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Amy Winehouse


What is Amy Winehouse too you?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Amy Winehouse as a?

    • Person?
    • Performer?
    • Singer?
    • Alcoholic, Drug Abuser?
    • Woman?
    • Celebrity?
    • Dont like Her.
  2. 2. Do you think Amy Winehouse is a?

    • Very Talented Person?
    • Very UnTalented Person?
    • Very Talented Person with Issues?
    • Very UnTalented Person with Issues?
    • Very Talented Shit Disturber?
    • Very UnTalented Shit Disturber?

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...excuse me?

If you've ever had to deal with mental illness - if it was yourself or someone you know - you wouldn't say that. It isn't as simple as telling someone to go to rehab or see a psychiatrist. You can tell them to do that, but they have to do it on their own. You can't force them to do it.

Frankly, I think your posts are becoming increasingly insulting. Never mind your hypocrisy, let's talk about your complete and utter ignorance about substance abuse and mental illnesses in general. You shouldn't hate the person who abuses substances. Just because they do that, it doesn't mean that they are bad people, like you seem to think. My Dad is one of the best people I know, but when he was younger he had a big problem with alcohol. He eventually managed to over come it after I was born, but he did still have that problem. Even when he did, he was still a very smart, funny and nice guy. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Other members of my family and other people I know have also had problems with drugs and alcohol. They aren't bad people because of it.

I find it extremely insulting that your attacks have now gone beyond just substance abuse to include ALL mental illnesses in general. I've suffered from anxiety disorders and chronic depression, as have almost half the people in my family. I had an uncle who committed suicide because of it. Other members of my family were bipolar, as are several family friends. I've got friends who have depression, who have cut themselves, classmates who have committed suicide. I know people who were abused, the people who abused them, and the psychological issues that caused them to do it. These sorts of problems aren't simple, they aren't easy to understand, and they certainly aren't as cut and dry as you seem to think they are.

Do me a favor: stop condescending people who have problems that you know nothing about. At the very least, take a psychology course to learn about these conditions. Stop talking about it until you know what the hell it is you're talking about.

Hi Mona,

When you live in a Black and White World as i do things are so much more clearer, Amy does have a mental health issue, its called "substance abuse" and "alcoholism", and i'm not talking about what you want me to admit to, just stay on track and you will be fine. I have not mentioned about any other mental health issues about anybody so dont try the gestapo trick on me, i'm far to aware of people like you and what your trying to do so just stop it.

I personaly think she has shown enough mental health issues to be forceably taken to court and issued with a court order to make her disassociate with the people who are helping, no encourageing her to re-use, and to be forceably rehabilitated, up to a point where she will be cured, if she reoffends then a custodial sentence should be imposed and doubled every time she reoffends. This is the way to deter "substance abuse" and "alcoholism" in my honest opinion.

I dont have a problem with what people do in their own homes, but when they interfere with others and the public then the law and society in general need to act, if nothing more than for the persons own good.

I have obviously hit a raw nerve with you over my opinions on "substance and drug abuse" and "alcoholism", this was not my intention, so please forgive my clumsy approach to enlightening the masses on these matters.

I for one dont want to hear about Amy's demise, but on this forum thats all that we seem to hear and talk about at times, the amount of Hero's that have gone the same way is stagering and all anybody does is condone it by not standing up to the fact that these people are ruining their lives and the lives of people who care and love them.

If you think that i'm doing wrong by outing, pointing the finger, shaming, and vilifying those that behave in such a way and others by condoning them, then thats your opinion.

I for one think that untill we as a society, and more important as friends and loved ones, and even us as fans, are more vocal with our disgust at their abuses and behavior then the addicts dont stand a chance of either realising their abuses, what damage they are doing to those that care, or getting the help they so desperatly need.

And just for the record, i am not a recovering anything, but i have had problems with family members and friends who have had much the same mental illness as Amy has, how do i deal with them you may ask? i give them chance after chance, i tell them exactly as i've told it on here, i offer even my home as an escape, but in the end if they dont take the help offered then thats as much as i can offer and do, they are out of my life untill such time as they have found the help they need. I have my own health and the health of my immediate family to concider rather than be draged down by degeberate behavior.

So i do know what i'm talking about even if i seem to be acting rather cruel to her and others, its for their own good in the end. My appologies for being so Frank, now thats a coincidence isnt it?

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Kat, you know what i mean, She needs to be made aware of how she is behaving, what the abuse is doing to her mind as well as her body, not all this pandering up to her, saying what a massive talent she is, but giving it to her straight. Untill then she will stay on this downward spiral untill her death.

I dont know what is worse, Her behavior or people who arse lick her all the time. Nobody but herself can get the help she needs, and what she dosent need is record companies, management, hangers on, friends and lovers helping her to degenerate in to the oblivion she is headed. I had hoped someone with your intelligence would understand this?

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

She is not being made aware of it? I thought they were trying to make her go to rehab...

You know, I'm not entirely sure what this thread is about, and your posts are not helping much. I, as a fan, am not going to condemn her because I know nothing about her personal life and I don't know what I should achieve by condemning her. I enjoy her music and that's it. As for her friends, lovers, co-workers and ass-kissers, I can very easily understand why they should not be happy with people condemning her without actually knowing her. Or saying she's an untalented bitch simply because she makes wrong choices. Who says that they're not trying to help her? I can't agree with your opinion that condemnation is the right medicine for this kind of people. It can do more harm than otherwise. But it is your opinion and it's your choise to treat people around you according to that. Someone with my intelligence won't say "shame on you" because it's your fucking business and your responsibility.

As i have said before I'm not for one minute condoning this sort of behavior from People that i "Like the Music Of" so why bring JB up? My Interest is only about their Music, i have Never Had Any Interest in their Personal Lives

Ok, so why are you so suddenly interested in the personal life of Amy Winehouse?

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She is not being made aware of it? I thought they were trying to make her go to rehab...

You know, I'm not entirely sure what this thread is about, and your posts are not helping much. I, as a fan, am not going to condemn her because I know nothing about her personal life and I don't know what I should achieve by condemning her. I enjoy her music and that's it. As for her friends, lovers, co-workers and ass-kissers, I can very easily understand why they should not be happy with people condemning her without actually knowing her. Or saying she's an untalented bitch simply because she makes wrong choices. Who says that they're not trying to help her? I can't agree with your opinion that condemnation is the right medicine for this kind of people. It can do more harm than otherwise. But it is your opinion and it's your choise to treat people around you according to that. Someone with my intelligence won't say "shame on you" because it's your fucking business and your responsibility.

Ok, so why are you so suddenly interested in the personal life of Amy Winehouse?

Hi Kat

BOREDOM and as this is a discussion board i thought that as she disrespected Robert Plant, the audiance, the public, and herself, we might like to discuss it, it seems to have gone further than i had expected, from her antics to her mental health state, i didnt know so many Zeppelin fans were fans of hers as well.

The only thing i disagree with you about is your last comment, is is my fcukinf business and my responsibility when her antics and behavior spills out in to the public sector, then it is all our business and responsibility to voice our disaproval and disgust, or not as you chose, lets just say that she is safer with my comments than what would happen to her in a not so free world. Just my opinions you understand, and we all have them.

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

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Hi Mona,

When you live in a Black and White World as i do things are so much more clearer, Amy does have a mental health issue, its called "substance abuse" and "alcoholism", and i'm not talking about what you want me to admit to, just stay on track and you will be fine. I have not mentioned about any other mental health issues about anybody so dont try the gestapo trick on me, i'm far to aware of people like you and what your trying to do so just stop it.

I personaly think she has shown enough mental health issues to be forceably taken to court and issued with a court order to make her disassociate with the people who are helping, no encourageing her to re-use, and to be forceably rehabilitated, up to a point where she will be cured, if she reoffends then a custodial sentence should be imposed and doubled every time she reoffends. This is the way to deter "substance abuse" and "alcoholism" in my honest opinion.

I dont have a problem with what people do in their own homes, but when they interfere with others and the public then the law and society in general need to act, if nothing more than for the persons own good.

I have obviously hit a raw nerve with you over my opinions on "substance and drug abuse" and "alcoholism", this was not my intention, so please forgive my clumsy approach to enlightening the masses on these matters.

I for one dont want to hear about Amy's demise, but on this forum thats all that we seem to hear and talk about at times, the amount of Hero's that have gone the same way is stagering and all anybody does is condone it by not standing up to the fact that these people are ruining their lives and the lives of people who care and love them.

If you think that i'm doing wrong by outing, pointing the finger, shaming, and vilifying those that behave in such a way and others by condoning them, then thats your opinion.

I for one think that untill we as a society, and more important as friends and loved ones, and even us as fans, are more vocal with our disgust at their abuses and behavior then the addicts dont stand a chance of either realising their abuses, what damage they are doing to those that care, or getting the help they so desperatly need.

And just for the record, i am not a recovering anything, but i have had problems with family members and friends who have had much the same mental illness as Amy has, how do i deal with them you may ask? i give them chance after chance, i tell them exactly as i've told it on here, i offer even my home as an escape, but in the end if they dont take the help offered then thats as much as i can offer and do, they are out of my life untill such time as they have found the help they need. I have my own health and the health of my immediate family to concider rather than be draged down by degeberate behavior.

So i do know what i'm talking about even if i seem to be acting rather cruel to her and others, its for their own good in the end. My appologies for being so Frank, now thats a coincidence isnt it?

Very Kind Regards, Danny

When you live in a black and white world, you miss the bigger picture, because you're too focused on the details. I wasn't pulling any tricks. You said people with mental illnesses, not just substance problems. Don't even try to back track on your words, buddy, they're right there.

Yes, people with substance problems need help. Unfortunately, they are the only ones who can make the call if they actually want help or not. If they don't want it, they're going to just fall back into their old patterns again, no matter how many times they go to rehab.

Vilifying and condemning these people does NOTHING to help them. If anything, it probably gives them an excuse to keep doing it. Nothing will drive a person to take part in "degenerate behavior" than people condemning them for it. Hatred is what brings about a LOT of mental disorders, and is absolutely NOT the way to cure them.

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Danny, you've gotta stop reading the Daily Mail. It gets you too out of sorts.

Just say a prayer for them and hope they find their way to the methadone clinic. Otherwise be nice. Heroin addicts have a hard time and require patience.

Here, maybe this will help.

Just close your eyes and unwind.

Let all the tension flow out and imagine that all the addicts are getting well, safely guided by their guardian angels.

Awsome, thanks a bundle ET that has really done the trick, i fell so much better, please forward this to miss winehouse and lets hope that her guardian angels arent junkies as well. ;)

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

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For the first time, I completely agree with you. I never thought I'd say this, but well said, Type O.


I'm just a big ol' bag of surprises sometimes, lulz.

Yes Type O,for the first time,well said...Except for the "skank" part.I don't buy that rationalization.That's gender bias! ;)

I'm on Amy's side and I hope she can figure it out before it kills her.I hate to see anyone ruin their life,talented or not!

Thanks to you also.

The skank comment was more a nod to the general perception a lot of her detractors hold.

It wasn't meant as a rationalization.

Politically incorrect terms aside, though, when she's on the down side (or “in the black”) - and there are many photos of her as such - she can be in a pretty horrible state (health, hygiene, appearance, etc.).

And I'm sure she deserves love and support, but I've never really felt a personal connection to any famous celebrities or musicians - it's as though they exist in a different world than my daily world.

It's why I don't have overly strong feelings about "hot" actresses, etc.

Yeah, she looks good, but it's not like I'll ever meet her.

Led Zeppelin is about as close to feeling personal about famous people that I've ever come.

I don't like to use the word “fantasy” because it has kind of unsavory undertones, but I've imagined being in some type of situation where I ran into one or more members of Zeppelin and was able to hold just a short conversation and ask them a couple questions that they would feel comfortable answering.

Their impressions/opinions of particular songs/albums, things like that.

That's why I don't feel overly sad at a particular celebrity or musician's passing, just interest.

Wow, doesn't take much to send me off on a tangent, eh?

Thread un-jacked. lulz.

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Awsome, thanks a bundle ET that has really done the trick, i fell so much better, please forward this to miss winehouse and lets hope that her guardian angels arent junkies as well. wink.gif

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

You're welcome, Danny.

People are not forcibly rehabilitated, though. They choose to change when they are ready.

Edited by eternal light
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You're welcome, Danny.

People are not forcibly rehabilitated, though. They choose to change when they are ready.

Hi ET,

But wouldnt it be so much better for the rest of us if they were? ;)

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

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Err... After reading the article, I slightly stopped to like her. All those excesses are getting worse. I liked her music though. There are a few good songs, but her personality ruins (for me) her whole image as a musician. :thumbdown:

...And she looks like a prostitute.

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Hi ET,

But wouldnt it be so much better for the rest of us if they were? wink.gif

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

Wishful thinking, but it doesn't work that way, although many have attempted to impose restrictions on them.

Even if they tried keep up appearances, unless they truly want to change themselves, they will relapse.

It is possible that they may take the opportunity, but if they fail, they fail miserably.

It is better to improve the direction of their activities so that they have less opportunity to err, and a positive path that they find to be of interest on an independent level; then you have made some progress.

If you can get them to independently choose to clean up their act, you have succeeded.

With adults, you must let them choose, but you can guide them on the path so they can at least see the options more clearly.

Ordering someone to quit an addiction to opiates is somewhat like ordering a cancer patient to get well. It sounds good.

Youth is wasted on the young. If only they knew. smile.gif

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I'm pretty neutral on AW, she's not doing anything groundbreaking in any facet of her life...it's just that she's doing it in the hyper-information age. Janis showed us that a female performer could be just as bawdy and out of control as her male peers...so what news is this? Society loves to watch a trainwreck, and after shelling out money for her musical product, feel that they have a right to tear her down for being as human as the next person.

Does this give her a pass on her actions at the MC awards?

Not at all.

Should she have heckled Robert?



I look at the bigger picture and realize that people who act with respect and manners twoards others, are becoming a treasured minority. All day long I see people who are NOT on drugs (as far as I know anyway) interrupt and disrespect others, you can turn on the TV and watch the state of the union address and witness congressmen heckle the president..people troll on multiple internet sites to get their fix of dissing others! AW, Kanye, and all these overpaid athletes all live a life with very little rules...it's also the twitter generation....inner monologue is becoming a thing of the past. :slapface:

If we have to enforce rehab on AW for addiction ( sorry, human's have to "buy in" ), you better crank up your machine Big Brother and start deconstructing society as we know it.

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Amy Winehouse strongly relies on the 'do not be boring' rule that applies to theater. Arriving late for her cue, breathless and seemingly incapacitated, flashing the goods, appearing somewhat disheveled ,and upstaging Robert Plant works within that context.

She has established herself as an "It Girl" of sorts. She has an instinct for the stage, but she could benefit from improved direction.

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Actually forced treatment does work. Even with heroin.

It was court ordered for someone I know with a LONG history of heroin and coke, pills, you name it. They actually pulled it off, either that or go to jail. They could not have booze either and were tested up the yin-yang. They were in a program that lasted a year.

Been clean for a RECORD...I think seven months or so. I know the chance of slipping up is always there. But when they say- stay clean or go to jail for a year, that's a strong incentive.

I do have empathy and sympathy for (the devil?) addicts. But when they disrupt the lives of family and friends tough love is sometimes the only way to make them see the light.

Her and Courtney Love would be quite the show.

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It's been tried before. Even though they are forced to detox, their brain chemistry is permanently altered, so they continue to crave the drug. Whether it is worth the cruel and dehumanizing process that they experience is debatable. I like to think there is a better way, especially for those who won't succeed in that stark environment. It brings out their despondent, suicidal side and makes them more vulnerable. They don't really deserve that. It's just society beating up on them.

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God, is she back in the news again? I haven't heard what she's done yet, but let me guess, she got drunk or high or both and caused a ruckus in public. Yawn. Call me when she sobers up - THAT will be news. Hell, it'll probably mean the apocalypse is near.

Seriously, I like her music, I think she's a good singer, but she just doesn't interest me anymore. She hasn't DONE anything since 2006 except screw around and act silly, so why should I care about her? If she ever cleans up and does some music again, I'll give it a listen; otherwise, she's off my radar.

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Actually the tabloid media has taken to calling her Wino.

Not even Keef got called anything close to that, even when he was an expensive one! ;)

Haha, my dad once called her "Winey Aimhouse," it made me laugh a lot harder than it probably should have.

I am easily amused.

Ooh, I forgot about Keith when I was talking about the hypocritical response to her. He snorted his own Dad's ashes, for God's sake!

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...or maybe he didn't.


He did fall out of a palm tree. I know you love him, but he's by far one of the most drugged up Rock and Rollers. The point is that as far as crazy rock star antics, Amy Winehouse isn't anything new.

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He did fall out of a palm tree. I know you love him, but he's by far one of the most drugged up Rock and Rollers. The point is that as far as crazy rock star antics, Amy Winehouse isn't anything new.

Oh I know,believe me.I wasn't trying to imply otherwise.He's the most drugged-up of the lot,if you allow the past to be included.I pointed out the ashes bit because first he said he did,then denied it,then said he did again...in just that uniquely Keith way,so that you never know if he really did or not.It reminds me of the blood-change story.He started it,then denied it,and it was later proven to be false....

Keith Richards blood change

.....yet,it still lives on.

Amy is definitely nothing new.

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Oh I know,believe me.I wasn't trying to imply otherwise.He's the most drugged-up of the lot,if you allow the past to be included.I pointed out the ashes bit because first he said he did,then denied it,then said he did again...in just that uniquely Keith way,so that you never know if he really did or not.It reminds me of the blood-change story.He started it,then denied it,and it was later proven to be false....

Keith Richards blood change

.....yet,it still lives on.

I still believe it. I WANT to believe it. And the ashes story. B)

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