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David Letterman Makes Sleazy Comments About Sarah Palin's Daughter


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Does anyone else post under this name?

I used eternal light in my post as an adjective as opposed to a proper noun, just as you infer Letterman used daughter as an adjective as opposed to the specific one who was at the game. Perhaps now you'll see how ridiculous your line of reasoning is, but I highly doubt it.

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I used eternal light in my post as an adjective as opposed to a proper noun, just as you infer Letterman used daughter as an adjective as opposed to the specific one who was at the game. Perhaps now you'll see how ridiculous your line of reasoning is, but I highly doubt it.

It would be irrelevant anyway.

But he would have needed to name the one daughter specifically.

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Actually he makes jokes about her all the time. They just barely got married, and he makes jokes about him "signing his life away."

The slutty joke was about her (Palin) gawd awful make-up wasn't it?

He makes jokes about his wife getting knocked up in a baseball dugout? No? OK, do you think he would find it humerous if someone else made such a joke?

And as for Sarah Palin, well the make-up and the woman behind it look pretty good to me. Classy too. But I guess if you're a Palin hater she could dress like an Amish person and you would say it made her look like a hooker.

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Frankly, I have no idea what "Swift" wrote and I don't watch television either. I will say this, Letterman spoke inappropriately...taken literally or figuratively, in jest or not.

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) wrote A Modest Proposal, a satirical essay detailing a solution to rampant impoverishment in Ireland at the time. He proposed for poor people to sell their children for the rich to eat. People were in an uproar when Proposal came out, but of course he was pointing out the inadequate government efforts to ease the people's troubles.

It's a pity you don't care whether it is literal or figurative, because that makes all the difference as to the point being made.

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I don't think David would take it seriously. As Palin shouldn't.

I'm not saying I hate her, or that I like or don't like her looks. But the heavy make-up, yeah, I think it's distasteful.

Michelle Obama is beautiful without an inch of pancake on her face.

I prefer a natural look on most women.

Edited by Hotplant
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An apology?.


"The Palins have no intention of providing a ratings boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show," said Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton. "Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman."

So is she saying his a Pedophile?

There's a lawsuit just waiting to happen!

Edited by Reggie29
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An apology?.


"The Palins have no intention of providing a ratings boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show," said Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton. "Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman."

So is she saying his a Pedophile?

There's a lawsuit just waiting to happen!

No, she is saying that it would be wise to keep her younger daughter away from him.

I would not want my young daughter to be exposed to his inconsiderate remarks, even if they were not intended toward her specifically.

Young girls have feelings that can easily be hurt.

It's wise to shield younger people from the callous remarks that older people make at times, same as Lori Maddox when she was underaged.

When I Was Young it was more important

pain more painful and a laugh much louder yeah

when I was young

-Eric Burdon

Edited by eternal light
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I find his expectation government ease people's troubles to be worthy of an uproar.

Not the point. But it may help to read up a bit more about just how bad things were, and what the government was saying to the people. That's exactly what was being satirized. Or are you intending to help me make my point?

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Not the point. But it may help to read up a bit more about just how bad things were, and what the government was saying to the people. That's exactly what was being satirized. Or are you intending to help me make my point?

I fail to see any salient connection, let alone a point, whatsoever to the comparison.

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If you said my 14 year-old daughter got knocked up by A-Rod, even as a joke, I'd at the very least expect an apology. I'd also give the joke writer some unpaid time off to think about it. I know they picked on Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, and the Bush daughters, but not in this way. This was just rude. And I echo the sentiments of anyone who asserts that he would never say such a thing about Obama's girls.

You're tired Dave. You haven't been relevant in a decade. At least Johnny knew how to go out in style.

Top Ten Reasons I don't give a shit about Letterman:

1. He was funnier when he was drinking

2. Shatner wants his toupee back

3. Doesn't have a teenage daughter I can say indecent things about

4. Anton Fig gets scale

5. Paul Shaffer should never have left SNL

6. GE Smith used to screw Gilda Radner (another reason Paul..nevermind)

7. Chris Elliot graduated from "Guy under the stairs" to Groundhog Day

8. Larry "Bud" Mellman is dead

9. Will Lee has to play hip hop bumper music

10. Used to be funny before you switched to CBS

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It's the Ed Sullivan "Shoe." Welcome to my "Shoe."

Morning Ev....

I stand corrected. Eye thank yew. Miserable fckig keyoard isgoing wonky. You know I can spell, but this shit's getting on my nerves. Oh now it works. How amusing.

I concur with the "Shoe" FWIW. :lol:

Anybody gotsomeAA batteres/?

Fuckng wireless ain't worth it

I guss it' goodbye fo now.

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I stand corrected. Eye thank yew. Miserable fckig keyoard isgoing wonky. You know I can spell, but this shit's getting on my nerves. Oh now it works. How amusing.

I concur with the "Shoe" FWIW. :lol:

Anybody gotsomeAA batteres/?

Fuckng wireless ain't worth it

I guss it' goodbye fo now.

:lol: You gave me chuckle this is for sure.

Or is it gas?

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If you said my 14 year-old daughter got knocked up by A-Rod, even as a joke, I'd at the very least expect an apology. I'd also give the joke writer some unpaid time off to think about it. I know they picked on Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, and the Bush daughters, but not in this way. This was just rude. And I echo the sentiments of anyone who asserts that he would never say such a thing about Obama's girls.

Well let's at least hold off on that until BO preaches abstinence solely and they echo it and get knocked up.

The joke however crude and touching sensibilities wasn't about the young girl.

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If you said my 14 year-old daughter got knocked up by A-Rod, even as a joke, I'd at the very least expect an apology. I'd also give the joke writer some unpaid time off to think about it. I know they picked on Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, and the Bush daughters, but not in this way. This was just rude. And I echo the sentiments of anyone who asserts that he would never say such a thing about Obama's girls.

You're tired Dave. You haven't been relevant in a decade. At least Johnny knew how to go out in style.

Top Ten Reasons I don't give a shit about Letterman:

1. He was funnier when he was drinking

2. Shatner wants his toupee back

3. Doesn't have a teenage daughter I can say indecent things about

4. Anton Fig gets scale

5. Paul Shaffer should never have left SNL

6. GE Smith used to screw Gilda Radner (another reason Paul..nevermind)

7. Chris Elliot graduated from "Guy under the stairs" to Groundhog Day

8. Larry "Bud" Mellman is dead

9. Will Lee has to play hip hop bumper music

10. Used to be funny before you switched to CBS

awesome Ev, great to see you posting BTW.

I'd like to add one, if you don't mind...

11. Bad clams.

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Well let's at least hold off on that until BO preaches abstinence solely and they echo it and get knocked up.

The joke however crude and touching sensibilities wasn't about the young girl.

I don't think the media would criticize him even then. He's got 'em in his hip pocket, which should actually disturb most people.

Whether Sarah Palin supported abstinence education or not is irrelevant. The joke Dave's in the hot seat over wasn't about her.

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I don't think the media would criticize him even then. He's got 'em in his hip pocket, which should actually disturb most people.

Whether Sarah Palin supported abstinence education or not is irrelevant. The joke Dave's in the hot seat over wasn't about her.

You may be right, but time will tell. Right now he's certainly got a looooot of leeway....scary?

And this is exactly my contention, Reggie, the abstinence thing. This is at the heart of the issue. I'm not arguing about how people SHOULD react, ie/ should they or should they not be offended. If someone's offended I understand and respect that. But my whole point is that the conversation or issue should not end there, because without Palin's stance on abstinence there is no joke (however a poor attempt it was at making the point).

I'm not even against teaching abstinence in and of itself, so long as it isn't preached as the only option to young people. The larger context, therefore, is that someone like Palin runs with it to the Today Show, for instance, and calls for people to "rise up" against people like Letterman who do harm to girls. Why is her position, however, not under scrutiny? Isn't her stance insufficiently preparing young girls for adulthood? Not once has this been addressed and in my opinion it should be.

I object to the witch hunt Palin has jumped on, and frankly, I'd rather see her policies stay away from my kids more than Dave's lame jokes.

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