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I hate the Jonas Brothers

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But if people would get better taste in music they wouldn't exist. It's the same with reality shows. It's just the wallowing in crap i can't stand. It makes music and tv worse. In in 5 years those teenage girls and the people that watch those shows will say,,"why did i watch that garbage?". It key is to not do it now.

Who's to say their taste is better or worse than yours? You don't like them, others do. Your taste isn't better as a result, it's just what YOU prefer.

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Jesus God spats, who the hell are you to begrudge someone else's right to earn a living? I don't like the Jonas Brothers, I couldn't name you one of their songs if you paid me. That said, if you don't like them.......don't listen to them! I don't listen to them and my life is just fine. Don't buy their merchandise, don't watch any of their TV shows, don't give them a dime of your money.

People like what they like. You have no right to dictate what music should and should not exist just because YOU don't like it. If the Jonas Brothers are meant to disappear in week, they will. If they're not, they won't. That's fact. Get over it and quit whining.

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If you don't know any of their songs then how can you say that you don't like them? :)

Easy. I don't like cottage cheese and I've never eaten it. Same principle is at work here. If it looks, smells or is packaged strangely, I don't like it.

Hope that clarifies things for you.

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This is your first and only post on a Led Zeppelin forum? :huh:

You need to get a life and stop worrying about what other people like. If they make people happy, what's the problem?


And my daughter would agree ;)

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Easy. I don't like cottage cheese and I've never eaten it. Same principle is at work here. If it looks, smells or is packaged strangely, I don't like it.

Hope that clarifies things for you.

Yeah, but until you try it you can't know for sure.

Although in the case of Jonas Brothers, you can :D .

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Here's some JB news...

They will be co-hosting the MUCH MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS IN TORONTO ON JUNE 21/09. This show will be live and broadcast on the Much Music station..I like this show more than the JUNO AWARDS..

Other artists on the show include;LADY GAGA, Alexisonfire, Billy Talent, Kelly Clarkson, Rage Against, Nickleback, Black-Eyed Peas..the list goes on


I made an error..the band is Rise Against..not Rage Against...

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And sometimes there is one member among the boy bands who has a real talent and who is starting a succesfull solo-carreer- maybe like Robbie Williams who was in Take That!

I think he isn´t so bad at all!

I love Robbie and I also love Take That - they are ALL talented. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why? Because they represent everything that is wrong with music. They really do suck.

go to around 2:46...too funny and really bad

Nobody ;ikes it when someone comes along to "pimp" themselves out to 9, 10, 11, & 12 year old girls.....

But....SOMEBODY'S go to do it.... and, The Jonas Bros. have chosen to be pimped.

There's quite a lot of money to made exploiting pre-teens, in the good 'ol USA.

Just ask Disney. They are the God father's of it.

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I went to a George Thorogood concert recently and I agree 100% with something he said there: "There are two types of music - the blues and that s**t on TV!"

There will always be poor music which is highly popular but it always goes out of fashion and never stands the test of time. New bands like Black Stone Cherry and The Answer will be around for years to come whereas I can't see the Jonas Brothers lasting more than five years.

Two bands stuck in the past. Rarely does that last, but we'll see.

As for the Jonas Brothers...

I don't necessarily like the music, but it doesn't bother me.

And that Thorogood quote just irks me with it's stench of old-timer elitism.

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