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Rabia....All of us here love you for who you are and are united in your struggle. I hope everything works out :) I have to count myself lucky that I come from a non-religious family and had the chance to develop my own beliefs, even thouhg I am an atheist. No matter how hard life is, somebody out there loves you and you have to focus on that positive thought.

Richard, on your quote circa 2007...I thyink I'm the other way round. I keep thinking so much about the future that I almost forget about the present ! :lol:

How's everybody today??

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Rabia it sounds like you're going through the same thing as my boyfriend and my best friend (they're twins). it is easier for him as he is a boy so is allowed to do a bit more but he is still not allowed out past 10 o clock. his twin sister isnt allowed out past 9, she isnt allowed male friends, and her parents are very strict about what she can do. the problem is for both you and them is that you're living in a western country, and have been brought up in this kind of culture. though my bf grew up in saudi arabia he went to an american school and had american friends. so you are watching all your friends living a western life and believe that you deserve that too. which you do! but if you were living back in Pakistan you may not see that and be left out because of it and despite not wanting an arranged marriage it wouldn't be so difficult for you because all your friends would be going through the same thing, the culture would be different. Plus if the way things are for my friends is anything to go by, their parents are very untrusting of british people so aren't happy about them being out and about with them. HOWEVER there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all of you! just hang in there until you turn 18. hopefully when you do and lead the life you want you will still maintain a good relationship with your parents. just remember, they're doing this because they believe its best for you, not because they are sadists.

sorry about the essay i always write too much!

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No no, I completely understand.

I have been given so many opinions by so many other people.

I know that my parents care for me and I know that they want the best for me.

I just wish that they don't have to be so harsh about this situation. I want them to know that I don't want to abandon them.

But, I am mercifully pleading for the sake of their happiness, and I do have to conform to my parents. But, if they force me too far off the edge, I am going to want to run away.

But, I understand that they want to protect me and comfort me.

So I hope we find common grounds.

Thank you hentai.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Thank you,

I actually had another confrontation with my parents.

This time, we solved almost everything out.

So, I do have some rules, but I am not so restricted anymore, not like I used to be.

Well, it seems as if I can still keep my guy friends, but in order to protect myself. I always need to be surrounded by girls whenever I hang out with these guys.

So, no being with guys alone.

No dating at all: no kissing, no hugging, and especially none of the other thing

I do have a bit more liberty with whom I marry. They said they're never going to force me to marry someone I really don't want.

Of course, I can go to college. And, I can live in a dorm.

They said I don't have to be strictly religious. They said that I can have a bit of moderation, as long as I follow the basics.

And of course,

my dad asked me what I want.

I honestly said,

"I just want to have happiness in the home, I want to do well in school, get a scholarship, and continue to go on to college."

I can live with these rules.

Thank God it's off everybody's chest

Harmony has returned in the home

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'specially you Richard

Glad everything has worked out Rabia. Really glad. There will still be differences. Just make sure you do your part in keeping the peace in the home. If your brother bugs you about stuff why not tell your parents to talk to him. :thumbsup:

And thank you for the mention. Love you too.


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Glad everything has worked out Rabia. Really glad. There will still be differences. Just make sure you do your part in keeping the peace in the home. If your brother bugs you about stuff why not tell your parents to talk to him. :thumbsup:

And thank you for the mention. Love you too.


Aww thanks Rich. I love you too! Are you still online?

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