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Everything posted by Walter

  1. If they (the Russians) have his jaw, with teeth for dental records and part of his skull for DNA - why would they need photographs or video, which are both always in question for authenticity?
  2. My 21+ year marriage, my son and what I've accomplished in my career.
  3. Doin' fine thanks! SR, that's interesting. I just have a hard time believing he would run from his bunker with EB in tow, only to be offed in Spain. Then again desperate times create desperate measures! Thanks for the alternate theory.
  4. Another day, another injury.....Packers lost their starting LT for the season with a torn ACL. That's a tough position to lose your starter! I see the Packers signed Vince Young as a possible back-up to Aaron Rodgers. Kevin Kolb tweaked his knee on a wet rubber mat at training camp, Rick, he was day-to-day last I heard.
  5. Walter

    Golf Talk

    Congrats CP! A round like that will keep you going for a while for sure! What are the picks for this weekends PGA Championship? It's gonna take a good driver of the golf ball and the type of temperament that looks at par as a good score. I don't believe Tiger will win, like many are forecasting.
  6. Maybe Robert has said some nasty things, sarcastically or not, about Coverdale and some others over the years. But they were artists still out there and able to speak for themselves in rebuttal. But, speaking negatively about a guy who passed away over 30 years now just isnt necessary unless you're just a dick! My opinion, of course.
  7. Thank you! I've always felt that way and even more with Celebration Day being out. You went, correct? Did you wonder when they'd play something from ITTOD?
  8. Read the CNN article I posted earlier. They kept his jaw and some of his skull for DNA/dental record proof. Wasn't hard to find, that's for sure! Hope you're doing well, slave!
  9. I agree about In The Evening. It should've been replacing MMH, IMO. As far as Achilles, I bet that song was too ambitious for Jason to play and maybe even Jimmy at that point. Plus, I think it was Knebby who said it before, they wanted to keep the number of long songs down. They already had No Quarter and Dazed in the set. Who knows on that one, but ITE definitely should've been there - IMO.
  10. A quick google search led me straight to this: Moscow, Russia (CNN) -- The remains of Adolf Hitler were burned in 1970 by Soviet KGB agents and thrown into a river in Germany on direct orders from the spy agency's chief, a top Russian security official said this week. The head archivist of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) -- the successor to the former Soviet Union's KGB -- confirmed for the first time the chain of events that led to the disposal of Hitler's body, and who ordered the operation, in an exclusive interview with Russia's Interfax news agency. Gen. Vasily Khristoforov told Interfax in an interview published Monday that previously secret documents show that KGB chief Yuri Andropov, with prior consent from the Soviet Communist Party leadership, ordered a top secret operation to destroy the remains of Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, Nazi Germany's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels; and Goebbels' entire family. Khristoforov said according to the documents, Andropov's decision to destroy the remains of the Nazi leaders and their family members was motivated by the fears of the KGB and Soviet Communist Party leadership that Hitler's burial site could become a place of worship for supporters of fascist ideas. Neither the FSB nor Khristoforov were immediately available to comment on the secret documents, when asked by CNN. The operation, code-named "The Archives," was carried out by a group of special KGB agents in Magdeburg, East Germany, where the bodies had been secretly buried February 21, 1946, on the territory of a Soviet military facility, Khristoforov said. Two protocols were compiled after the operation was carried out on April 4, 1970, the general said. The first documented the opening of a grave that contained the remains of the Nazi leaders and their family members, and the other one detailed their physical destruction. "The remains were burnt on a bonfire outside the town of Shoenebeck, 11 kilometers away from Magdeburg, then ground into ashes, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River," the second document reads, according to Khristoforov. The bodies of Hitler, Braun and the Goebbels family had been discovered by the Soviet Army in May 1945. The bodies of Goebbels and his wife were found May 2 in the garden of Nazi Germany's Reich Chancellery. The bodies of the couple's children were recovered the next day, and the corpses of Hitler and Braun were discovered May 5 in a crater from an artillery shell outside his bunker in Berlin. According to historical accounts, Hitler's death was a combination of a suicide by gunshot and cyanide poisoning on April 30, 1945, when the Soviet Army entered the Nazi Germany capital. In early June of that year, the Soviets buried the bodies in a forest near the town of Rathenau, Germany. Eight months later, they secretly re-buried the remains in the Soviet Army's garrison in Magdeburg. But in March 1970, the Soviets decided to abandon the garrison and pass it over to the East German civilian authorities. As long as the burial place of the Nazi leaders was in the territory of a Soviet garrison, it could be kept secret and barred from strangers. But following relocation of the Soviet Army unit, the decision was made not to rebury Hitler's remains but to burn them, Khristoforov explained, calling it "perhaps a reasonable decision" given the circumstances. Khristoforov said that all that remains of Hitler's corpse are fragments of his jawbone and skull, items that are kept in Russia. The general said the Russian FSB has no doubts that the bone fragments are genuine. No other fragments of the German dictator exist in other countries, he said. "Hitler's jaw is kept at the FSB archives, and the fragments of Hitler's skull are at the State Archive. There are no other parts of Hitler's body apart from these samples seized on May 5, 1945. "Everything [else] that remained of Hitler was burnt in 1970," he added. "Those fragments are ... the only documented evidence of Hitler's death, which is why they are kept at the Russian FSB Central Archive as being particularly valuable." Commenting on recent media reports that archeologist and bone specialist Nick Bellantoni and genetics professor Linda Strausbaugh of the University of Connecticut expressed doubts about the authenticity of the parts of Hitler's skull, Khristoforov said, "The U.S. researchers did not file such requests [for taking DNA samples] with the Russian FSB Central Archive. "But even if you take the fragments kept in our custody, it is unclear what these data can be compared with." In April 2000, a fragment of what was presented as Hitler's skull, complete with a bullet hole in it, was first displayed in Moscow at a World War II exhibition. At the time, Sergei Mironenko, head of the Russian State Archives, told CNN that he is absolutely confident that the skull was authentic, and that there are many documents the Russian archives also put on display along with the skull to support that. "Those documents provide convincing proof that all those speculations that Hitler could have survived and escaped, that he could have had plastic surgery, are absolutely groundless. He was a totally depressed man who was incapable of making political or any other kinds of decisions. He understood that his bunker, the crater [where he was found dead], would become his last refuge. And that's exactly what happened," Mironenko said.
  11. I saw it somewhere in a documentary. I don't know if it's true or not, as I said earlier. I remember it being said they kept it to prove he was in fact dead. I could give a shit really. Disprove it or don't believe it, whatever. There is no way Hitler, with his ego and mental illness, would've gone into hiding the rest of his life in South America.
  12. Just because someone says something, doesn't make it true. From what I understand, the Russians kept his head as proof and burned the rest of him so there wouldn't be a gravesite for martyrs to worship him.
  13. Sitting most of the starters on offense, that's all Paul. Oh yeah....Dolphins fumble, touchdown Cowboys!
  14. ^ NFC East??? AFC is hurting for sure right now. Don't count out Cincinnati just yet. They have some up and coming talent. I think the Rams in the NFC might surprise some also. I'm soooo ready for this to begin! Dallas v. Miami tomorrow night at Canton, a game for the hard-core fan. Starters won't play long, or at all.
  15. TSRTS/Celebration Day - August 4, 1979 - Knebworth
  16. I completely agree. Those shows would've been taped too, I'm sure. Interesting that early shows from '77 haven't really shown up either (audience or SB).
  17. No, they never even had them made for the tour! We were the 2nd stop, so they had to have all merch with them. Jason had a pretty cool tie-dye shirt, but not for $45 I believe it was. Anyway, we'd never seen Heart before and they were great. Jason's band is always very good - love it when they play When The Levee Breaks! Have fun!
  18. Walter

    Golf Talk

    If anyone has access to the Golf Channel, check out Tiger Woods tearing up the Firestone Country Club! Currently 9 under after 13 holes. Par is only 70, so you can do the math at the score possibility he has in sight. Rare air for those who break 60....
  19. Still feeling the effects of an insect bite I received a week and a half ago while cutting bushes in my backyard. Been to the doctor, on antibiotics and other meds, used creams and gels, but still have random swelling.
  20. Looks like Riley Cooper as been removed from all team activities and sent to "sensitivity training". Injuries keep piling up. Both the Seahawks and 49'ers lost key players. Cowboys are now down 4 guards! Only 2 left on the roster right now - that's not good! At least none are season ending injuries.
  21. I'm sure Rick was referring to the Pats being over-confident. Something tells me you have little affection for modern country music, Strider!
  22. Glad this turned out so well for you both! Cheers CP and Mrs. CP!
  23. Caught that tour in Tampa, you're in for a treat Gina! Can't believe they didn't have a "Heartbreaker Tour" t-shirt. They missed out on getting an extra $30 or so out of my pocket that night - bad business!
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