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The Official "Blame it on Obama" Thread


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I'll start: It took me an hour and a half to get home from work because of traffic.

We elected the man to get things done and look, i'm still getting mired in these awful jams.


How's it going "danelectro59?" WOW, another Obama bashing thread! This promises to be real good! ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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I don't live in the US but I like politics so I got a question for those who don't like Obama: Why? Just curious because like I said I don't live there so I really don't have an exact idea about what's going on politically, economically, socially and so on. So, why all the bashing on Obama, has he became the person people love to hate or is there a rational reason for it?

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I don't live in the US but I like politics so I got a question for those who don't like Obama: Why? Just curious because like I said I don't live there so I really don't have an exact idea about what's going on politically, economically, socially and so on. So, why all the bashing on Obama, has he became the person people love to hate or is there a rational reason for it?

Hi "Joao!" How are you? I can answer one of the many reasons why Obama is not very liked right now. Economically, many Americans are not very pleased with Obama's Stimulus plan. Americans are not pleased with Obama giving the Banks as well as the Automotive Industries the millions of dollars in Bailout Plans that did not really work as people had hoped. Obama did make the banks pay back all of the millions in Bailout money. In my opinion, it is impossible for any president to fix the Federal deficit at this point due to it being in the trillions. Right now, at the moment, many Americans are not very happy that Obama was the recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize because many feel that he did not earn it. I feel very confident that many of our ZEPPELIN fans can add more to my comment. Take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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Thanks to Obama, I now have to worry about crazed gun-toting militia being able to carry firearms in our National Parks....and this comes from a guy who promised to take away all of our ammunition ! What the hell was he thinking ? Blame it on Obama !


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Hi "Joao!" How are you? I can answer one of the many reasons why Obama is not very liked right now. Economically, many Americans are not very pleased with Obama's Stimulus plan. Americans are not pleased with Obama giving the Banks as well as the Automotive Industries the millions of dollars in Bailout Plans that did not really work as people had hoped. Obama did make the banks pay back all of the millions in Bailout money. In my opinion, it is impossible for any president to fix the Federal deficit at this point due to it being in the trillions. Right now, at the moment, many Americans are not very happy that Obama was the recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize because many feel that he did not earn it. I feel very confident that many of our ZEPPELIN fans can add more to my comment. Take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

PSSSST, ZFF, there is a way to avoid paying back all those Trillions of Dollars that your Government owes.

You Say, "Oh no there isnt"

I say, "Oh Yes there is"

You Say, "How"

I say, "You do what all those African Countries do"

You Say, "Whats that then"

I say, "When you have a Regime Change, you Declare Bankruptcy and Blame the Former Regime for their Debt and all Your Debts are Forgiven"

You Say, "That wont happen here"

I say, "Why Not, Dont you have an "African President" now? I'm Sure he could Arrange it"

You Say, "Yes, I'm Glad i Voted for Obama"

I say, "You know it makes sense" ;)

Regards, Danny

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PSSSST, ZFF, there is a way to avoid paying back all those Trillions of Dollars that your Government owes.

You Say, "Oh no there isnt"

I say, "Oh Yes there is"

You Say, "How"

I say, "You do what all those African Countries do"

You Say, "Whats that then"

I say, "When you have a Regime Change, you Declare Bankruptcy and Blame the Former Regime for their Debt and all Your Debts are Forgiven"

You Say, "That wont happen here"

I say, "Why Not, Dont you have an "African President" now? I'm Sure he could Arrange it"

You Say, "Yes, I'm Glad i Voted for Obama"

I say, "You know it makes sense" ;)

Regards, Danny

:hysterical: Hey mate! I can always count on a good laugh from you, you just made my day! Ha Ha! Have a great day and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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Hi "Joao!" How are you? I can answer one of the many reasons why Obama is not very liked right now. Economically, many Americans are not very pleased with Obama's Stimulus plan. Americans are not pleased with Obama giving the Banks as well as the Automotive Industries the millions of dollars in Bailout Plans that did not really work as people had hoped. Obama did make the banks pay back all of the millions in Bailout money. In my opinion, it is impossible for any president to fix the Federal deficit at this point due to it being in the trillions. Right now, at the moment, many Americans are not very happy that Obama was the recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize because many feel that he did not earn it. I feel very confident that many of our ZEPPELIN fans can add more to my comment. Take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

Thanks to Obama, I now have to worry about crazed gun-toting militia being able to carry firearms in our National Parks....and this comes from a guy who promised to take away all of our ammunition ! What the hell was he thinking ? Blame it on Obama !


Ok I get it but I think you'll agree that you can't please everybody, besides I find rather ironic that a country that wants the government to stay away as far as possible from their personal affairs and to have as little power as possible to be able to solve all the problems. It's not possible. And like I said you can't please everybody but I think it's still early to judge Obama yet.

Edited by Joao
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I'll start: It took me an hour and a half to get home from work because of traffic.

We elected the man to get things done and look, i'm still getting mired in these awful jams.



It's cold here in Boulder today. It's very foggy and looks like it might snow, but the weather people said it was going to be sunny. Why hasn't Obama invented a machine to control the nation's weather yet? That slacker. :angry:

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I'm not advocating a bash Obama thread, but oh my word, everything that ever happened in this country in the last 8 years was Bush's fault. Why is everyone crying foul about all the Obama bashing?

Hi "imPLANTed!" How are you? Was there ever a Bash thread for both Bush's? ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Ok I get it but I think you'll agree that you can't please everybody, besides I find rather ironic that a country that wants the government to stay away as far as possible from their personal affairs and to have as little power as possible to be able to solve all the problems. It's not possible. And like I said you can't please everybody but I think it's still early to judge Obama yet.

I agree it's still too early to pass judgement. It seems we are a instant gratification society but that won't happen when trying to turn around the economy. It took Bush 8 years to get us in trouble. Let's give the man some time.

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I'm not advocating a bash Obama thread, but oh my word, everything that ever happened in this country in the last 8 years was Bush's fault. Why is everyone crying foul about all the Obama bashing?

Relax, it's a joke thread. Everyone is willing to jump on Obama and blame him for everything, this thread is about how stupid that is. :)

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And really, in a long run, really what matters is:

Is he a Led Zeppelin fan?!!!!!!! :D

Hi "imPLANTed!" How are you doing? You must mean HE IS A LED ZEPPELIN FAN!!!!!!!! If thats the case, all I have to say is A-M-E-N!!!!!! ROCK ON FOREVER my dear.

LATE EDIT! MY WRONG! "imPLANTed" was asking a question if he is a LED ZEPPELIN fan?

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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