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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. CD - Stereo I wish I had the loot to buy a proper turntable and reel to reel. One day 🙂
  2. Love that pic. Just check out the look on both Princess Di's face & Robert's who is standing next to her. I am sure I am making much ado about nothing however, they kinda look as if they have a secret / mutual attraction to each other. Especially as her eyes and gesture appear to be slyly favoring Robert.
  3. Hey there Kip. The overwhelming majority of homeless in the US are people suffering from mental illness. The drugs are not the issue, the complete and total lack of mental health services for those who are not wealthy is the problem. When all the mental health facilities were shut down in the US due to abuses within the system (hey, let's throw out the baby with the bathwater, that makes sense), they placed all those poor souls who either did not have family, or had apathetic family on buses and had them dropped off at the closest major city. See ya! Same with prisons. Around 60% of our current prison population are people suffering from mental illness, but with no facilities they just warehouse them in prison when they commit a crime. Its really sad and absolutely horrible. They say a nation can be judged by how it treats is most powerless, its most downtrodden. Well, if judged by such a metric the US is at the absolute bottom of the barrel regarding industrialized nations. For the richest nation on Earth this is a crime beyond measure and truly deplorable.
  4. Wow! Right on! He should be cooling his heels for some time unless he has a rich cousin with a spare 10k laying around.
  5. BobDobbs

    Official Mascot

    Always thought that was a cool line, very symbolic lyric. Looks like the tadpole has growed up 🙂
  6. Just sayin, you seem to have all your bases covered Kip. Something tells me the crime rate in your neighborhood may be close to zero. Not speculating you could be the reason for that but, if I were a scumbag or looking to carry out some petty theft I believe I would steer clear of your hood, just to be safe 🙂
  7. Jackie Brown is worth the top spot just for having the most banal, ridiculous sex scene in movie history. You know which one I am talking about. Every time I watch Jackie Brown I howl in laughter during that scene. Makes me think of a low budget porn, filmed end of day with an exhausted crew, and instead of Johnny Wad, they have some random gaffer stand in. Beside that its just an excellent movie, everyone is brilliant in it. I also think some of the hate regarding Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is its pacing, which is very similar to Jackie Brown. I think Tarantino wanted both of these movies to have that early 70's vibe when even action movies had very deliberate pacing. None of the quick shots and stupidity of todays movies where everything is edited to death and all cut up. You watch a fight scene from a Tarantino movie and its done in a wide shot, mostly uncut (maybe two or three bits edited together at most) compared to the Ginsu treatment of todays movies where a comatose person could be edited to look like they are Bruce Lee. Shit, nowadays during an action sequence you have no clue what's actually going on, all these quick cuts! I love the old time pacing of Tarantino's movies as it added tension and atmosphere to the scenes. The good old days pre-ADD movie making.
  8. That was one shit movie, should be in the top 10 worse movies of all time which is likely the only list that celluloid debacle should be on. Ben Hur, Wizard of Oz, Wonderful Life. Oh yeah, great movies. Loved those Cecil B DeMille epics as well.
  9. All those years feeding the pigeons in the park and look where it gets him. Fucking traitors.
  10. I think this guy is just your garden variety dumbfuck. Too stupid to realize he is gonna get caught if he violates. Give it a week and this little turd will be back inside, this time awaiting a trial date several months, possibly up to 18 months, if he can't swing bail. Here's to either hope or Jesus...whichever gets to his ass first.
  11. Fantastic album, I was just listening to this the other day.
  12. Be careful Walter, don't want to upset the sensibilities of some of our forum members with such offensive movies
  13. Jeesh, I was just being silly. My apologies for offending your sensibilities. You can let go of your pearls now.
  14. How about Freddie Got Fingered? Now there is a classic
  15. Had a bout of nostalgia and watched a BJ & the Bear episode, wanted to relive my youth. Too bad my adult mind is not where my kid mind was in 78' because adult me realizes how much this show sucked, while kid me loved it. Though adult me still likes all the fine ladies prominently featured on the show. That whole trucker / CB fixation everyone had in the 70's was quite the thing, everyone wanted to be a trucker. Think on that for a moment. Does anyone believe people would aspire to, much less want to see a movie or TV show about blue collar workers that was not a comedy about the dumb janitor or bus driver. The days of looking at the working man who provides for his family and holds firm as hero's is dead. Now in media if your not some millionaire or billionaire whatever, you suck loser. This glorification of style over substance is a sad reflection of our reality. Hmmm, I believe I shall watch an episode of Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Now that show still holds up. Garren McGavin was a damn genius!
  16. Well, besides your excellent list, Kip's first list was damn fine. I hate Gone with the Wind, too much over acting, seemed like a movie version of a soap opera, just too much. However its a classic, just because I don't like it does not mean most of our generation have not seen it, the contrary in fact. I would add Scent of a Woman as that was huge when it came out, Brian's Song, MASH (movie of course), Lolita, and The Shining. In fact, I would probably place The Shining of just about every generations list of top 10's from the Baby Boomers to whatever the hell the are calling this generation. My 25 year old step-son and his friends love The Shining and pretty much all movies from the 60's through the 80's. He says everyone he knows realizes the greatest years in cinema were the late 50's - mid-80's and they really go for those movies. Though Drew (my step-son) is a lot like me in that he loves ALL cinema, from 1903's The Great Train Robbery up to the present with movies such as Parasite and Nomadland. This latest generation is a rather closed-lip bunch due to the prevalence of social media, but once they open up, its rather surprising how aware they can be. Not all but many and that's a start.
  17. and a bit short-sighted. Every tour they should have hit, at the very least, the big three Canadian cities: Montreal, Toronto, & Vancouver. If they were worried about drug busts how difficult would it have been to simply stay drug free for a single day? Fly in, do the show, and fly out. Not even a single day, just a few hours. Crazy.
  18. Knowing that now I think the movie came off quite well considering such a silly manner in which it was decided. I would think for such a filming the crew would need to practice with a good two or three shows prior so both the filming crew and the band would know what to do and be familiar with everything. I always wondered how a professional filming crew and director could cock it up so badly but now it makes perfect sense.
  19. For OUR generation I think this list is pretty spot-on.
  20. I know, right? This is just stupid 😉
  21. Meh, you've been watching too much CSI my friend. Those cameras usually have relatively poor resolution unless you are within a large city center, plus, just wear a hat, dark clothes, and keep your head down (so as to not show your face, or wear a fake mustache) and you're golden. Plus, if you have no record or, if your DNA is not on file, they can collect all the DNA they want and it means nothing. They would need to get a warrant to compel you to submit a DNA sample and no judge will sign off on that without some serious probable cause. Fact is, anyone can successfully whack anyone and easily get away with it as long as you follow these simple rules: 1. DIY is the ONLY way to go. Two people can keep a secret as long as one is dead. So if you gonna do it, do it yourself with no help. 2. Keep yer mouth shut, do not ever talk about the deed with ANYONE. Wife, dad, Priest, bro...no go. 3. Should the cops approach you say nothing, answer nothing. If they press just say, "I will not answer any questions without my attorney present. BTW...am I under arrest?" If they say no (not under arrest), just say, "Well then, have a good day." And leave. If they do arrest you say nothing, absolutely nothing and call an attorney. Over 90% of all convictions are a result of the person talking either directly to the police and thereby incriminating themselves or, they talk to someone else about the deed who then tells the police. Over 95% of ALL murder convictions are a result of loose lips. If you follow these three easy steps you too can whack the creep / jackass of your choosing with absolutely NO repercussions. Well, except with having to shoulder the burden of murdering another human for the rest of your life. Personally, I could only kill another person in direct defense of my life or another's and even then I would likely be racked with serious guilt until the day I die. Ps. Killing is bad mmmm-kay. Please don't kill people. We have way too much of that going on as it is.
  22. Hmmmm, looks like you REALLY thought this out. A for effort but, oh darn, I really gotta run. Sorry 😉
  23. Please Sir, may I have a link too 🙂
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