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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I don't think that when it was created it had a meaning. It was drawn while he was doodling on the phone sometime during the Yardbird years. It's a possibly that a meaning was given after the speculation. Jimmy isn't going to tell us what it means any time soon. He knows that everyone and their brother wants to know the meaning so he isn't going to tell just to be that way. We'll find out in due time. Jimmy probably enjoys all of us wasting hours and hours of time trying to figure out what it means. I say we humour him and speculate some more.
  2. ^It is very classic. Kinda reminds me of this picture: I can't find the one where he's in the exact same pose. I know I have it but it must not be in my photobucket.
  3. So after reading my origianal post I sound really short and snotty. I"ll offer the info that I know. Robert quit all hard drugs when Karac died. I read in an interview that Karac's death put things in perspective and so he quit. Whether or not that includes pot, I don't know. He did still smoke after that since there is a picture of him in a cafe with a cigarette in his hand. It's black and white, I'm sure someone knows what I'm talking about. Jimmy probably smokes from time to time, it's bound to happen. Espeacially since he had all the problems with drugs he did, I'm sure it's hard to quit.
  4. I thought the yellow was intended, looks interesting. Anyway it's really cool that he signed it for you.
  5. Zep was just a fantastic band. One reason I like them is because like me they are nver still. Everything is constantly changing, moving, and progressing.
  6. I've not heard all of them, but I have Echoes on vinyl and it's good.
  7. My mom took me to my first concert. It was April 20 to see Robert Plant. She could be considered a wet blanket, in that I'm the opbessive fan and she didn't really care. What really got me was this lady and her daughter. The place was all chairs and no standing. They stood the entire time, after being asked repeatedly to be sit down by various people. Both of them were beyond drunk, could hardly talk, walk or stand up on their own. Security finally came and they were escourted out. It didn't ruin my first concert but it did put a damper on it.
  8. Haven't seen you here in awhile, how are you? Anyway, it has. No one is here, I heard there's another forum, for the "elite". Don't know if it's true though, just the rumour. When people are here a lot of arguing goes on.
  9. Nevermind, that sounded really stupid. I misread the date. Didn't know that Zep was at Newport.
  10. First of all, Jimmy Page must have lot of guts to get a bass player, dummer, AND a singer for a band. On a more serious note, I have no problems with Jeff Beck's personality. However, his professional musicianship isn't too great. He has been known to not show up at gigs, throw fits, leave during gigs, etc. It's just my opinion, but unless there is a serious, if people pay money to see you play you need to play the gig.
  11. I'm almost postive that they are married. I read that Jimmy was married sometime in the sixites, he was divorced my the beginning of Zep though. He might have a ring, but keeps it on a chain or something. I had a teacher who did that. He had a friend who was climbing a fence and the ring got caught on the top and ripped his finger off.
  12. At English coures? What are those, or do you mean to English courses, like English classes?
  13. No I didn't. You accused me of not being a "real" fan because I was too young. It isn't my fault I'm young. I'm just as much a fan as anyone else here.
  14. You aren't alone, there are plenty of people here just like you.
  15. Here's my list: 1. Take college courses 2. Go on vacation/ family reunion 3. Go to the Gutherie Center, AKA the church from Alice's Restaurant.
  16. I'm just going to throw this out there, but SteveAJones it isn't like you don't personally attack. In fact, I recall you calling Gainsbarre Gaybarre and if that isn't a personal attack I don't know what is. I don't think that he is gay. You have also made personal remarks about me. So I don't really think you have any room to call people on on personal attacks.
  17. Congrats! I'm glad to hear such great news.
  18. At least someone does. I won't mention names but I've been accused of not being old enough to be a "real" fan.
  19. I want a time machine.
  20. I have a recording of it from the '80 tour. It's Bonham's Final Show, and it sounds great.
  21. My dad is a big Zep fan so I've just grown up around it and it got in my blood. He always listened to them and I loved the sound. I've been a fan for my entire life. (That is about of literal as it gets for those of you who doubt me.)
  22. If they tour they need to do it with the old stuff. I am dead set against a new album. They dibanded for a reason and if they did new material that would totally make their disbandment pointless. I"m not against aa reunion tour, so they can get a last goodbye and new fans can see them. Do I think that more than a reunion tour is a good thing? No, I don't because that would defeat the point.
  23. I think the how comment was very positive. It probably means that he has seriously considered it.
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