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Cosmetic surgery thread: Who's had it, who wants it


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Why? Because the internet is anonymous and people can feel more free about sharing this sort of information.

So you don't understand my post because there is one word that might not of needed to be used? Does it really throw the whole thing off that badly?

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I personally don't see anything "wrong" with someone having surgery to correct real or perceived flaws in their appearance, for purely cosmetic or for medical reasons.

I agree that some people "look" for a medical reason to have the surgery. That is the only way that medical insurance will pay for it, as cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. As an Optometrist, I see patients with ptosis, droopy eyelids. There are strict qualifications for insurance coverage for an eyelid lift. Most patients will not pay for it out of pocket. I have had several 50ish women pay for it themselves, with excellent results: improved vision and it made them look ten years younger. I have decided that I will have this surgery when needed and will pay for it myself, as it does improve vision and looks. Just a note: I have worn rigid gas permeable contact lenses, and the way you remove them from your eyes involves stretching the upper eyelid to pop them out of your eyes. This breaks down the tendon that holds your eyelid up, resulting in droopy eyelids with aging. So I will probably need the surgery some day due to this, and I will not hesitate to have it done.

I am currently wearing braces for the second time in my life, so I guess you can call this a cosmetic proceedure. Having straight teeth is important to me, and is worth paying for as I don't have insurance that pays for it. And my sons have worn braces in the past and have fairly straight teeth now, and nice smiles. Definitely worth it.

I think that DRUNK08 is being a troll, trying to get into agruments by insulting people for their opinions. If Reswati and Manderlyh and lzfan say they will not have cosmetic surgery, there is no reason not to believe them and respect their opinions. Also, no reason to question Reswati's statement about the 300 women as it is totally believable. He has posted pictures of himself and he is nice looking, doesn't need any surgery, like he said. Quit psycho-analyzing everyone's post, trying to prove that they are not telling their true opinions, which are different than yours. And respect that they are perfectly happy with their appearances as they are currently.

Also, people can become seriously addicted to cosmetic surgery, searching for perfection, which is unattainable. Look around you. No one is perfect. People come in all shapes, sizes, colors. What is beautiful to one culture is different than what another culture considers beautiful. 99.9% of the people in the world are ordinary, normal looking. A very few are truly beautiful, and a very few are truly ugly. Looks are fleeting. Look at any aged former beauty queen or movie star. Lost their youthful looks, even though they have had surgery. Everyone gets wrinkles, gains weight, gets gray hair. Do you see any beautiful 70 year olds? And after we die, our physical bodies rot away. What remains of us is what we did with our lives, how we spent our time on earth, what our legacy is, how we contributed to make the world better while we were alive. Like was stated before, your inner beauty is what is most important.

If you are dis-satisfied with your looks and you have the means, have the cosmetic surgery if you want it. If you don't believe in it, don't do it. But it is not the road to true happiness and self satisfaction, as promoted by Hollywood, DRUNK08, and our society. And don't criticize someone for choosing to do it or for choosing not to do it due to their convictions about it.

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I think that DRUNK08 is being a troll, trying to get into agruments by insulting people for their opinions. If Reswati and Manderlyh and lzfan say they will not have cosmetic surgery, there is no reason not to believe them and respect their opinions. Also, no reason to question Reswati's statement about the 300 women as it is totally believable. He has posted pictures of himself and he is nice looking, doesn't need any surgery, like he said. Quit psycho-analyzing everyone's post, trying to prove that they are not telling their true opinions, which are different than yours. And respect that they are perfectly happy with their appearances as they are currently.

Ok, so I guess a 20 year old really knows what they'll be thinking in 20 years? Yeah, right. As I've said before, and I will repeat, people that make grand declarations, especially at such a young age, are foolish. We all know, opinions change. In this case especially, how can a young person with no signs of aging even think about what their views on cosmetic surgery will be far into the future when the aging process is hitting hard? Impossible.

As far as reswati goes, I haven't seen him, but you're pretty foolish also if you trust some guy on the internet claiming he had sex with 300 different women.

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Who's 20?

Reswati's a good looking guy. Perhaps he's got some major mojo too?

I know PLENTY of men who have been with a lot of women. It's not because they're hung like a horse or that they're just so hot that women can't handle it. It's probably because he has a quality that's really attractive--a quality within.

...and for the record, I really don't care whether he's been with 300 women or not, that's not the point. I'm saying that it's possible.

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I won't stretch...I'm 50 and leaning toward getting braces for my teeth to improve my smile,(or my smile as I perceive it.) It's pure vanity,but I don't give a shit. I exercise and eat fairly nutritious fare.Plus my wife thinks it's cool to see 40 and 50 somethings sporting braces.I hope I have the balls to follow through with this.

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Ok, so I guess a 20 year old really knows what they'll be thinking in 20 years? Yeah, right. As I've said before, and I will repeat, people that make grand declarations, especially at such a young age, are foolish. We all know, opinions change. In this case especially, how can a young person with no signs of aging even think about what their views on cosmetic surgery will be far into the future when the aging process is hitting hard? Impossible.

As far as reswati goes, I haven't seen him, but you're pretty foolish also if you trust some guy on the internet claiming he had sex with 300 different women.

I agree that no one knows what the future holds and how one will feel about it in time. But you are pretty much saying that they will definitely change their mind about it when they look in the mirror when they are older, and in turn you are insinuating that they are lying. Not everyone fears aging and looking old and therefore don't share your opinions about it. The percentage of the population who has cosmetic surgery is very small compared to the population in general. This is mainly due to cost. So most people can't do it due to affordability. And most people are not afraid of aging, it is just part of life.

And you are automatically assuming that reswati is lying just because he is on the internet. I grant you that the number may be exaggerated, but in general, I see no reason not to believe him. He lives in a country that has fairly liberal morals relative to the US and it is perfectly conceivable to me that he is telling the truth. Look at Gene Simmons. In my opinion, he is as ugly as sin and has had thousands of women. He is older than reswati and has had easier opportunities due to his fame, but it is easier for me to believe reswati's claims than Gene Simmons'. :) Reswati is much better looking.

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Ok, so I guess a 20 year old really knows what they'll be thinking in 20 years? Yeah, right. As I've said before, and I will repeat, people that make grand declarations, especially at such a young age, are foolish. We all know, opinions change. In this case especially, how can a young person with no signs of aging even think about what their views on cosmetic surgery will be far into the future when the aging process is hitting hard? Impossible.

As far as reswati goes, I haven't seen him, but you're pretty foolish also if you trust some guy on the internet claiming he had sex with 300 different women.

You're the one making grand declarations on how OTHER people are going to be in 20 years or how they should think. And so what if that's how they feel now, they're perfectly entitled. Stop telling people how they will be. I see no point in shit stirring which is exactly what you are doing. Have some tolerance.

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I won't stretch...I'm 50 and leaning toward getting braces for my teeth to improve my smile,(or my smile as I perceive it.) It's pure vanity,but I don't give a shit. I exercise and eat fairly nutritious fare.Plus my wife thinks it's cool to see 40 and 50 somethings sporting braces.I hope I have the balls to follow through with this.

The first time I got the braces, it was more of an ordeal. I had to have alot of X-rays, impressinons, models of my mouth made. I had the braces on for about two years. You go every month to have the wires and bands changed, so there is a time commitment with it. And there is some discomfort at first also, causing difficulty eating. But that is soon gone.

This time, I have had them since March and am ready to get them off in a month or so. I didn't have to have the X-rays or impressions and no pain this time either. It just took a while to be able to eat with them again, but now I am chewing gum, even though I am not supposed to, lol.

I would highly reccommend that you at least visit with an orthodontist. They will tell you what would be involved and how much it would cost and how long you will wear the braces. Take the first step. That is the hardest. The rest will be easy. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go through it again at my age, but I am very glad that I did. It was one of my New Year's resolutions for 2009.

By the way, there are other adults in the orthodontist's office when I go in every month for my adjustments. So alot of adults are getting braces.

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The initial questions in this thread were "who's had it or who wants it". I wasn't asking how "people feel about it". The answer to those question were the only thing required. My opinion wasn't included. This wasn't supposed to be a discussion about people's personal beliefs regarding plastic surgery. However, once people decided to introduce their opinions, then the discussion allowed me introduce my opinion.

Oh DRUNK, we can read. It's obvious that your opinion was included from the very beginning. Reswati posted a simple answer to your question, and it was you who attacked him for not including his personal rationalizations and beliefs.

If you wanted a vigorous, heated discussion, it's ok with me. It's better than Word Association. But at least admit it. :rolleyes:

Ok, so I guess a 20 year old really knows what they'll be thinking in 20 years? Yeah, right. As I've said before, and I will repeat, people that make grand declarations, especially at such a young age, are foolish. We all know, opinions change. In this case especially, how can a young person with no signs of aging even think about what their views on cosmetic surgery will be far into the future when the aging process is hitting hard? Impossible.

As far as my opinion goes, I think I'm a better judge of this than you. What I said was no great declaration, it was just an attitude, including not only what I think about plastic surgery, but also how I feel about myself. Feeling insecure about one's looks is totally independent on age. Do you really think I don't know that my boobs will sag one day? Oh the drama. I'm imperfect already, but I'm fine with it. I'm fine with being pale because my doctor forbidden me to tan, although it's fashionable to look like you've just returned from Bahamas. I'm short-sighted. Again, who cares, I've been wearing glasses since I was 11, and I've never felt uglier or weaker because of that. Most of the people around me are an inch taller than me. Do I feel bad because it's fashionable to be tall these days? Of course not.

Now, do I really believe that something as insignificant as wrinkles will make me change my attitude? No.

If it's impossible for you to imagine that you'll be able to cope with the changes in your appearance, fine. It's part of your world view. I respect it.

But I think that you should also ask yourself why you are afraid of aging, or why you support the idea of artificial improvement in the first place. I agree it's a valid choice if someone's face is disfigured after a car wreck, or if a woman loses one breast due to cancer, etc. That's fine. I would probably undergo it as well under such circumstances.

What is not cool, though, is that today's prepubescent girls are convinced that if their breasts won't grow into an agreeable size, it will be impossible to for them to lead a normal life. And that's not fine. That's sad.

Edited by Katuschka
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Yes, you are right!

I think that it is useful when you have your face damaged after a car crash or so... the sad thing is, that we are not able to age with nonchalance. This is also because in TV they tell us every day that you must be young, beautiful, rich, sucessful, perfect- and we sometimes have the feeling that when we don´t fit into this image, we can right go and shoot ourselves down!

This is what makes me sad and pissed off!


And it was after various pro-ana blogs and web pages appeared when it started to be really scary. :angry:

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Just finished reading the rest of this thread, since I went to bed early yesterday, I even re-read all the posts since I like reading.

What strikes me most about you, Drunk08, is your incredible arrogance and your lack of vision.

You may be dissatisfied with your looks, and you may be even able to change it, now or in 20 years....no surgeon in the world can change your hostile/negative/prejudiced attitude.

I hope for you that your future experiences will make you a little bit wiser once you are 20 years older, else you will be ending up as a bitter old fart indeed.

You should possibly travel a little bit more instead of wasting your eyesight behind a computer, there are many fascinating things to be seen, and no, Europe is not full of socialists, and just in case that you wanted to know, Holland, where I live is not full of prostitutes either.

With kind regards:


Gene Simmons...haha....uhhh....I mean Reswati.

(A smile is diamond)

Edited by reswati
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You may be dissatisfied with your looks, and you may be even able to change it, now or in 20 years....no surgeon in the world can change your hostile/negative/prejudiced attitude.

Good point. Lolo Ferrari was a wonderful example. -_- So is Michael Jackson, Jocelyn Wildenstein, ... ; you name it.

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Bruce Jenner just had his old face surgery redone (lol, saw this on an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, ugh) and he does look better. Was a bad job the first time, 20 years ago (partial facelift and nosejob).

My daughter has a blue pen "dot" on her cheek from when she was less than two years old. It turned into a tatoo after the initial abrasion healed and the mark was left (she poked herself with the pen). She was at my mom's at the time and i guess my mom didn't wash her face well enough after it happened (a pet peeve of mine). Looks like a small birthmark, but i know it doesn't belong there and it bothers me. I spoke to a reconstructive surgeon at work (who works on trauma and cancer patients) who said with a quick laser it will be gone. His advice was wait until she complains about it and if/then, get it done. I already plan to get it done eventually. I want to get rid of something unnatural that shouldn't be there which i feel is different from changing what's natural. For me, personally i have no desire to change my appearance (not that it couldn't stand a change) with plastic surgery. But as others have said, if a medical issue or accident caused injury requiring it, that would be different.

Feeling good about yourself needs to come from within first and foremost. If you don't like yourself, changing your looks won't change that. If you do like yourself, and something about your appearance drives you crazy, by all means, change it if you so desire.

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From a strictly cosmetic standpoint it would not be for me, but I would support it for reconstructive or medical purposes. Or for personal comfort; I know several women who had breast reduction surgery and were so happy afterwards.

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Feeling good about yourself needs to come from within first and foremost. If you don't like yourself, changing your looks won't change that. If you do like yourself, and something about your appearance drives you crazy, by all means, change it if you so desire.

:thumbsup::yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: Very very true.

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Ok, I'll bite.

I've been thinking about getting a boob job. I'm really flat-chested and for the most part I thought I was ok with it. Occasionally it would upset me (for example when I needed a bra with tons of padding to get me wedding dress to fit) but for the most part I liked my body. Then when I had my son earlier this year I suddenly had boobs and I loved how I looked--for about a week I finally had a feminine figure. Then they disappeared again even before I stopped nursing and I felt a kind of crushing disappointment--I hadn't realized how much I had looked forward to having a figure that was something more than boyish.

In the end I probably won't do it as I'm kind of a nature-girl and it would be weird for me to make a point of eating natural food and then have silicone fun-bags implanted in my body, and I think small ones often age better, but it is something I think about. My husband doesn't care either way as long as I'm happy with them. (In my experience guys don't actually care a great deal about breast size--as long as you have something up there they're happy--so I wouldn't let that be a factor in my getting the surgery anyway.)

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What strikes me most about you, Drunk08, is your incredible arrogance and your lack of vision.

You may be dissatisfied with your looks, and you may be even able to change it, now or in 20 years....no surgeon in the world can change your hostile/negative/prejudiced attitude.

I hope for you that your future experiences will make you a little bit wiser once you are 20 years older, else you will be ending up as a bitter old fart indeed.

You should possibly travel a little bit more instead of wasting your eyesight behind a computer, there are many fascinating things to be seen, and no, Europe is not full of socialists, and just in case that you wanted to know, Holland, where I live is not full of prostitutes either.

With kind regards:


Gene Simmons...haha....uhhh....I mean Reswati.

(A smile is diamond)

I'm very happy with my looks, but I am also very interested in maintaining them. If that includes cosmetic surgery in the future, then great.

I don't think I am arrogant or lack vision, however I do prefer a good debate, and if that rubs people the wrong way, then that's there problem.

I live in Europe buddy. I've been all around. :D

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I'm very happy with my looks, but I am also very interested in maintaining them. If that includes cosmetic surgery in the future, then great.

I don't think I am arrogant or lack vision, however I do prefer a good debate, and if that rubs people the wrong way, then that's there problem.

I live in Europe buddy. I've been all around. :D

If trying to insult people is the equivalent of a good debate to you, then you still have a lot to learn.


Animus debes mutare, non caelum.

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I don't see the need to offend anyone for thinking in a different way then you do, DRUNK, but anyway... :huh:

But I'll answer your question.

I'll be 46 in 15 days, I have never had any cosmetic surgery and I don't feel the need of having one. :)

But I do respect everyone who feels that they'll look or feel better after a cosmetic surgery. Though sometimes the results can be a disater.... :unsure:

And, just in case you don't know, I live in Brazil and we're only second to the US in number of cosmetic surgeries.

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If trying to insult people is the equivalent of a good debate to you, then you still have a lot to learn.


"Animus debes mutare, non caelum."

But his mind is Sky Blue.

My own cosmetic surgery was to have my rather large foreskin removed, after the surgery the Rabbi gave me my foreskin back as he had shaped and stitched it in to a rather nice wallet. Now every time i rub it, it turns in to a suitcase.

Regards, Danny

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I don't see the need to offend anyone for thinking in a different way then you do, DRUNK, but anyway... :huh:

But I'll answer your question.

I'll be 46 in 15 days, I have never had any cosmetic surgery and I don't feel the need of having one. :)

But I do respect everyone who feels that they'll look or feel better after a cosmetic surgery. Though sometimes the results can be a disater.... :unsure:

And, just in case you don't know, I live in Brazil and we're only second to the US in number of cosmetic surgeries.


Let's hear it for the gorgeous women over 40!


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I don't see the need to offend anyone for thinking in a different way then you do, DRUNK, but anyway... :huh:

But I'll answer your question.

I'll be 46 in 15 days, I have never had any cosmetic surgery and I don't feel the need of having one. :)

But I do respect everyone who feels that they'll look or feel better after a cosmetic surgery. Though sometimes the results can be a disater.... :unsure:

And, just in case you don't know, I live in Brazil and we're only second to the US in number of cosmetic surgeries.

Really, 46? You don't even look 40!

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Why? Because the internet is anonymous and people can feel more free about sharing this sort of information.

So you don't understand my post because there is one word that might not of needed to be used? Does it really throw the whole thing off that badly?

I think I understand....you were looking for everyone to say there is nothing wrong with it, just to justify your own needs, and as soon as a negative reply was written you went off. Calling everyone ignorant, liars, rednecks and even slandering thier parents. Well, people do have opinions and if you can't accept that, you should not ask questions that could hurt your feelings.

Edited by Dancin'Days
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