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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. This is a goodun'. Love how playful he's being at the very end. ^^ Those little riffs he does, then throws in a snippet of the famous Heartbreaker run just for giggles
  2. It's painful to watch. It's not as if racism doesn't exist, it does .. but no way was it involved in his firing. Just cringy. I'm glad they dumped him. If we can get rid of Grier and Ross next, things will be lookin up!! 😛 I'm actually being serious, that org is toxic af. The team and players succeed in spite of the top brass not because of them. I suppose you could say it's nice that Ross gives a damn and inserts himself (uhhh-HUH-huh-huh ..inSERTS .. uhhh-HUH-huh-huh) into decision-making, but he's just not a good guy and doesn't make great decisions.
  3. Nothing strikes more fear into an opponent then when they hear they're facing ... the Washington Incumbents!!! Yeah, Commanders is a horrible name.
  4. 1975NQ


    "MS TESCHMAKEEEEEEEERRRRR!!!!" Lex had no chill. Also - yowsa! Best part of the movie? I think so. I drive on the Hayward Bridge every weekend and think about that damn fault line every time I do 😂😂 It pops off on average once every 140 years (going back 2000 years), give or take 20 years. The last "due date" was October 2008. So we're over 13 years into the margin. Bay area people have so many justifications about why you shouldn't think or worry about it, it's bewildering. I'm like .... "why do you live here" lol. It could pop literally any day now. Each day that passes increases the likelihood.
  5. Recently watched the Howlin Wolf doc that's up on Amazon. It's fantastic. He does a nice version of "Going Down Slow" on it. He also did a fantastic version of "Rollin and Tumblin" written with new lyrics and now called "Down in the Bottom". That one really got my attention, as I'm a massive Beefheart fan (and am pretty sure the only Beefheart fan on the forum lol). Beefheart's first song from his first album i a reworked and sped up "Rollin and Tumblin". He adopted the wolf's entire stage manner, along with the voice. Beefheart was an original but at the same time stuck with the wanna-be wolf stage persona throughout his entire career which is fascinating to me.
  6. Not really crazy about the solo on this one, tbh. Some of it sounds ok, but other parts sound like aimless wandering. There are parts where he's playing random-sounding stuff, almost like he's wondering to himself: "hmmm, what to play next ..?" He actually does this a lot with the OTH solo in 75. It's real hit and miss, in keeping with the whole "hit and miss" aesthetic of that tour 😂 I like the MSG 2-7 and 2-12 solos because they sound more fluid, inspired and coherent, like there's some kind of plot involved with the solo. I've also been listening to the solo from St Louis 2-16 today, and it's good! Bonzo is just incredible on this. It also doesn't hurt that the sound quality is stunning. Someone on YouTube remastered the original Liriodendron, and it sounds amazing.You can really hear Jonesy in the mix - it's a perfect sounding balance of all 3 of them imo.
  7. Thanks for putting the spotlight on this one. Gave it a listen over the weekend and love what Bonzo is doing - I didn't even hear it before. Cool avatar btw. Reminds me a little of the art of this guy named Matt Kindt - comic artist/writer.
  8. Just gave 5-18 another listen and ... holy shit lol. Guess I was sleeping on that one 😂 Page is killing it, and Bonzo is right there with him. I think 5-17 may have.a better flow to it though ... Not sure which one like better so for now am putting 5-18 at number 2 on the list.
  9. My memory of 5-18 DAC is that I was never too crazy about it, but now I need to go and give it another listen ...
  10. Top 6 DAC from 75 I listen to (because this is why we are here 😛) 5-17-75 - flows really nicely and Jimmy is sounding as good as I've heard from him in 75 5-18-75 fluid Page, red hot Bonzo 2-13-75 - killer, super long version that does not drag at all for me 2-8-75 - a bit disjointed, per 75, but damn when he's on he's on 2-7-75 - this also flows really well, Page is very fluid, and it just has a great feel to it, not boring at all which for me is rare for DAC from this year 3-20-75 - killer, super long like Nassau above but this one honestly drags a bit in places for me Honorable mentions: 5-24-75 (best Robert performance of the year, best Woodstock); 3-10-75 (poor audio makes this tough to fairly judge) and 3-25-75 (have a soft spot for this one and it's a damn fine version, my fav night of their 3 night LA run by a mile)
  11. I have good news for you (and bad for me) ... they've all moved to Sacramento!! Bearded, man buns, sandals with jeans and absolutely no original thoughts or personality of their own ... dang, we are some salty sailors 😂😂
  12. This was a lot of fun to watch, thanks for posting. Robert all over it with the Arthur Lee questions lol. And of course, he nailed "Bluebird over the Mountains" .
  13. Agreed. Having said that, he's miles better than Tua. Both Flores and the owner wanted him - they pursued him heavily. But timing wasn't right regarding legalities. Personally, I think it says a lot about both the owner and Flores that they went after someone as toxic as Watson. Miami is a toxic org atm, regarding both the owner and Flores. He was canned due to both lack of results 3 years after hiring him and he wasn't exactly beloved by a lot of the players, including Tua. Regarding Tua, great guy but he'll never be the kind of QB that is frankly needed to get to championship status. He will get better as time goes on, from a mental toughness perspective. But he'll never be a Justin Herbert. My guess is they're hedging their bets sticking with him for now. Options for top tier QBs are slim pickins atm. I imagine they'll try unsuccessfully to get Rodgers with Tua as backup. If they're able to beef up the OL in the off season and bring in Daboll (which I think is both smart and likely), they have a shot at playoffs next season. But I don't think they'll ever be a top tier AFC team like Bills or Chiefs until they both get a stronger QB and beef up the OL a bit, just my 2 cents.
  14. Boston s a top 10 show, easy. The playing and intensity just got hotter as the night went on, and it's very possible we can thank those unruly southies for that lol. Robert starts off with admonishment, pleading for order, "take it easy" etc. But at some point, towards the second half of the show, you can tell they're just like "eff it" and go into we-are-gonna-pound-your-brain-senseless-with-rock mode. I think Jimmy ups his game in these types of situations, he's done the same on plenty of other nights with unruly crowds. Yes, they cut the show short and didn't give encores,. But man, did they play their asses off. Dazed is one of the best of the tour, and so is STH. The unstoppable force met the immovable object, basically. I was reading YouTube comments on this show earlier while listening, and some guy said "toxic love" lol, That one made me chuckle, pretty clever,
  15. After doing a deep dive into this tour recently, I def agree with this. The run they had from Seattle through Pittsburgh is just crazy good.
  16. I've always loved this show, but Bonzo sounds a little off on some of the numbers. It sounds like he's dropping the beat on Black Dog, and on Rock and Roll it doesn't sound the way he normally plays it - which is kinda cool but also throws me off when I listen to it.
  17. Haha yes indeed. There's a great Zep interview from 75 that always reminds me of Spinal Tap. I listened to it a lot in high school. The interviewer asks Page to please use the radio's station name in his greeting, which would be pre-recorded for later play throughout the day. Page goes "How do you say WQSR? Oh, you say it like that." Classic.
  18. Honestly, I think that was less drugs and more ego. He was always pretty arrogant, but we wouldn't have him any other way lol. Without that arrogance/ego, he'd be someone different.Just like Elvis and Sinatra before that. I've seen him say the cringiest stuff to female interviewers well into the 80s and 90s ... Robert's gonna Robert lol. With Zep, he was at his most testosterone-fueled and horny. That "I'm a Golden God" shtick he did for the 75 RS interview was absolutely for the fans to read, mainly the female ones. He knew exactly what he was doing, feeding the myth. Plus, cocaine 💯 But yeah, hearing him say that "FEEL IT" line is so cringy and just makes me chuckle. It's like Jesus dude, take a knee. 😂😂
  19. Nice, I'll have to give that one a listen too. 3-17 is a show I've just skimmed over in the past, not listening too very often except for NQ.
  20. Haven't listened to those shows in quite a while. I'll have to revisit them! From your nitpicks, it looks like 10-10-72 is a good one? I get into full-on geek mode with this shit (lookin for the gold), but hey we all need a hobby. The 10-2-72 and 10-9-72 (Stand By Me!) shows I listened to endlessly in high school so those 2 have some sentimental value.
  21. Wow, that's a great story! I would have been asking her endless questions about her Zep experience 😂 I've actually never been super interested in occult stuff myself. But I did love TD Season 1. I thought it was fantastic across the board with writing, acting, direction and production. I had no idea that it was based on real life stuff, that is creepy af. The only thing I've heard about with evil spirit stuff is some stories the girl who cuts my hair has told me. She is a special individual and has had some truly terrifying experiences. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Before she shared that with me, I never really gave that stuff much thought. It kinda gives me the heebie jeebies lol
  22. Yeah I agree. I was so impressed with him with his interviews, but the stuff he writes is just awful sometimes, both with content and that dumbed-down rhetoric. Oh well lol.
  23. All good, my friend! To each their own, as you say. My experience with younger women has been different, but it's a big world we live in with lots of different people. 🙂 For the record, I've never been "against" dating older women, I've just found the chemistry and fun factor as well as ironically maturity factor to be so much better with women in the mid 20s to late 30s group. Probably just a coincidence, I'm sure. I've always been kind of a young soul too so that has something to do with it. Who knows lol.
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