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2009 MTV VMA's


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:rolleyes: Good thought out discussion

Yes, I believe that statement was stupid but at no point did I actually call Reggie stupid, thats where you're wrong.

I never called him a liar and was from ignorance from which that statement was born. He obviously doesn't listen to rap enough otherwise he wouldn't have made that mistake.

Dan, you're being sensitive. Feel free to jump into whatever conversation you wish, be it mine or someone else's, i dont give a shit, I never have. However, I pointed that out because you seemed to be threatening to leave the conversation, which again I dont give a shit as you can do what you like.

Only if you want to give them. But if the semantics are coming back, then no I do not.

It ain't about a buzz bruh, but I have blatantly said and its no secret that I only come around here if their are things to argue about. Again, no secret. I'm not trying to hide that fact.No see Dan, this is what you always resort too. Essentially putting me in a class of people that aren't worth the respect your friends are. Now that's fine and dandy and feel free to call me what you wish, I don't care. But seriously now, you ooze hypocrisy. This is why I get so frustrated with you. Your arguments I can handle, but you're personal insults are obnoxious. You can call my statements stupid, hell you can call me stupid, but seriously now, it is childish as I've said from the beginning

Why would I ignore you? I've never ignored anyone. And why would I PM you if we're talking right here? And why would I leave thie forum? Are you insinuating I'm scared of you or something?


And my point went right over your wee head. Good on ya m8

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Atleast you can't argue with Obama on this one, he got it right...

Kayne is a "jackass."

You wanna bet? :lol:

I believe you may be able to get one or two arguments around here, especially with those who have an axe to grind! :)

Peace bigstickbonzo!

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We could go at this forever mate, but lets try to resolve this thing between us amicably, yes?

1. I dont have a personal agenda against you.

2. I sometimes over react to my thinking that people are here to argue and be discurtious to others and i act accordingly, sometimes i get it wrong.

3. I do like you and i like the way you argue, sometimes however you seem immune to being Wrong when its someones Opinion and not actual Fact.

4. Yes your Points do sometimes go over my Wee Head as my Humour can go over yours.

5. Lets get back to being Civil and stop all the "childish semantics" whoever started them, it doesnt matter does it?

6. You might find that one day soon its your back i'm covering, i'm friends to all on here not just a select few whatever you might think.

Kind Regards, Danny :peace::beer:

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We could go at this forever mate, but lets try to resolve this thing between us amicably, yes?

Dan, I've been tryiong to do this since argument 1.

1. I dont have a personal agenda against you.

2. I sometimes over react to my thinking that people are here to argue and be discurtious to others and i act accordingly, sometimes i get it wrong.
I'm not here to be a dick but I am going to start arguments, usually on purpose. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to join in on the fun.

3. I do like you and i like the way you argue, sometimes however you seem immune to being Wrong when its someones Opinion and not actual Fact.
I respect all opinions, but ignorance is one thing I cannot stand, especially when it comes to a music that most people here have never taken any time to listen to, save maybe an hour or two.

4. Yes your Points do sometimes go over my Wee Head as my Humour can go over yours.
My points aren't insulting but whatev. As I said, I don't care if I'm insulted but I will point it out.

5. Lets get back to being Civil and stop all the "childish semantics" whoever started them, it doesnt matter does it?
Fine by me.

6. You might find that one day soon its your back i'm covering, i'm friends to all on here not just a select few whatever you might think.
Doubtful but fine.

Kind Regards, Danny :peace::beer:

I thought you didn't drink ;)
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Hey look, it's the "rap isn't music/takes no talent/is an inferior form of music, etc." argument again.

People often talk about a time period when MTV was "good". I never really saw it on a regular basis until the late 80s so maybe I missed something but from what I've been able to surmise over the years, it was never good. Yes, it definitely had it's moments such as Unplugged, the Rockumentaries, The Week In Rock, 120 Minutes, the occasional concerts, etc. but even those were fleeting moments. As a music channel it failed because it was too easy to tune out due to the brief running time of most videos, that's when all the programs started to kick in in order to hold viewers for longer than 3-5 minutes. It never really lived up to my idea of what I music channel could be or should be, it was crass commercialism from the start and still is to this day. I find VH1 Classic much more tolerable but it also suffers from many of the same things such as infomercials thinly disguised as "programming".

Back to the subject at hand, way back at Live 8 Kanye accused the American government of creating the AIDs virus and then having it placed into African communities. For whatever reason that never seemed to get much publicity. Ever since then he's tried every possible move to help his "career" self-destruct. Hopefully he's finally done it this time.

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Dan, I've been tryiong to do this since argument 1.


I'm not here to be a dick but I am going to start arguments, usually on purpose. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to join in on the fun.

I respect all opinions, but ignorance is one thing I cannot stand, especially when it comes to a music that most people here have never taken any time to listen to, save maybe an hour or two.

My points aren't insulting but whatev. As I said, I don't care if I'm insulted but I will point it out.

Fine by me.

Doubtful but fine.

I thought you didn't drink ;)

The drink was for you kid ;) here's another. :beer:

Regards, Danny

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Now I know why Plant doesn't want to do a Zeppelin reunion.  Because the last thing he needs is for the band to try playing Kashmir over the din of people fighting with each other over whether or not rap is music...

Is it really that important?  Really?

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Now I know why Plant doesn't want to do a Zeppelin reunion. Because the last thing he needs is for the band to try playing Kashmir over the din of people fighting with each other over whether or not rap is music...

Is it really that important? Really?

Apparently it is since we have 2-3 of these arguments a year. I don't get it. It's subjective. I think rap is crap. Other people here really like it. Whose opinion is the right one? Well, both are since music taste is up to the person who is listening to it and no one else. If you think rap is music, that's great. If you think it's not, that's great too. No sense in trying to convince the other that you're right. Why people choose to get so damn touchy about stuff like this is beyond me.

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Apparently it is since we have 2-3 of these arguments a year. I don't get it. It's subjective. I think rap is crap. Other people here really like it. Whose opinion is the right one? Well, both are since music taste is up to the person who is listening to it and no one else. If you think rap is music, that's great. If you think it's not, that's great too. No sense in trying to convince the other that you're right. Why people choose to get so damn touchy about stuff like this is beyond me.

And I'm involved in probably all of them :D

It's just a touchy subject with me. I'm not a fan of people telling me that a style of music I listen and play isn't music, especially when said person says they've never really listened to it because "It's just crap". It just gets annoying.

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And I'm involved in probably all of them :D

It's just a touchy subject with me. I'm not a fan of people telling me that a style of music I listen and play isn't music, especially when said person says they've never really listened to it because "It's just crap". It just gets annoying.

Opinions can be annoying. Honestly, I don't consider a lot of rap to be music, either, but I'm not about to fight the point with you (not because of anything to do with you, but because it is extremely pointless and a waste of time... we will never agree). In fact, I'd venture to say that there really isn't a lot of music at all within the mainstream music industry these days, just a lot of repetitive, unimaginative, talentless bullshit. But it's just a personal opinion and obviously you disagree, which is fine. No need to have a heart-attack over it, though, you know?

Some music I listen to others don't consider music, but overly-pompous shit (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer anyone?). It's all a matter of taste and if there's one thing people should definitely refrain from fighting over, it's personal taste. I mean, to me, personally, if we have to have fights on this forum (which, apparently, we do, since a lot of people on this forum just aren't happy unless they're inspiring thousands of angry posts in their direction... which I don't understand, but whatever) it'd be nicer if people fought over important things like, say, Politics, Religion, Society, etc then over stupid things like what is and what is not music.

Edited by Nathan
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Opinions can be annoying. Honestly, I don't consider a lot of rap to be music, either, but I'm not about to fight the point with you (not because of anything to do with you, but because it is extremely pointless and a waste of time... we will never agree). In fact, I'd venture to say that there really isn't a lot of music at all within the mainstream music industry these days, just a lot of repetitive, unimaginative, talentless bullshit. But it's just a personal opinion and obviously you disagree, which is fine. No need to have a heart-attack over it, though, you know?

Some music I listen to others don't consider music, but overly-pompous shit (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer anyone?). It's all a matter of taste and if there's one thing people should definitely refrain from fighting over, it's personal taste. I mean, to me, personally, if we have to have fights on this forum (which, apparently, we do, since a lot of people on this forum just aren't happy unless they're inspiring thousands of angry posts in their direction... which I don't understand, but whatever) it'd be nicer if people fought over important things like, say, Politics, Religion, Society, etc then over stupid things like what is and what is not music.

Hi Nathan,




Nuff said, but hey lets argue about it anyway? It seems its what we do best. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, Just My Honest Opinion by the way, no need to Piss all over me for it. :)

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Hi Nathan,




Nuff said, but hey lets argue about it anyway? It seems its what we do best. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, Just My Honest Opinion by the way, no need to Piss all over me for it. :)

I don't piss on anyone unless they really deserve it and, so far, you don't deserve it... :D

Politics, Religion, and Society may be shit, but they are, let's be honest, quite a bit more important then what is and what is not music.

Just saying.

I like talking about Politics, Society, and Religion for one reason... because they are what's wrong with this world. I do not have a very positive view of the world around me. I honestly believe that humanity is totally fucked, and unless organized religion disappears, politics changes, and society starts basing itself on the individual and not some collective, then humanity is doomed to fail, period. Hence why I like to talk about these three things. Because... hopefully, the more we talk about them, the more people will open their eyes and maybe, just maybe, provide that hope I see less and less of. Do you know Bill Hicks? I recommend you look him up on YouTube. He's brilliant.

Edited by Nathan
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A channel that used to be good about 15 years ago, but then started sucking and hasn't stopped since. I don't even know what channel number it is on our digital cable package. If I want to watch music-related programming, I have Vh1 Classic for that.

laugh.gif I was being facetiouswink.gif

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A channel that used to be good about 15 years ago, but then started sucking and hasn't stopped since. I don't even know what channel number it is on our digital cable package. If I want to watch music-related programming, I have Vh1 Classic for that.

Yeah... MTV should change its name STV... Shit Television.

Don't get me wrong...

MTV used to be really...



When was MTV ever good? Ever? MTV is a major player in taking the music world from Led Zeppelin (that absolute pinnacle... sheer, raw power and energy, brilliance, talent... you can't get better then Led Zeppelin) all the way down to fucking Kanye West.

Oh yeah, that was so good of MTV.

MTV should never have existed in the first place.

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Yeah... MTV should change its name STV... Shit Television.

Don't get me wrong...

MTV used to be really...



When was MTV ever good? Ever? MTV is a major player in taking the music world from Led Zeppelin (that absolute pinnacle... sheer, raw power and energy, brilliance, talent... you can't get better then Led Zeppelin) all the way down to fucking Kanye West.

Oh yeah, that was so good of MTV.

MTV should never have existed in the first place.

When was MTV ever good? Gee, I don't know.....when they actually did what the channel was designed to do. Just like any cable channel, when it starts to deviate from its assigned function....it starts to suck. MTV was cool back then. They showed music videos, they broadcasted concerts, their whole purpose was actually about MUSIC. Now it's just shitty reality shows full of drunken frat boys and whores.

BTW, MTV was not responsible for taking the music world from Led Zeppelin to Kanye West. Sorry. MTV wasn't even around when Bonham died.

What MTV did was give artists a new way, a new venue to get their product to the masses. That concept has nothing to do with either artist. I actually like the idea of music videos because done right, they can be great conveyors of the message in the song. I've seen some great ones over the years, and I've seen some shitty ones too. A lot of the music videos MTV first had to air were not from pop groups or rap groups or country groups....they were from rock bands/artists. Hell, Pat Benatar was the second video they ever aired.

There's plenty of real reasons why MTV is raw sewage, we don't need to go making stuff up.

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I don't piss on anyone unless they really deserve it and, so far, you don't deserve it... :D

Politics, Religion, and Society may be shit, but they are, let's be honest, quite a bit more important then what is and what is not music.

Just saying.

I like talking about Politics, Society, and Religion for one reason... because they are what's wrong with this world. I do not have a very positive view of the world around me. I honestly believe that humanity is totally fucked, and unless organized religion disappears, politics changes, and society starts basing itself on the individual and not some collective, then humanity is doomed to fail, period. Hence why I like to talk about these three things. Because... hopefully, the more we talk about them, the more people will open their eyes and maybe, just maybe, provide that hope I see less and less of. Do you know Bill Hicks? I recommend you look him up on YouTube. He's brilliant.

Hi Nathan,

Sorry man, i just posted that to see what people would say, didnt mean to point it at you mate so dont be offended, which i'm glad you're not. I'm in agreement with you on all three and i also like to discuss these topics, but when you're mind is so made up its rather hard to keep it to a discussion, it seems to always turn in to arguements.

The only thing i disagree with you about is that "Politics, Religion, and Society" are more important than peoples views on Music. Music is so much more "Spiritual" that all the other three put together, IMHO. I think that goes for so many people on here as well, i could care less about who is the next TWAT in Power in my Country or who the next Pope is or even who is the Local Drug Dealer as the last one "got a cap in his arse" and he no longer lives in the Area, but WOW, Led Zeppelin to do a One Of Show at the O2 and My World Stops Turning, i cant sleep, i'm Mesmerized for months, no years, i still cant believe that those FCUKERS did a gig 3 miles from my house and i couldnt get in to see it, i'm still FCUKING Traumatized. :lol:

Just did what you asked of me and watched some Bill Hicks, yea, brilliant aint the word, he is awesome, many thanks.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, PSSST, Word on the Street is that "Pope" wears Red and Black Ladies Underwear, you hear the same?


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