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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Couldn't agree with you more, mate! In the recordings with the original speed, Robert Johnson sounds more like a bluesman and more importantly, sounds HUMAN! You know, when I first heard the incorrect version of "Preaching Blues", I honestly thought that I was listening to an alien man singing and playing the guitar and it did creep me out a bit! Apparently, the aim of increasing the speed of these 78's, was to make these recordings sound more "exciting"! And some people on YT actually think that the recordings with the corrected speed, sound simply awful and are severely scolding all those poor souls who are taking the initiative to make sure that we all get to hear the great bluesman, as he was meant to be heard! Sheesh! http://youtu.be/MykGQ4SnWnM Also, with the correct speed, I find it a lot easier to understand what the guy is actually singing about! I really appreciated this YT user's efforts in bringing the REAL Robert Johnson, to all of us Blues fans: https://www.youtube.com/user/zimmyfan115/
  2. Uh-oh! Looks like I missed so many birthdays, again! Anyway, Belated Happy Birthday, ebk! Hope you had a blast!! And, Belated Happy Birthday Charles! Hope it was a great one! Cool to know that your birthday and that of the Golden God, are just 1 day apart!
  3. Went to a very cool exhibition last Saturday, with my dad called "Arsenal : The Tunnel of Time", which depicted the 120 plus years of history of my favourite English Premier League team. Ah good times! No contractors or interior decorators or furniture moving men to worry about!
  4. I am so very sorry for your loss! Just think of all the wonderful memories you had with her! Big Hugs to you!
  5. What made me happy today, is checking into this thread and reading all the happy news from everyone!
  6. That's fantastic news, Walter! Your wife sounds like a very brave lady. I know how tough situations like this can be, since my great aunt had to go through chemo and it certainly took a lot out of her! Cheers to you and your wife and wishing you guys, lifelong peace, health and happiness!
  7. That's wonderful, Strider! Congrats to your nephew! You must be a very proud uncle!
  8. Who's Been Talking - Howlin' Wolf
  9. You Better Get Yourself Together - Timmy Shaw
  10. Oh my heavens! I am so sorry, lipslikecherries! My deepest sympathy and condolences! My heart goes out especially, to that little boy! It can be so mind-boggling as to why someone's loved one takes such an extreme step. Life can be frighteningly unpredictable and that's why it is so important to spread kindness and love, everywhere you go! A hug, a smile, telling someone that you love them, can make all the difference.
  11. The Passions - Mercy, Little Baby
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