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slave to zep

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I read a really good book on dieting. It was called Quit Digging Your Grave With A Knife And Fork by Mike Huckabee. The same Huckabee who ran for president in20 08 (as if there were other Huckabees out there lol). It's not political at all though. It's just very straight forward common sense. I would recommend it.

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I'm not a Ladies but I am an expert. In 2010 I lost... Ready for it?... Ready?... Here it comes... 70 pounds! I lost it VERY fast too. Like in a few months. All I did was count calories. I said no more than 1,000 calories (and as much less as I could but that was my cap) a day distributed throughout the day to keep my metabolism moving. It just flew off. Also I read if you don't eat you will lose 2 pounds a day. So if you want to go really fast just don't eat for like a month and get some fast skinnies, oh yeah! lol

'DAS' that weight loss is amazing... Well done

I have read a few snippits from 'Quit Digging Your Grave' and i must say it is me to a tee I'm one of lifes 'Procrastonators'. I really don't think I could not eat for a Month LOL Hot water with Lemon and a cracker is not me.. Yuk..

I have an under active Thyroid so weight is always a problem, but a healthy eating plan is the way to go. Like 'ledzepfvr' if I skip meals then I feel quite ill.

So thanks 'DAS' & 'ledzepfvr' I shall be taking on board what you have both said..

Oh 'DAS' us Ladies are most certainly a lot Brighter.... LOL

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I also have hypo-thyroid disease. That's quite a coincidence. I'm able to keep my weight and energy level where it should be as long as I take medication everyday. It kinda sucks going to the doctor regularly to get blood work done and being on pills for the rest of my life but it's better than being overweight and tired for the rest of my life (and possibly dying if the condition worsens).

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well here's a bigger coincidence ........ me too!

actually i have NO thyroid, as i had to have the whole gland and parathyroids out when i was 30, due to cancer.

i also take thyroxine everyday ( 200micrograms ), but have struggled with my weight ever since.

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Ladies got 5 weeks till my Holiday (my birthday prezzie) need to lose a bit of weight but hate to Diet...so any tips!!!

BTW 'Slave' how is the Krill working, I'm off for my 1st lot of Physio tomorrow on my wonky knees...

sorry fool, i only just saw this .....

still taking the krill oil, at first i thought it was having a big effect, but now not so sure. but i figure i will kee on with it anyway, it cant hurt, and it is suposed to very good for heart and brain health too.

how is the physio going?

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sorry fool, i only just saw this .....

still taking the krill oil, at first i thought it was having a big effect, but now not so sure. but i figure i will kee on with it anyway, it cant hurt, and it is suposed to very good for heart and brain health too.

how is the physio going?

Hi 'Slave' :wave: it was a total waste of time, after my first examination, all it did was give me a swollen leg and a limp for a week..LOL

they decided that another appointment was a waste of time, and just to carry on with heat lamp and walking as exercise...

Does krill work the same as cod liver oil?

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Hi 'Slave' :wave: it was a total waste of time, after my first examination, all it did was give me a swollen leg and a limp for a week..LOL

they decided that another appointment was a waste of time, and just to carry on with heat lamp and walking as exercise...

Does krill work the same as cod liver oil?

oh no! that's too bad! :( hope you are coping ok.

krill oil is meant to be more concentrated than fish oil, and the ills are MUCH smaller. plus you only need to take 2-3 a day. they have no taste at all too, which is a bonus. :)

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oh no! that's too bad! :( hope you are coping ok.

krill oil is meant to be more concentrated than fish oil, and the ills are MUCH smaller. plus you only need to take 2-3 a day. they have no taste at all too, which is a bonus. :)

Hi 'Slave' BD has taken cod liver oil for years, 1 high strengh a day, and Imust say that i really cannot see what difference they have made, he is still a wreck, ( health wise) LOL...

I'm use to having stiff knees, so i just do things within my capabilities... How are you getting on with those Spurs, any treatment?

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Hi 'Slave' BD has taken cod liver oil for years, 1 high strengh a day, and Imust say that i really cannot see what difference they have made, he is still a wreck, ( health wise) LOL...

I'm use to having stiff knees, so i just do things within my capabilities... How are you getting on with those Spurs, any treatment?

i guess its one of those things where you don't know how much effect its having, ( maybe he would have been worse without it

no treatment for the back or foot spurs, only i take an anti-inflammatory every day, and have some gel heel supports in my work shoes. sometimes i take some panadol osteo tabs too.

stiff knees must be awful, you must be a toughy!

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i guess its one of those things where you don't know how much effect its having, ( maybe he would have been worse without it

no treatment for the back or foot spurs, only i take an anti-inflammatory every day, and have some gel heel supports in my work shoes. sometimes i take some panadol osteo tabs too.

stiff knees must be awful, you must be a toughy!

'Slave' the way i look at is it aint gonna kill me , so i just get on with it, i'm not a pill person only take what i have too, having a Digestive problem i'm limited to what i can take anyway. Oh the joys of getting old... LOL

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  • 4 months later...

It's really nice when random strangers stop to tell you you're beautiful. This has happened to me a couple times and again just the other day. It makes us ladies feel good. Especially me because I pretty much refuse to wear make-up. It's a refreshing reminder that all men aren't shallow.

Gents, make sure you tell your woman how beautiful they are to you today!! :wub:

Edited by betteremily
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It's really nice when random strangers stop to tell you you're beautiful. This has happened to me a couple times and again just the other day. It makes us ladies feel good. Especially me because I pretty much refuse to wear make-up. It's a refreshing reminder that all men aren't shallow.

Gents, make sure you tell your woman how beautiful they are to you today!! :wub:

totally agree!

my husband thinks ( and tells me ) that i am beautiful, and, like you, i rarely wear makeup.

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Whenever I tell my wife (who also doesn't need makeup) that she's beautiful, she just scowls at me and assumes I'm just after a poke.

oh dear. are you genuine in your compliments? if so, that is a real shame she doesn't appreciate them. does she compliment you?

You're beautiful ladies! :notworthy:

thanks strider!

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Yes, I am - because she is very beautiful, physically at least.

Yes, she does. But only when she wants something.

so you don't find her beautiful on the inside? is that what you mean?

well, that is a shame she does that to you. not good.

edited to add

btw, i tell my husband every day that i love him, and often tell him that i find him very attractive and sexy. and that mainly comes from him being a beautiful person on the inside .....

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Occasionally, yes. When she is good, she is very, very good - but when she is bad, she is horrid.

She has a hair trigger, and can get extremely violent, verbally and physically. But she's been ok recently, since she started taking the pills again.

ooh. bad temper is VERY unattractive to me. big turn off!

hope she stays on the pills!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's really nice when random strangers stop to tell you you're beautiful. This has happened to me a couple times and again just the other day. It makes us ladies feel good. Especially me because I pretty much refuse to wear make-up. It's a refreshing reminder that all men aren't shallow.

Gents, make sure you tell your woman how beautiful they are to you today!! :wub:

Yes it is! I was told the other day that I was pretty. That really made me feel good! I also like it when guys hold the door open for me. Such manners some guys have. It's really a treat. :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

hi there ladies

just wanted to ask those of you that may be going through menopause or have completed .... did you get really bad period pains just before menopause? yesterday i had the most awful pain that lasted nearly 2 hours. i really feel as though it is ovulation pain, though that is meant to be impossible during your period! but i swear i can FEEL that egg moving out of the ovary and making its' little trek .... i get it almost every period on the first day or so, each time the same .... i have no idea if i am approaching menopause or not, but i turned 50 this year, so it can't be far away.

anyone else experienced this?

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You're the right age to be approaching. I've been there for about 7 years now. Didn't have too difficult time with it but I understand what you describe is not unusual for pre-menopause symptoms. I would imagine the pain is from severe cramping.

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You're the right age to be approaching. I've been there for about 7 years now. Didn't have too difficult time with it but I understand what you describe is not unusual for pre-menopause symptoms. I would imagine the pain is from severe cramping.

hi ledzepfvr

wow, 7 years! i hope you are coping ok!

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Does when a girl hits puberty have any correlation to when she hits menopause? For instance, if you are a late-bloomer, say, does that mean the odds are that you will reach menopause at a later age than the average woman?

Maybe, Julie, you have more egg-bearing years ahead of you than you realize? Have you and your new husband any interest in kids?

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Does when a girl hits puberty have any correlation to when she hits menopause? For instance, if you are a late-bloomer, say, does that mean the odds are that you will reach menopause at a later age than the average woman?

Maybe, Julie, you have more egg-bearing years ahead of you than you realize? Have you and your new husband any interest in kids?

well, i was an early bloomer, so i should be finished now! lol

bloody hell, kids? at 50? no way!

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