dressing habits, why not post a photo of yourself and be judged by others? What's the matter? Are you scared?! Number two : What gives you the right to judge the looks of random ladies who post photos on this thread just to say hello or in my case, share a special moment in my life with my friends on this forum namely, my college graduation? Number three : Are all ladies just sex objects, in your eyes?! I ask because your comments towards ladies on this thread, seem to imply exactly THAT!!! Shame on you! I was just sharing my graduation photo for my friends on this forum to see! Did I do something wrong?! My looks and the way I dress, are none of anybody's business, including yours! I also believe that you by incredibly subtly implying that ladies shouldn't wear jeans and that it is a crime for a lady to dress in a masculine way, sound extremely sexist! You might turn around and tell me that you did not make such statements but your post towards my graduation photo speaks volumes! This is 2015 and not 1915!
  11. ^^^ Damn it, Sath! I almost spilled tea all over my keyboard!! Back on topic, well since today's Thursday, here's a little throw back. Graduation day, 2013.
  12. Since it's almost "Throwback Thursday", I am listening to a bunch of tunes I used to love as a kid and still do...
  13. Apart from the book on Sir Don Bradman, I am also reading: I am finding it very interesting so far!
  14. Truly adorable, Strider! Thanks for sharing this special photo!
  15. ^^He was definitely "the voice of cricket", CP. This was a man who knew what to say, when to pause, etc. (these seemingly insignificant aspects are so important in commentary!) and his commentating was unbiased! I really liked that! Lucky you, having the opportunity to grow up listening to the guy! The first time I had the pleasure of listening to him, was during the 1998 Ashes. I was just a 10 year old kid, at the time My favourite commentary duo are Richie Benaud and Bill Lawry!
  16. This is just sad! R.I.P Mr. Richie Benaud! http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/cricket/32182999
  17. My all-time favourite episode of "The Jack Benny Programme"
  18. You're very welcome, Icondo! Cheers! Back on topic : Let's kick out the jams, mother f*ckers!!
  19. Back on topic : I somehow cannot get enough of this live version of Brighton Rock! Brian May is on fire here!!
  20. Hi there I faced the same problem about a week ago in another thread. To fix it, I just posted the direct Youtube link to the video (the one found in the address bar of the browser). Hope this helps! Below are the videos you were listening to : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27RY2ueqAnA
  21. ^^^Well CP, even though I don't have a radio at home (whenever I listen to a radio station (like "The Rock FM" for example) I always listen in, by tuning in through my phone), I know for a fact that you need to have a license to broadcast music from a radio station if you are (for instance) running a business (large or small). Anything which is classified as a "public performance" is liable for a fee, unless of course the owner of the said radio has a license. http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/rodney-times/747150 It's pretty ridiculous if you ask me!
  22. That's wonderful, Strider! As the old saying goes, "Nice Things For Nice People" What made me happy today? Getting an opportunity to listen to an old comedy radio show from a by-gone era (it was a radio show by the legendary Jack Benny) and getting a feel of how interesting the radio actually was, those days. This is all thanks to a wonderful youtube channel that I found : https://www.youtube.com/user/Goldenageofcinema
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