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How did you find this board, and how do you like it?


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Page and Plant stopped by my house prior to the O2. I told them to count me in to join their new/revised forum. I told them I was unfamiliar with the previous forum...they said no big deal.After chatting for a couple of hours on my back deck, they left with other business to attend to. I joined the forum within minutes of their leaving my house.Unfortunately, my damn camera was on the fritz that day...

I can honestly say with no crossed fingers, I pretty much appreciate everyone's opinions on this forum, no matter much I agree or disagree with them.

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Why would this be an "improvement"? I'm not knocking it, I just don't get it.

The other forum I frequent has YouTube/Google video embedding.

The vid appears in your post as opposed to opening a new tab, more convenient to view within the thread.

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The other forum I frequent has YouTube/Google video embedding.

The vid appears in your post as opposed to opening a new tab, more convenient to view within the thread.

Hmm, I see what you are saying, for me it's the opposite. Another forum I frequent has that as well and it's just more to scroll past if I'm not interested in watching it(usually I'm not). For me it's more convienient to have the occasional extra tab to close than to have to scroll past a bunch of stuff I'm not interested in, every time.

It's the same as people who post really long excerpts from other sites, why not just provide a link? Especially when it's to support an argument. Do they think anyone they are arguing with really reads that stuff?

In the overall scheme of things I guess it doesn't really matter.

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I prefer embedded videos so if I do want to watch it, it's right there. I'm not that put out by having to scroll past videos I have no interest in seeing. Plus, the way YouTube labels their videos now you can see who the song and the artist are. Some folks here seem to have trouble using the link function to label videos so that also saves some time in clicking on a lilnk for a video you may have no interest in seeing.

As for lengthy excerpts I try not to post entire articles anymore. I normally just post the first paragraph or so, then provide a link. That way the site gets the hits they deserve. I know in some instances, those hits are very crucial for them staying in business so the more visitors, the better.

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I just searched it. I thought "why not Zepp are a well known and famous band why shouldn't there be a forum?"

Typed in "offical zeppelin forum" and found it :mellow:

Edit: yeah I like this forum alot, I learn alot and it's the kinda place where you can make friends easily. and well designed. :)

Edited by Jimmy's A Legend
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From the old board. Everyone just transferred over.

Same here. I think I found the old forum because I was looking for something specific about Zep, and found the electric magic site. And lo and behold, they had a forum!

Do I like this site? Sure. I'm glad the O2 craziness has died down, it wasn't enjoyable for a while there. And I pretty much gave up on the main forum, I don't have any new or fascinating tidbits on Zep that everyone else doesn't already know. But this place is alright. For the most part, people are enjoyable. I have even built friendships with people from the forum outside of here, which is pretty cool. I will probably always have my rose-colored glasses on when I think about the old place, but I don't think it can be helped.

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I prefer embedded videos so if I do want to watch it, it's right there. I'm not that put out by having to scroll past videos I have no interest in seeing. Plus, the way YouTube labels their videos now you can see who the song and the artist are. Some folks here seem to have trouble using the link function to label videos so that also saves some time in clicking on a lilnk for a video you may have no interest in seeing.

As for lengthy excerpts I try not to post entire articles anymore. I normally just post the first paragraph or so, then provide a link. That way the site gets the hits they deserve. I know in some instances, those hits are very crucial for them staying in business so the more visitors, the better.

I rarely click on any links, but your way of providing them seems like the most considerate. I'm certainly not going to click on something someone just puts up and says "click here", with no hint at the content.

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  • 1 month later...

Couple of other things I'd like to throw into the suggestion box:

1) How come I can edit some posts of mine and some I can't?

2) When I click on go to first unread post on a thread I've never even read before I'm taken to the last page of the thread. On all of the other boards I belong to, when you click on first unread post it actually takes you to the first post in the thread you haven't read yet.

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Hi there everybody.

Just wanted to know how you have found this board on the internet, did somebody tell you, was it just karma? How long have you been here and how frequent do you visit?

And how do you like your stay here....are the topics interesting enough, do you like/dislike certain people here?

Could certain things improve to make it even more interesting?

Just was beeing curious, what your motives are,

feel free to tell,

rock on!

Great topic! I have been a die hard fan since 69. I honestly just got the time to do this. I am only on this forum and CNN and whitehouse.org. I wished I would have joined earlier... There is so much knowledge from people who have the same passion for this music and music in general.

Sometimes people get a little crazy which is suprising... I say this because LZ was the one group that seemed to have a bond of friendship while so many bands of their time were fighting and trying to upstage one another. I totally believe that everyone has a right to their opinion, but I have come across a few responses where someone has expressed strong opinions about responses of someone defending LZ as the greatest band....this is a LZ Forum!!

Overall I think this is one great group of people from all over the world that love sharing the insights, knowledge and experiences of loving this band.

The only thing I would change is that some post seem to be a little vulgar...maybe their just having a bad day. Glad we have this and I am looking forward to the many discussions:-)

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Hi there everybody.

Just wanted to know how you have found this board on the internet, did somebody tell you, was it just karma? How long have you been here and how frequent do you visit?

And how do you like your stay here....are the topics interesting enough, do you like/dislike certain people here?

Could certain things improve to make it even more interesting?

Just was beeing curious, what your motives are,

feel free to tell,

rock on!

How's it going "reswati" as well as our fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Believe it or not, I just used common sense and keyed in ledzeppelin.com and BEHOLD! Look what I found! You would be surprised on what you can find by just using common sense. Ha Ha! There are lots of interesting threads here on the Forum, some that even inspired me to come back to the Forum and start a new thread of my own like many others do. Here on the Forum, you are always going to have members that are going to agree with you, and some that are going to disagree with you. You can't have everything here on the Forum. And despite the many heated arguments that get out of hand here on the Forum, please remember that it is our passion for LED ZEPPELIN that we all share and have in common that brings us all together here on the Forum. As for my motives here on the Forum, my motive is just to meet interesting fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics such as yourselves that share my same love and passion for LED ZEPPELIN. Everyone here has a different favorite album or a different favorite song or better yet, a different favorite bootleg CD album or bootleg DVD. Everyone here has different tastes and thats what makes the world go round. After all, the youth of today as well as tomorrow, will help in keeping LED ZEPPELIN'S legacy alive! ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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I came over from the old site, even though i hardly posted there.

I continue to be astounded at the level of dedication and knowledge with regards to the band. I have learned so much, even though i became a LZ fan when they were active. I thought that i knew my stuff but learned that i knew jack shit!

Anyhoo, some great people here with great perspective on many day-to-day issues. It's been fun and informative.

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I really don't remember. :o

But it was a loooong time ago.

Several "old" boards ago.

This is fine by me. Sam puts up with a lot here, and keeps on truckin. Page has supported this site, which say's a lot about Sam. :thanku:

I don't get it when so many say " I only like the old board." What-eva....

I say Be Here Now and grow and get on with it.

I kinda wish we had a Sports section, cos in the midst of all the playoffs and whatnot, the Ramble on is innundated by sports. That's fine, it just would be nice to have a forum for sports freaks.


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I found this board about a year ago, I was new to them and still am. I like it I have learned a lot more of Led Zeppelin and the other bands section has diversified my taste of music since I first joined through recommendations.

Couple of other things I'd like to throw into the suggestion box:

1) How come I can edit some posts of mine and some I can't?

I think after a day or so you can't edit your post. It's bogus, I think.

Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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I think after a day or so you can't edit your post. It's bogus, I think.

I received a PM about the Edit function from "Admin". I have asked but haven't received an answer about the time limit or why there even is one. This is the only board I'm a member of where there's a time limit placed on how long you have to edit a post. Same thing for the Flood Control function.

Another improvement I'd love to see is a board upgrade. Other than a few tweaks here and there I do believe this is the same exact board software that existed on the previous board before it became official. Sometimes the load time on this board slows to a complete stall even on broadband. If would be great if something could be done to improve that.

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