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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. It is OVER for McPain. OVER! Done Kaputz! OBAMA is our man, and he WILL be elected Nov. 4th
  2. It took professional counseling to get the Aero Boys back together. Hmmm....how 'bout getting the four in a room to iron out whatever the Main issue is. Talk it out, punch it out whatever, it could be a good thing to clear the air.
  3. Thanks Mad. Nice pic! I wish Chris took off his shirt here.
  4. Rox, you will be in heaven!!!! My next: Tom Morello... The Nightwatchman.
  5. Good luck with your meds. The stigma lies in the word...mental. It really should be brain illness, since it is in your brain, and that is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Chemical imbalances in the brain are real, and taking a medication for it is no different than a diabetic taking insulin. It is just a body organ that is in need of balancing the neurotransmitters. IMHO, family should be aware because they are sometimes contributing factors, and they NEED to understand, rather than criticize. I would provide them literature to help them understand. Tell them to attend a NAMI meeting for families, they will get support themselves and see that it is real and they are not alone. I have panic attacks, been on meds for it, lowest possible dose, and it does indeed help. You cannot meditate your panic away either, as many therapists try to get you to do. It helps but does not take the unexpected panic attacks away. Keep on truckin' there Bomber, it will get better. * and frankly, I think the board has plenty of company with brain illness *
  6. Your work is FANTASTIC!!!!!! Where have you been?
  7. With Chris Cornell, Chris's kid and Yogi. I never knew Chris was SO tall!!!! He is like 6'2-6'3.........mmmmmmmmmm I've fallen head over heels for Chris now.
  8. I liked some from the previous board too, like the glow, the tickertape. HEY!! already we have the famous slapface on!!!! Cool. Thanks Sam.
  9. Ok...well, of course I saw Chris Cornell Saturday night. There's a clip on youtube of the salt lake show. It was absolute torture for the first what seemed like a decade of some DJ on first with hip hop blasting so loud the hairs in my nose were shaking. It was NOT my trip AT ALL. I sat there thinking....I've never had to pay 40 bucks to hear a fk'n dj!!!! And not for a friggen hour and a half. THEN....Timbaland comes out with a screwy band and the decibels to deafen again played on and on and on. All while jacking his jaws about Justin f'n Timberlake. (??? ) FINALLY after an incredibly LONG tear down and set up Chris comes out and I swear at that moment it was like giving birth, all the pain went away and all the sweetness was there. OH YEAH!!!! I almost caught his sweaty towel...................*sigh* I was very close about three "people rows" back. He was so nice to the fans, slappin and shaking everyone's hands in the front. He was at a meet and greet earlier and had his kids and wife and was signing anything and everything. He sang right AT me, I swear he did because several people looked back at me like "who is she?" I have no idea why other than I was the only one without a camera phone in front of their face. I wasn't the only one either, he was incredible to the audience. The band were super friendly too, throwing, or even handing out picks and drumsticks. Chris played the entire Scream LP. As per Timberland's orders I saw he canceled the next day in Arizona, supposedly for Laryngitis He had NO problem with the screams Saturday. But the vocal "mix" or whatever was terrible. You had to strain a bit to hear him over everything else. But I didn't give two hoots because he sang to me. LOL!!!!!!! And you could see his grey undershorts when he lifted those awesome sexy arms of his. His hands are ...well, I have a thing for hands and his were very sexy. And OMG..those eyes.........*knockdown gorgeous* whewww.. He is now (at least till I get over it) The SEXIEST frontman alive. And Mad, you are right Yogi and Peter are great and sweet too! Peter signed a poster for me.
  10. To whoever it was who asked "what if Robert said that?" I would be just as disgusted. And it's one thing to just STOP, but a totally other thing to Announce it like that. And when it comes down to it, not many autographs are really worth that MUCH, unless we are talking incredibly rare. To me it is part of the business you chose and craved at one point. I've never been that into getting autographs. I relish just the meeting of someone I like. It sort of cheapens the experience. But that's just me. * I did however get Peter Thorn's autograph (Chris Cornell band) Saturday night because I nearly ran him over after the show outside the gig, and it was just a quickie *
  11. VERY Cute grandbaby there Scotty!! Nice tee .

  12. One thing that was disturbing to me was McPain saying these "soldiers" should be able to come back to a teaching job with NO certification. That is preposterous!! A recipe for disaster. STUPID!
  13. Great find there Puck! Looking good. Miss HD, lovely as always.
  14. Ringo announced in a BIG way he hill chuck any fan mail on some specific day and will not sign anything ever again. NO Autographs he says. WTF?! Your thoughts? Personally I say so what...I never wanted his anyway. Maybe he is in deep need of attention. Dunno, sounds absolutely ridiculous to have to say that in such an arrogant way.
  15. You can't make $$$$$ on the star............... *however, kudos for your efforts Rocky*
  16. CHRIS CORNELL ! ! ! Tomorrow..... Can you tell I'm excited...?
  17. Yeah, I saw both of them there. I was hoping he had some Zep pics. *maybe he does...I should ask.*
  18. Well, now JPJ will know what it feels like to be ignored on subject matter and badgered into reunion Q&A's
  19. Funny Dzldoc. Well, the board today is much to slow, so my friends I gotta go..............
  20. I LOVE that one too! Seeing Bonzo and Robert having a good laugh together...sweet!
  21. Hey EL, you never fail to make me laugh.


  22. CHRIS CORNELL tickets for Saturday!!!!! Woo Hoo !!!!!!! Three decent shows on the same night... Taj Mahal The Mountain Goats Seen Taj several times though so....I'm Jazzed!! Small theater, intimate atmosphere.
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