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Mexicans stole US Border Fence


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Thanks Mangani, we wee'uns need all the help we can get, especially when it comes to Top Shelf Magazines, :D do they think that just because we are "Little" that we dont have (Sexual) feelings and desires?

Top shelf? Top shelf? Mate it's all online for FREE these days. :D

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Hi ET,

Please explain?

Who said Great Britain ever tried to establish control of Mexico?

As far as i know Spain was the first European Country to Conquer Mexico, Mexico became independent in 1821, but because she refused to pay interest on her debts to France, Spain and the US. France, Spain and Great Britain sent their Fleets to Mexico to secure the Debt. When Great Britain and Spain realised that Frances ambition was Conquest they withdrew leaving France to install Maximillian as Emperor in 1864. This lasted untill 1867 when Maximillian was Executed and the Republic was restored.

Regards, Danny

I doubt they could hope to control Mexico. They may have vaguely entertained distant notions of doing so if the situation had seemed feasible, but the climate did not agree with them and they did not bother to pursue the area, leaving it to Spain.

Marichal emphasizes that the Spanish empire remained the third most important European state in terms of fiscal income and naval power, and first in size of territorial empire, particularly because of its colonies in Spanish America. The Spanish crown was involved in four wars with Great Britain and two wars with France during the decades 1760-1810. Colonial Mexico financed most of these wars by remitting silver in the form of taxes and loans. The expenditures of the imperial wars were so great that they eventually caused the bankruptcy of both the Spanish American colonies and of the monarchy itself.


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I doubt they could hope to control Mexico. They may have vaguely entertained distant notions of doing so if the situation had seemed feasible, but the climate did not agree with them and they did not bother to pursue the area, leaving it to Spain.

Hi ET,

At no time ever have i read that Great Britain had designs to Conquer or Control Mexico, if you have any evidence to the contrary could you please direct me to a link or give me the name of the Book or Article whereby you came to your information.

Thanks in anticipation, Regards, Danny

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Hi ET,

At no time ever have i read that Great Britain had designs to Conquer or Control Mexico, if you have any evidence to the contrary could you please direct me to a link or give me the name of the Book or Article whereby you came to your information.

Thanks in anticipation, Regards, Danny

If I find one I will be sure to send it along but it may take some time.

Meanwhile, I found a link to a history of the British and Spanish Empires in America, beginning with Hernán Cortés and Christopher Newport.

Google books.Cortes and Newport

Mañana :-),



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I doubt they could hope to control Mexico. They may have vaguely entertained distant notions of doing so if the situation had seemed feasible, but the climate did not agree with them and they did not bother to pursue the area, leaving it to Spain.

The climate didn't put Britain off India, Africa, Australia etc etc. :)

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That's true. Maybe the Aztecs were a bit too daunting for the British

LOL, hang on this is the British we are talking about. :D

If the Spanish were not daunted by the Aztecs, why would the British have been? :blink:

That's an insult, dammit!!! :P:D

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Cause we all know how the Mexicans love their tea! :lol:

Hehe, true but I don't even think the British had a penchant for tea until the late 1600s, when it was brought to Europe from the east.

Before then most Brits had beer for breakfast. Oh how I wish for those old days to return. I always feel embarrassed when I crack open a bottle of beer on the commuter bus at 7.00 a.m when everyone else is sipping tea and coffee. :D

What the hell all this has to do with the Mexican border fence.......I haven't got a clue. :unsure:

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That's true. Maybe the Aztecs were a bit too daunting for the British and the area did not offer much incentive for them.

Hi ET,

I think you have got this one wrong mate, i can find no evidence that Britain had any Ideas on a Conquest of Mexico at any time in our History, nor have i ever read anything about a British Plan to Invade or Conquor Mexico, and i'm very well read on Britisn History. Still you must have got this idea from somewhere, please point us to Where, if you would be so kind, :kiss: thank You.

Regards, Danny

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Hehe, true but I don't even think the British had a penchant for tea until the late 1600s, when it was brought to Europe from the east.

Before then most Brits had beer for breakfast. Oh how I wish for those old days to return. I always feel embarrassed when I crack open a bottle of beer on the commuter bus at 7.00 a.m when everyone else is sipping tea and coffee. :D

What the hell all this has to do with the Mexican border fence.......I haven't got a clue. :unsure:

Hi Mangani,

Just to let you know, Britain, although the Biggest Consumer of Tea in Europe now, was a late commer to the Tea Trade, we got our taste for Tea from our friends in Portugal in the Mid 1700s.


And also our Good Friends in America are avid Tea drinkers, they even have Great Big Tea Parties, especially the Famous one in Boston, which i'm told is the Biggest Party in Tea Drinking History. I'm also told that on one accation when they had so many people come to the Party that they had to have the "Brew Up" in the Harbour because the Tea Pot was too small, about 1773 if i remember correctly. :D:lol:

Regards, Danny

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Hi ET,

I think you have got this one wrong mate, i can find no evidence that Britain had any Ideas on a Conquest of Mexico at any time in our History, nor have i ever read anything about a British Plan to Invade or Conquor Mexico, and i'm very well read on Britisn History. Still you must have got this idea from somewhere, please point us to Where, if you would be so kind, dc.gif thank You.

Regards, Danny

No, I doubt that Britain entertained any ideas of conquest in Mexico, at least not for very long if they did, the reasons being lack of incentive, Spain got there first, and they preferred not to engage in war with the Aztecs. Perhaps they were busy elsewhere and an additional conquest would have been too much on their plate. They left Mexico to Spain to contend with, and limited themselves to extracting payment from Spain to settle debts. Spain used Mexico to obtain silver as a currency to settle these debts.


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  • 7 months later...

Jejejeje, i guess few of you can speak spanish so will say it in spanish, not because i'm a coward i can translate it for you whenever you want....

Ustedes todos, bueno la gran mayoria (esta estupidez ni las tildes agarra) de los que escriben aqui se creen que saben un monton y se creen los duenos del mundo cuando me imagino que la gran mayoria son un monton de campesinos jubilados....es triste ver como la gran mayoria son unos grandes racistas e ignorantes, si casi el 90% de los gringos no fueran unos dogadictos inutiles pues la cosa fuera diferente. En toda latinoamerica la gente se esta matando de a montones por la pobreza y el narcotrafico. Sin la demanda no existiria la oferta. Y quien conquisto a quien a nadie le importa ya, ya estamos lo suficientemente cagados para sacar un tratado de historia en oxford, aunque si quieren les doy una leccion de historia.....hay amiguitos, que aburrido estos forums, soy yo la pendeja que los sigue leyendo.....you didn't understand a word right?? jajajaja i'm ready for your cursing!!!!!!! jajajajajaja......sarcastic_hand.gif

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Jejejeje, i guess few of you can speak spanish so will say it in spanish, not because i'm a coward i can translate it for you whenever you want....

En toda latinoamerica la gente se esta matando de a montones por la pobreza y el narcotrafico.

jajajaja i'm ready for your cursing!!!!!!! jajajajajaja......sarcastic_hand.gif

Get over yourself.

That about sums it up for me.

I support legal immigration.

We need more roofers, lawn maintenance techs and car-wash attendants in this country.

Just park the Monte Carlo at the border and not on your lawn.

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You're so fucking funny!!!!!!!


Let's make a deal, i'll send you more roofers and you can send me a rocking chair, a banjo and some moonshine....

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You're so fucking funny!!!!!!!


Let's make a deal, i'll send you more roofers and you can send me a rocking chair, a banjo and some moonshine....

You have yourself a bona fide deal!

Yes, I am so pinche funny.

You eat your pork and beans.

I eat more pollo any man ever seen.


How about a Corona or Mezcal? Complete with worm or lime wedge.

Rocking chair?

How about a used Lazy Boy where I used to park my gordo culero.


You must have seen Deliverance one too many times. I didn`t know they got Showtime in Salvadore.

Besides I still have most of my teeth, a real purdy mouth but I don`t go weeee like a pig...ummm I mean marrano.

Just don`t send anymore Mara Salvatruchas aka MS 13-ers my way, por favor.

You can keep that scum in Salvadore, where they belong.

Just don`t empty your prisons like that idiot Castro.

And yes, I`m glad Che Guevara is dead.

Now, in your honor, I`m going to dance La Cucaracha.

ja ja ja ja ja ja

ja jajaja ja ja

ja ja ja ja ja

Edited by Poindexter
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You have yourself a bona fide deal!

Yes, I am so pinche funny.

You eat your pork and beans.

I eat more pollo any man ever seen.


How about a Corona or Mezcal? Complete with worm or lime wedge.

Rocking chair?

How about a used Lazy Boy where I used to park my gordo culero.


You must have seen Deliverance one too many times. I didn`t know they got Showtime in Salvadore.

Besides I still have most of my teeth, a real purdy mouth but I don`t go weeee like a pig...ummm I mean marrano.

Just don`t send anymore Mara Salvatruchas aka MS 13-ers my way, por favor.

You can keep that scum in Salvadore, where they belong.

Just don`t empty your prisons like that idiot Castro.

And yes, I`m glad Che Guevara is dead.

Now, in your honor, I`m going to dance La Cucaracha.

ja ja ja ja ja ja

ja jajaja ja ja

ja ja ja ja ja

You got yourself a deal!!!!



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You have yourself a bona fide deal!

Yes, I am so pinche funny.

You eat your pork and beans.

I eat more pollo any man ever seen.


How about a Corona or Mezcal? Complete with worm or lime wedge.

Rocking chair?

How about a used Lazy Boy where I used to park my gordo culero.


You must have seen Deliverance one too many times. I didn`t know they got Showtime in Salvadore.

Besides I still have most of my teeth, a real purdy mouth but I don`t go weeee like a pig...ummm I mean marrano.

Just don`t send anymore Mara Salvatruchas aka MS 13-ers my way, por favor.

You can keep that scum in Salvadore, where they belong.

Just don`t empty your prisons like that idiot Castro.

And yes, I`m glad Che Guevara is dead.

Now, in your honor, I`m going to dance La Cucaracha.

ja ja ja ja ja ja

ja jajaja ja ja

ja ja ja ja ja

Mucho Bonito, Colorrico!!!!!



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Mucho Bonito, Colorrico!!!!!




Since its down to stereotypes and illegal immigration, Looney Tunes always seems to provide the perfect backdrop.

Think of Speedy as the typical mujado and Sylvester, "el gringo pussy cato" as La Mirgra.

The U.S. of A. is across this fence as well.

Perfect exapmle.

The USA is the land of mucho queso, $$$ and free government cheese.

Too bad Baby Jose, Baby Enrique and Baby Armando Jr. are tired of goverment cheese and want McDonalds Happy Meal, boy toy of course.

But who will step-n-fetch-it, the Happy Meal and a Spiderman III dvd.

Maybe Speedy Gonzales isn`t the fastest mouse in all of Mexico nor the sharpest mouse in the drawer.

Just try and get all the cheese!

Don`t get me started on flea markets, The Frito Bandito nor fast-food drive-through attendants at Taco Hell.

El-Hold-o el queso....miho...


Hell, I admire those hard-working mo-foes.

Will work for re-fried frijoles and a corn tortilla.

This one is for La Raza.


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