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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I know that this is rather late but wishing you a Very Happy Birthday, SozoZoso! Hope you had a great time!
  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement! Your dad sounds like a very reasonable man! I'm determined to make driving my own little pet project and do it on my own terms and have fun along the way!
  3. Absolutely agree! I really wish that some people would understand that expecting someone to be the perfect driver is pretty much idealism at its most absurd! Anyway, I am going to avoid all the mistakes that I made during my first attempt at driving and try to actually enjoy the experience of being at the wheel!
  4. Honestly, I don't at all mind you telling me to assert myself and tell my dad to just stay out of it! In fact, it is by far the best thing that I can do at this point! I really admire you trying very hard to master the art of driving and succeeding with flying colours! Honestly, your words have really inspired me! Thank you for that! I have this very 'jazzy' red shirt and yeah, I think I'm going to wear it during my driving test, next time!
  5. Found out that I failed my driving test. I am not ashamed to admit it. But, I'll be lying if I said that I'm not feeling a wee bit blue and annoyed with myself at the moment!! But anyway, I am determined to pick myself up and move on! What got the better of me, was my immense anxiety on the day of the test and constant pressure from my dad to be the perfect driver! I got pretty sick and tired of it and pretty much told him where to get off! Anyway, hopefully things will get better in 2014! I am just determined to make it happen!!
  6. Awww...that's so sweet! Strider, your post certainly gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling!
  7. Man! Lucky for me, I did not put on any "holiday weight" this year! It was a very Merry Vegan Christmas for me I am also very happy that I could also stick to my usual daily routine of working out for 90 minutes. I have to admit that in the past, the holidays have tempted me into slackening off a bit! That sure as hell didn't happen this year! I am certainly going to continue the vegan trend into the New Year!
  8. It was a pretty Led Zeppelin oriented Christmas for me this year! I was totally taken aback when I was presented with this beautiful box set : This box set (apart from music by legendary Blues artists like Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Lead Belly, to name a few!!) has an amazing documentary called "Talkin' Led Zeppelin" (which aired on the Documentary Channel back in 2011) which pretty much changed my life! Edited to add: Strider, those are very cool Zep related Christmas gifts there!
  9. Hi Danny! It is really lovely to hear from you again! I (and many others) have really missed you around here! That's for damn sure!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Cheers to you! It is really cool knowing that you were actually born on Christmas Eve!! (Belated) Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you, Kate, your sons and of course little Leo! Stay safe and warm these holidays!!
  10. The March of The Black Queen - Queen
  11. Hi! :) Thanks for the add! Cheers! :)

  12. Thank you Julie!! It is lovely to be back!
  13. Wishing poortom a very happy birthday! Hope you're having a great one!
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