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Glenn Beck


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I actually don't really care for Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow (they are a little too biased). I prefer Chris Matthews. But at least Olbermann and Maddow aren't spewing hate and lies. So I guess you probably didn't see that coming.

I have to agree with Del, here. Of the three you mentioned, Chris Matthews is probably the most biased.

I don't watch any pundits other then Stephen Colbert anymore, because at least Stephen doesn't try to be taken seriously...

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How do you figure it's hypocritical to submit a post in a thread that the author was looking for feedback on? I'm not upset by what was posted about Glen Beck... I just don't care what Beck has to say in his "opinion" show.

I'm just facinated that someone would feel so compelled to be worried about Beck's free speech when there are so many dumbasses on the left saying so many ridiculous things daily that the poster does not feel compelled to comment on. The left is always so traumatized by the opinions of Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity and now Beck to the point that they will toss out the "race card" in a futile attempt to discredit them rather than to debate the merit of their positions. It's the act of BABIES is what it is. Whiney babies.

My reasoning is in the second sentence of my last post, but maybe I'm wrong.

Kind of a sad state in this administration that we had this guy screaming "ACORN! ACORN! ACORN!"... and he was right. Kind of hard to believe I agree with him on some stuff I think if Glenn Beck said the grass was green, I'd have to re-think my stance on the issue.

I disagree with Hannity and Coulter, but really dislike Rush Limbaugh, he's actually pretty intelligent, but extremely bigoted and hateful (remember his attack on Michael J. Fox's condition?). He's also a giant hypocrite (remember his rants about how all drug users should go straight to prison, followed by the revelation that he was popping oxycodone and hydrocodone like it was candy?).

Trace Gallagher, Shepard Smith, and Bret Baier are cool guys on Fox.

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I actually don't really care for Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow (they are a little too biased). I prefer Chris Matthews. But at least Olbermann and Maddow aren't spewing hate and lies. So I guess you probably didn't see that coming.

Aren't spewing hate and lies? 90% of their shows directly attack people like Hannity and Beck. Now, those guys deserve as much hate as the next, but the simple fact that they spend so much fucking time on them is sickening. Its a joke really.

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I disagree with Hannity and Coulter, but really dislike Rush Limbaugh, he's actually pretty intelligent, but extremely bigoted and hateful (remember his attack on Michael J. Fox's condition?). He's also a giant hypocrite (remember his rants about how all drug users should go straight to prison, followed by the revelation that he was popping oxycodone and hydrocodone like it was candy?).

Limbaughs an intelligent guy? Hes a fatass, pill-popping, community college dropout.None of those point to high intelligence in life. At least Maddows a doctorate I believe.

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I have to agree with Del, here. Of the three you mentioned, Chris Matthews is probably the most biased.

I don't watch any pundits other then Stephen Colbert anymore, because at least Stephen doesn't try to be taken seriously...

I disagree. I watch his show, unlike Del and possibly yourself. I watched all three for a time. I've seen Chris Matthews grill many Libs on his show. If he sees bullshit, he'll call it.

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Limbaugh is as guilty of spreading hate and fear. I'm not sure who the bigger POS is.

There you go again making blanket generalizations and accusations.

I still don't get why you seem compelled to only pick out the conservative pundits to use the "lies, fear and hate" charge on? Where are your complaints against the liberals who's comments are less than nice?

Not very fair and balanced are you?

Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy lashed out at conservative commentator Glenn Beck, a recovering alcoholic, told his radio audience "I have good news to report.Glenn Beck appears closer to suicide. I'm hoping that he does it on camera....given his alcoholism and his tendencies towards self-destruction, I am only hoping that when Glenn Beck does put a gun to his head and pulls the trigger, that it’s on television, because somebody will capture it on YouTube and it will be the most popular little piece of video for months."

Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton referred to a campaign subordinate as a "Jew bastard."

Alec Baldwin urged a television audience of approximately 3 million viewers to murder Congressman Henry Hyde

On March 3 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama ridiculed children with disabilities on Jay Leno's program when answering a question about his bowling prowess. Obama said "It was like Special Olympics." Which then prompted the CEO of the Special Olympics to defend the Special Olympics program by noting that the President had, "set us back decades with his comments." (Gov. Sarah Palin whose youngest son Trig was born with Down syndrome observed, "This was a degrading remark about our world's most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world." )

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Alec Baldwin urged a television audience of approximately 3 million viewers to murder Congressman Henry Hyde

Is that dickweed still around?dry.gif

"Paging Alec Baldwin you still have a oneway ticket waiting at will call LAX.

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I disagree. I watch his show, unlike Del and possibly yourself. I watched all three for a time. I've seen Chris Matthews grill many Libs on his show. If he sees bullshit, he'll call it.

Yeah right.

The guy who, while reporting from the DNC, described a "tingling going down his leg" while watching Obama.

That's the kind of objective reporting I'm looking for from the media.

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Dude, you need to go take a look at the rest of the world.

I have recently discovered that the USA doesn't know what Liberal politics is.

I met a guy from Sweden a couple days ago (he had not moved here, he was visiting some friends or something). I asked what he thought of American polticis and his exact response to me was:

"I find it hilarious that people here are afraid of 'liberals'."

I asked what he meant and he essentially told me that only in America are Democrats considered Liberals. Turns out America, apparently, is a very Conservative country. Even the Democrats are rather conservative.

There's a forum I belong to where most of the people are not American. They think Obama is a right-leaning Moderate. They think I'm a conservative, and I voted for Obama (though I'm coming to regret it now). They even consider the Clinton's to be Conservative.

We've had Conservative politics from the very beginning. Every now and then it just gets a little more moderate, but then goes back to being Conservative. So don't worry... I wouldn't be surprised if the spineless, ball-less, dickless, yellow, lily-livered cowards that are the Democrats are voted entirely out in 2012 for another Republican Executive and Legislative government (because the people in this country will never fucking learn).

America was found by guys that didn't want to do what the rest of the world was doing. Which is why it became the great power it became. If the rest of the world jumps off the cliff should I jump off the cliff? Hell no! And it isn't like the liberal system the rest of the world has is really working also. America is the only country that went as far conservative as it did in the history of man kind and it also became the most charitable, yet the biggest consuming country the world has ever seen.

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America was found by guys that didn't want to do what the rest of the world was doing. Which is why it became the great power it became. If the rest of the world jumps off the cliff should I jump off the cliff? Hell no! And it isn't like the liberal system the rest of the world has is really working also. America is the only country that went as far conservative as it did in the history of man kind and it also became the most charitable, yet the biggest consuming country the world has ever seen.

You said:

Now people are waking up to the fact that there is no difference between the democrats and republicans now and there is no such thing as a conservative in politics anymore.

And my response was to tell you that this is not true. There is no such thing as liberalism in American Politics. American Politics has always been conservative and will always be conservative because we were a conservative country to begin with and that will never change. You have to compare to the rest of the world because, quite frankly, politics is not an America phenomenon. The only way you can get away from comparing our politics to the rest of the world is if you support isolationism, in which case you should be against every war we've ever fought (aside from the Revolutionary War and the Civil War), are fighting now, and will fight in the future. You should also be against our "bring democracy to the world" policy, and you should be disgusted with the very fact that we have a foreign policy other then "let them deal with it".

We do not have liberal politics in this country. Even our Democrats aren't actually liberal. They "right-of-center", right-leaning moderates... whatever you want to call them. But they are not liberal, and there are no true liberals in our government. That was my point.

The biggest fear mongers in politics today is Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

Only to a conservative like you. Yeah...

Spreading the "evil public option" is so much more a fear-mongering tactic then

-Glenn Beck Loses his Mind; Screams at Caller

-Jon Stewart's Analysis of Beck's interesting 180 on Health Care

-Glenn Beck on Marijuana (dumbass)

-"I Was a Dirtbag and a Liar, but I'm not now!" (I'd say you still are, Glenn, but that'd be an insult to dirtbags and liars)

-"Crime is Caused by the Absence of Faith in God"

-Obama Creating A Nazi/Saddam Hussein Army

-"I see Communist Symbols."

-Obama doesn't hate white people! No! Glenn didn't say that! He just that Obama is a racist! Totally different...

-Aww... wittle Glenny's hurt by wittle old words...

Some call this his scariest meltdown yet

-Does Glenn actually agree with the idea that America needs another Al Queda attack to save America? To be honest, I would notsay "yes" based on this clip alone, but the case can be easily made...couldn't he have told the guy to "fuck off"? He really should'vecalled the guy out on it. I think even Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity...fuck, even Rush Limbaugh would have told the guy to fuck off. But not Glenn. He just nods...

-Glenn Beck wants the pesticicde "DDT" back!You know, because breast cancer isn't a bad enough reason to ban it...I'm not saying Glenn Beck is sexist, I'm just saying he has adeep-seated hatred for women's breasts...

Well, I can't really knock him for being emotional, but I can knock him for being fake.

Edited by Nathan
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You said:

And my response was to tell you that this is not true. There is no such thing as liberalism in American Politics. American Politics has always been conservative and will always be conservative because we were a conservative country to begin with and that will never change. You have to compare to the rest of teh world because, quite frankly, politics is not an America phenomenon. The only way you can get away from comparing our politics to the rest of the world is if you support isolationism, in which case you should be against every war we've ever fought (aside from the Revolutionary War and the Civil War), are fighting now, and will fight in the future. You should also be against our "bring democracy to the world" policy, and you should be disgusted with the very fact that we have a foreign policy other then "let them deal with it".

We do not have liberal politics in this country. Even our Democrats aren't actually liberal. They "right-of-center", right-leaning moderates... whatever you want to call them. But they are not liberal, and there are no true liberals in our government. That was my point.

They aren't right now. Especially the leadership of the democrats right now.

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So who are the fear mongers again?

Someone look up where Obama has talked about doctors that have taken away peoples tonsils for money or that they amputate because they get paid more. If you listen to Obama you would think doctors are evil in America. He also said the stimulus plan was needed to keep unemployment below 8%. And he has blamed all his gaffes on the past President. The biggest fear monger in the US is the commander in chief.

Edited by NickZepp
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Hi all,

No like,no listen.But your shirt is ready. :P


Hi Anjin-Sama,

I think this Guy could do a lot for our Forum, could you get him on here for a Chat?

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, This Guy wants to Legalize Mary-Jo-Wana, and you expect me to take what he says seriously? he's the Biggest Comic i've ever seen America put out, he's Fcuking Hilarious to me, his writer should get an oscar.


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Hi all,

Hi Anjin-Sama,

I think this Guy could do a lot for our Forum, could you get him on here for a Chat?

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, This Guy wants to Legalize Mary-Jo-Wana, and you expect me to take what he says seriously? he's the Biggest Comic i've ever seen America put out, he's Fcuking Hilarious to me, his writer should get an oscar.


And what purpose would that serve? ;)

KB(you what shirt?)

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Hi all,

And what purpose would that serve? ;)

KB(you what shirt?)

Hi Kev,

It would entertain me for one thing.

My Shirt Colour, White with an Red Eight Pointed Cross. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Nice to see you regularly posting, i missed it.

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Hi Danny,all,

Hi Kev,

It would entertain me for one thing.

My Shirt Colour, White with an Red Eight Pointed Cross. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Nice to see you regularly posting, i missed it./color]

Red,white and blue here or blue,red and,.....

Intercontinental laundry? :D

Hai! Anjin-san ;)

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The biggest fear mongers in politics today is Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

I agree on Pelosi but you really think Obama and Reid are spreading fear? No one, not even Democrats take Reid seriously (he's literally one of the stupidest fucks I've ever had the misfortune of attempting to listen to) and Obama, while barely competent at his job as I predicted, isn't spreading fear...not even close.

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I agree on Pelosi but you really think Obama and Reid are spreading fear? No one, not even Democrats take Reid seriously (he's literally one of the stupidest fucks I've ever had the misfortune of attempting to listen to) and Obama, while barely competent at his job as I predicted, isn't spreading fear...not even close.

I gave specific examples of Obama.

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