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The sake and future of Led Zeppelin


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Look at what is around us...ruining good bands*cough*metallica*cough* ...rockband and guitar hero are the grim reaper of awesome music. In my opinion Led Zeppelin is the best band to ever be created in the history of time. We Led Zeppelin fans do not need fucking idiot posers saying that they are led Zeppelin fans when they are only fans and only know them because of a fucking video game. I personally believe this isn't the way music should be remembered. It should appreciated for the talent ,the genuosity ,the history , the pure greatness that it contains. And led Zeppelin had it all! If you put a led zeppelin song on gh or rb millions of idiot teens and kids will believe theselvea to be true fans of an awesome band that they've never heard if before playing the game. Once again led Zeppelins music shouldn't be remembered by an idiotic commercial music ruining scheme. These games take rock and roll and make it into a fad for wannabes. This is all coming from a 15 yearold who deeply cares about the well being and respect of the led Zeppelin name. I believe led Zeppelin should follow in their old philosophies..Like not putting put singles and staying away from press and tv...and Jimmy said music should be rembered for the music. Please spread thoughts. I only want the best for the the greatest band. What do you gotta say about this? Agree? Don't? ......(you should)

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Look at what is around us...ruining good bands*cough*metallica*cough* ...rockband and guitar hero are the grim reaper of awesome music. In my opinion Led Zeppelin is the best band to ever be created in the history of time. We Led Zeppelin fans do not need fucking idiot posers saying that they are led Zeppelin fans when they are only fans and only know them because of a fucking video game. I personally believe this isn't the way music should be remembered. It should appreciated for the talent ,the genuosity ,the history , the pure greatness that it contains. And led Zeppelin had it all! If you put a led zeppelin song on gh or rb millions of idiot teens and kids will believe theselvea to be true fans of an awesome band that they've never heard if before playing the game. Once again led Zeppelins music shouldn't be remembered by an idiotic commercial music ruining scheme. These games take rock and roll and make it into a fad for wannabes. This is all coming from a 15 yearold who deeply cares about the well being and respect of the led Zeppelin name. I believe led Zeppelin should follow in their old philosophies..Like not putting put singles and staying away from press and tv...and even Jimmy said music should be rembered for the music. Please spread my thoughts. I only want the best for the the greatest band. What do you gotta say about this? Agree? Don't? ......(you should)

eh hem....sorry for the spelling errors.
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I can sort of see both sides of this fence. On the one hand, having been around when Led-Zeppelin were still recording and performing, I am used to the policy of no, or very limited, singles, as well as nothing being turned over for commercial profit in the form of car ads or such. On the other hand, the band haven't released an album as a functioning unit since 1979 and I can understand Jimmy/JPJ/Robert opening up to new ways of finding new fans and keeping the flame of Led-Zeppelin alive.

Guitar Hero would be great if it were a precursor to young kids being actual guitarists. If they got the game at say, 10, and used it to learn about older music and then gravitated to the actual instrument it would be a very cool thing. However, that may play out only once every couple hundred thousand kids or so. Then again, who knows... perhaps the next Jimmy Page or Eddie Van Halen is banging away on Guitar Hero right now.

I don't disagree with you and I was none too pleased when Rock & Roll was used in a Cadillac commercial a few years back. But then, it isn't my music, it's Jimmy's and he can see fit to do with it what he wishes.

The music of Led-Zeppelin is still special for me and whether or not they are included in Guitar Hero or Rock Band isn't going to change my love for their music. At this point I'd be very pleased with a new Jimmy Page solo album.

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I don't disagree with you and I was none too pleased when Rock & Roll was used in a Cadillac commercial a few years back. But then, it isn't my music, it's Jimmy's and he can see fit to do with it what he wishes.

I guess, but it leaves you with that sense of so much for the Houses of the Holy and my God, I feel so used, how did I ever fall for that if it was only destined to be another commercial to sell cars. When people in the music business market to young people they just push your buttons until they have sold their product. But at the time you are very young and how would you know? Later you just feel stupid and wonder why you cared. And of course, you cared because you were too young to know and completely open at the time.

Edited by eternal light
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guys, this is like the 50th RB post but i disagree with the poser comment, i own all Zep on vinyl have the dvds and countless shirts, never seen em live, does that make me a poser? mm, i dont think so, you opinion is yours and yours alone, the "We Led Zeppelin fans do not need fucking idiot posers saying that they are led Zeppelin fans when they are only fans and only know them because of a fucking video game", please tell me what harm this does to zeppelin and their legacy? if a 12,13 year old is into their games and "discovers" zep this way i think thats certainly a good thing, its not like a game could come out and all of a sudden no one likes Zep, and to go back to the poser comment, i see SO many people in that 77 tour shirt, so if your worried about the posers, i think they are already here!

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I don't disagree with you and I was none too pleased when Rock & Roll was used in a Cadillac commercial a few years back. But then, it isn't my music, it's Jimmy's and he can see fit to do with it what he wishes.

No, it belongs to the whole band, and they all make these decisions, not just Jimmy.

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I have no problem with people discovering Led Zeppelin through Guitar Hero. Besides, The Lemon Song is already on GH2 and GH3 got me to listen to Metallica and I now enjoy them.

The problem comes when people who listen to a few songs, start going on about how they know Led Zeppelin so much and act it all up when they know next to nothing about them. If they were honest about it nobody would care. If it were done right anywhere, it should matter where you find out about a band. Aside from a few songs I'd heard, at first I didn't have much of a clue as to what Led Zeppelin was. My real introduction to them was when I borrowed LZ Remasters from my aunty. Does that make me a poser because I got into LZ through a "Best Of"? Hell no! Most bands I like I started out with greatests hits, it's the best way to start. If you don't like the bands best work, how will you like the rest? That is where the notion of a GH:LZ works. If kids hear more than Stairway, Rock & Roll and Immigrant Song, maybe they'll think: "Y'know, I'm really digging Moby Dick", "I'm getting into In The Evening", "Thank You rocks!". If that happens, people won't be a bunch of posers, and Jimmy, Robert and John will have made a giant sum of money.

However do remember that Led Zeppelin don't really hand out their masters freely, so the chance of a GH:LZ seems rather slim. If you looked at the Metallica one, it was a bunch of their songs and then a few songs the members liked. Nobody's gonna buy a GH where 25 songs are LZ and 15 are Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Willie Dixon. I would feel more ripped off by the fact that GH3 has over 70 songs and GH:VH has only about 40.

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No matter what there is between that speaker and the ear, the best music will always be the best music because it is the best music to the listener and will always inspire that individual to feel something new or help find their way to a similar place with other like minds - it just clicks no matter how you get to hear it.

I'm not sure why lol, but I've thought a lot about the pros 'n' cons of a Led Zep Rock Band edition (moving away from the term 'game'). As a 'real' guitarist/engineer/head myself I can see several sides to how it could play out for the band, the makers of Rock Band and the people that would buy it, new and old to Led Zeppelin. If such a thing was brought in to existance I would want it to be purely an interactive Led Zeppelin Rock Band 'experience' in a similar way to the Beatles title, but as it's the Led Zep we are talking about here it would have to go that bit further and louder, if that makes sense.

What I was thinking is a Rock Band meets RockStar Games in a Led Zeppelin meets GTA style trip, inspired by scenes and events in the bands history mixed with playing live in The Song Remains The Same movie. But as well as playing the songs, you get to play as one of the band members with levels that enter the realm of total fantasy from driving fast cars, being in a gangster shoot out to battling dragons, the zombie tabloid press and gaining mystical powers. All that before turning up to the gig or studio with full playing powers to blow away an audience. The highest level being that you can set up a studio and play your real guitar, bass, keyboard and drums via already existing midi devices. So eventually LZ:RB becomes the ultimate 'how to play your instrument' guide and get a history of the ideas behind Led Zeppelin.

Ok, I've gone too far now but well, anything less than thee most far-out piece of digital art would just be a gamble for all involved. Either way, we are always going to have Led Zeppelin playing in one form or another.

Cheers all, nice to be here.

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If there was a Led Zeppelin style music game aka Rock Band or Guitar Hero would it really change how you viewed the band? My answer is a very LOUDNO. They are still the greatest rock and roll band in history and nothing will ever change that. Its true that some fans may view this as selling out but come on you just gotta change with the times like vinal-8 track-cassette-cd and now its digital downloads its basically getting your music to a broader audience.I remember when i was 13 years old and listening to led zep on my radio and it fucking blew me away and that following weekend i bought my first guitar but these days are different so maybe if a 13 year old kid is playing Led Zep on either RB or GH he or she might wanna ask their mother/father for a guitar or a set of drums. These times arent like the old days i guess people just need to relize that.

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Led Zeppelin has reached the point where it is already so commercialized, so arguably you could say why stop at anything?

But I think maybe that Jimmy Page et al, as practical and enterprising as they have been in the past in regard to the commercial side, have also maintained a sense of presenting their music well so that it is staged advantageously. How is this game thing going to enhance the presentation?

You may need to change with the times, but not all change is good. They still need to be a little selective about how they share their music with their current audience, otherwise the force of their music and its soul dissipate.

Edited by eternal light
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While driving home tonight, before they started "Get the Led Out" at 7, the DJ stated something about Page warming to the idea of Rock Band and (can't direct quote this), "I think it's great that young kids are so into the music and if they can get into it by any means necessary, I guess that's a good thing." The quote didn't go into any suggestions about Page giving the OK for any future Zeppelin guitar games.

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When all the people who experienced Led Zeppelin as they unfolded are dead, that's when not putting Led Zeppelin in a video game like this will hurt Led Zeppelin's legacy the most.

What's the flippin big deal? So something comes along with the ability spread the love of Led Zeppelin more widely across the masses?. You guys just want to be selfish and keep it all to yourselves.

Well fuck that.

I'm sorry but I'd love to be able to connect with a 10 year old kid who just played a Led Zeppelin song on a video game and found out what it is for the first time.

I'd love to be able to tell that kid that I can do that on a real guitar and encourage him to learn. But no, he's going to play some shitty whiney ass Green Day song instead because he heard it on Rock Band--not some Led Zeppelin song he heard some old fart playing on his iPod.

Sure I could walk around with an iPod and ask little kids if they want to listen but I'd probably get arrested.

Thank God they at least made the jump to digital.

I'd like to say hello all the people who want Led Zeppelin to die with them.

For me, it's not about the ability to play Led Zeppelin in a video game, but more so the exposure. I know what you're thinking-- "how could arguably the greatest rock band of all time need more exposure?"

Well not putting Led Zeppelin a video game, considering how commonplace these games have become, is like not advertising for your product because "hey it's always done fine before without it". Do you know the names of products that have died out because they did not believe in a particular form of advertising???


Because know one gives a rat's ass about them because they didn't get their message out to the right people. No matter how good the product was, you gotta shout it from the hilltops to get people to buy it.

When the industry shifts and you don't shift with it--you get screwed. Maybe not you and maybe not your kids, but at some point no one will know about Led Zeppelin.

I am not saying that not putting Led Zeppelin in a video game would directly be it's destruction.

Instead I am generalizing and saying that if you don't keep up with the way people get introduced to music, then you fall into the background. Guitar Hero is a new way for people to experience music and it has consistently shown a rise in real guitar playing.

If classic rock bands were getting renewed fans among younger audiences because they put their album covers on fucking lollipops, then I'd want Led Zeppelin's albums to be on lollipops.

I agree that it would be fucking ridiculous but at least I could talk about the actual music with the person that I see eating that lollipop.

Let the people who just want to play a video game have their game and pretend they know what they're doing---they can waste their time...FINE.

But give the people who would never think to listen to Led Zeppelin a chance and maybe something good will grow from that.

I know there are other outlets and ways to be introduced to Led Zeppelin, but it's hard to disagree with this:

The more ways you have to get your idea/product/thing to people, the longer it'll be around.

You love Led Zeppelin so much? Well get it out there any way you can: Video games, lollipops, shark sex toys, whatever....

They can give the money to charity if they don't want to be considered a sellout...

Edited by guitarmy
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As I said in the other rock band thread...

These games are made for the casual player, I don't think they're looking for anything other than a cheap thrill. A Led Zeppelin game may be too complicated for the average "music game" player perhaps.

And also... :P :P :P :P

It seems to be more or less a fad,

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So releasing LZ in RB or GH is going to effect Zeppelin's future!? blink.gif

Yeah, right.

Oh, and what future would that be?

It could, in some large or small way. Who knows...

Not specifically just RB/GH...but if you make these choices to not include yourself in the media of the time, then yes you can make the general argument that it would affect their future.

It could be a future where rock and roll is some watered down version of it's previous self...oh wait I think that's already happening. With these games, kids are getting a renewed look at classic rock and roll and Led Zeppelin is not included. I think that's a tragedy because too many of them don't know that Led Zeppelin even exists.

Even if it's a fad, then there's no harm in including Led Zeppelin in it. The problem becomes if it's not such a fad after all.

The damage may already be done. These games could be the last whimper of popular culture that classic rock gets before it dies out.

No one ever believes it until it happens. I'm just saying, there's no harm in including them as it could only do good.

Not including them is a mistake. Including them won't hurt anything.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect that. IMHO I hope this does not happen...unless they can maintain the control of their masters. They did it in the 60's, why not be the first to do it on Rock Band. If they (Rock Band) really want LZ, then let them keep ownership of the masters.

Take a look at 6 year old little Harry on the Meet & Great topic/thread. He is playing the instrument!!

I personally do not feel that Led Zeppelins music is a game. I place them above this. While I would be very disappointed, I would never stop loving their music.

Edited by Deborah J
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