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In any case, if basic health care needs go overlooked, the costs will escalate in the long run, and insurance premiums will rise as a result.

So it is better to contain the long-term costs by meeting the basic needs quickly.

It's a simple matter of costs-benefits analysis, just basic economics.

Couldn't the same be said for automobiles? If you can't afford preventative maintenance

the repairs will cost more in the long run. So applying your own logic, the government should decide for everyone which cars they will own.

Oh, wait. That's what the bailout is intended to do - compel people to purchase autos they don't want to drive. How so? By mandating all vehicles made by these newly government owned auto companies meet exceedingly high environmental and safety standards. What does a car like that look like? Electric. By the way, where is the Tesla electric automobile company located? In Pelosi's district. Did they did get bailout money? You bet your ass they did. They were also about to go out of business making cars no

one wanted to buy. Now that Big Government can change the landscape of the auto

industry while strictly regulatating imports it's a whole new ballgame. Who gets hurt?

Consumers, who always suffer under government monopolies.

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The free market has spoken.

Markets (free or otherwise) shouldn't come into it.

Healthcare should really be a given. Just like, oh I don't know the police force or the fire service. I don't think people should have to cough up a cheque before the fire brigade will come and put the fire out.

Edited by Mangani
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Healthcare should really be a given.

"Given" everyone is looking for a handout nowadays, your opinion may be popular but as far as I'm concerned it is wrong. Some people seem to think college, a job and a house should also be a given.

Where does one draw the line? Speaking for myself, I don't expect a government to provide for me what I can obtain on my own. I can't put together a police or fire department, but I can damn sure show some individual responsibility and obtain health insurance tailored to meet my needs.

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Speaking for myself, I don't expect a government to provide for me what I can obtain on my own. I can't put together a police or fire department, but I can damn sure show some individual responsibility and obtain health insurance tailored to meet my needs.

And people who can't (not because they're lazy, but because life deals them one shitty hand after another)?

Do we just leave them to die?

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And people who can't (not because they're lazy, but because life deals them one shitty hand after another)?

Do we just leave them to die?

Nathan, give me a fucking break already. One person per state per day in a country of 307,000,000. If your that broken up about it then get a fucking job and pay their bill.

Now THAT would be a change - bleeding heart liberals spending their own money on

their unrealistic idealism.

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Funny, I've not heard one complaint from folks in the UK or Canada about their health care.


And even here in the great ol USA, we have to wait for appointments and tests too you know.

My retina specialist is ALWAYS booked two months out at least.

Same with my knee doc. MONTHS. Unless it's a dire emergengy.

Hey I know! Let's cut off all vets from health care, I mean they joined knowing that their leg could be blown off....so let them pay for it. And why should we pay for their schooling? Is that why they signed up?

And while we're at it...next time there's a huge hole in your street...howzabout YOU go fix it. Why should the goverment pay for your road????


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Nathan, give me a fucking break already. One person per state per day in a country of 307,000,000. If your that broken up about it then get a fucking job and pay their bill.

Now THAT would be a change - bleeding heart liberals spending their own money on

their unrealistic idealism.

Does anyone really think that number changes with universal healthcare. The plan that Obama wants to put out will probably put more people out of healthcare because people will get fired and lose their healthcare and some of those won't be able to pay for healthcare.

Also a lot of people die because of their healthcare right now. That's what needs the biggest fix. It is impossible for a government to pay for healthcare for 300 million people and not go out of business economically. We try and give everyone healthcare and not only will our government fail but it'll go broke in the process. Putting a trillion more dollars in our healthcare system won't fix anything. What we need to do is do things that actually fix the healthcare system we have now.

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Funny, I've not heard one complaint from folks in the UK or Canada about their health care.


Except from the people who run it:

"The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association sees a public health care system on the brink of collapse - and the outgoing CMA president is publicly suggesting that more of a private system be implemented."

link and quote from earlier in this thread and glossed over

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I think the biggest fallacy about this discussion is that doing nothing is some kind of option for those who already enjoy health care provided by their employer. My premium went up 26% this year, and it was 40% if you bought your own policy. Meanwhile, the HMO option didn't step up to become traditional coverage. Blue Cross stepped down to become HAP. If the thought of you paying taxes on your employee sponsored program as income makes you angry, do you realize that your coverage has already been eroded by twice that figure in the last 5 years ? Do you think that can be sustained over time ?

The rich will always have health care. Every hospital out there is building suites for patients that can pay the price, and for the most part that ain't you and I. If it is, then I say tax your ass so a little kid somewhere can have a tooth pulled. It's not his fault that daddy's a crack addict, and the right wouldn't pay for mommy's abortion. :D

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Funny, I've not heard one complaint from folks in the UK or Canada about their health care. hmmmm

And even here in the great ol USA, we have to wait for appointments and tests too you know.

My retina specialist is ALWAYS booked two months out at least.

Same with my knee doc. MONTHS. Unless it's a dire emergengy.

Hey I know! Let's cut off all vets from health care, I mean they joined knowing that their leg could be blown off....so let them pay for it. And why should we pay for their schooling? Is that why they signed up?

And while we're at it...next time there's a huge hole in your street...howzabout YOU go fix it. Why should the goverment pay for your road????


Here's a thought then: move to the UK or Canada. I'll pack your bags if it will expedite.

Do you know why your appointments are booked so far in advance? For one thing, there

are over 307,000,000 people in the United States. For another, as all you Baby Boomers

start to disentigrate the glut puts enormous strain on available resources. As far as vet

health care, most do pay premiums. Regardless, go to a VA hospital sometime and report

back on the level of "care" you observed.

I've already addressed that police and fire departments provide services people cannot provide for themselves. You want to bring roadbuilding into it now - fine. For one thing, building roads and bridges, maintaining a common defense are all principal responsibilites of government. Without those responsibilities, there is little need for any government.

By the way, govt doesn't pay for anything - remember taxation and fees anyone? - and

for what it's worth I could patch a pothole if I had to, but then I'm a self-sufficient kind

of guy if you hadn't figured that out yet.

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Not everyone is as invulnerable to life's ebb and flow as they would like to think.

No matter how you slice it, CALTRANS has betrayed the public trust despite their abundance of road projects designed to bilk the taxpayers of exhorbitant amounts that perhaps would have been better spent on health care.

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No matter how you slice it, CALTRANS has betrayed the public trust despite their abundance of road projects designed to bilk the taxpayers of exhorbitant amounts

that perhaps would have been better spent on health care.

Well, save the planet or save the uninsured? Take your bleeding heart liberal pick.

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I'll bet that Edith hated herself in the morning for sleeping with that guy.

And people wonder why divorce is so prevalent today.

Don't forget she was a dingbat, and come to think of it...nevermind.

Divorce now up for discussion on the social revolution thread. Well, it's prevalent in part because women are no longer solely dependent upon men for income. I know Oprah tells you to place the blame squarely on men, but unless your from Arkansas I doubt anyone

put a gun to your pretty little heads and said marry the guy. There are of course many other reasons for divorce but I just don't care enough to expound.

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Some men are just plain distasteful. I don't know why she ever settled for him, when she could have done much, much better. Women should know that there are better options than guys like him.

Not everyone can find the total and complete compatibility such as we two find here.



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Except from the people who run it:

"The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association sees a public health care system on the brink of collapse - and the outgoing CMA president is publicly suggesting that more of a private system be implemented."

link and quote from earlier in this thread and glossed over

We do pay more for healthcare but we also pay less for most goods. Basically other countries pay less for healthcare but it's made up for it in things like taxes, gas and goods prices go up. That's what will happen in the US. We get a public option try and pay less for healthcare but prices on gas and goods and our income tax will go way up. Also people will be forced to get healthcare(like me for example) when I have no need for healthcare. The only people that really have a need for healthcare are those that actually need it.

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