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Everything posted by Walter

  1. I just ordered a version of the Irvine Meadows show on DVD from amazon today. $8 plus shipping. I have Japan shows on VCR tapes but I need to get them transferred to DVD. Plus I also have the Orlando '95 and both Chicago '95 shows we attended - on VCR tapes also. Good quality and they all captured the shows well.
  2. He shouldn't at least, that's for sure. Your optimism for the Bills never changes at the beginning of the season, does it? Total respect for that, I'm the same way. I still remember you having that video clip of TO after he signed with Buffalo and you thought he would be that player to put you over the top. Time flies.... Good luck to your Bills, Rick. They were my dad's favorite team also.
  3. Tebow cut by Pats....there's your qb, Rick!
  4. ^ That has worked for me too!
  5. Happy Birthday, Reggie!!! Hope your day was filled with your favorite things!
  6. YOU are watching preseason football, Sean? I agree, wtf are they playing overtime in preseason??? I'm on the chip about the season starting a week from tonight. Denver v. Baltimore, correct? BRING IT ON!!!
  7. Very nice ledded1! Hope you have a tremendous time - full report on the 30th, please!
  8. I love that version as well. The '71 versions have such power to them.
  9. Hey there 2bit, is Krieger playing in our area? I'll have to look that one up!
  10. Rick, you'd better hope he pans out. An injured rookie as a starter and a concussion-addled back-up is not a good way to begin the season. CJ Spiller and the defense are gonna have to carry the workload, it appears.
  11. Welcome to the forum lost-weekend! Glad you were bitten by the Zeppelin bug! As far as favorite albums go, that is an ever evolving question. Currently, my fav would have to be PG.
  12. Thanks ally. The press keeps hounding us for a statement. Even showed up to his house last night and was able to coax his widow into letting them in (she was apparently inebriated - and justifiably so) to her house. One of my co-workers who lives by them got the press out of the house once he arrived. Hey press here's a statement, find the fuckin' gold car that ran him off the road and leave everyone else to grieve without a microphone in their face!
  13. Glad you had a great time, Strider! Sounds like the set lists haven't changed too much. Great show and tour!
  14. Which home run crown? Roid, or roid free?
  15. ^ Thank God for hot chicks with cell phones!
  16. Thank you slave and to everyone else with kind words for me. That's why this place is an extended family. The story is all over the news here and I hope they find that car/driver soon. It's a pretty limited description, but there was damage to the other car according to witnesses. Thanks again.
  17. As my wife said, "Led Zeppelin fans are pissed about Robin Thicke lifting someone else's song?" I agree, the litigation aspect of the story is the part that I don't get.
  18. Yes, he has a wife, children and grandchildren. He was going to retire after this year. The description of the car is out there and they are trying to catch the person responsible. I still can't believe what has happened. We are a very small staff with little turnover, so we know each other very well here. He had just talked to me last week about how he had found another way to come to work, that didn't involve the Interstate, and he preferred to come that way. He died after the road rage driver knocked his car off the road and hit driver-side into a palm tree just off the shoulder of that Interstate. Thank you all for your concern, it is really finally hitting everyone here - the students and faculty both. I feel so bad for his family. Don't know what else to say.... Give your loved ones an extra hug and kiss tonight, I know I am.
  19. One of my co-workers, whom I have worked with for 8+ years, died today coming to work. Another car ran him off the road, then sped away, and he hit a tree. I am just numb right now......
  20. Happy belated Birthday ebk! Sorry I missed it, but glad to hear you had a good one!
  21. Happy Birthday Robert!!!
  22. Didn't Gilmour attend the 02 reunion show? Still a cool photo, LZF, IMO.
  23. That's because you're not close minded and can see past living in the perceived stereotype world that some others can't, Chase.
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