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Hi all,

There have been people here,who through the music of Led Zeppelin and found a common interest,there are many folks who have done much more than that.This is only a thread to thank them and to others I have met through this site who have asked,my opinion.


Chuck :D



Mr. S.A. Jones


To name a few.Did I get that right? :slapface:

Anywho,we have,or I hope we have an extended family out there,just saying,thanks,...for being there.


Edited by Anjin-san
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It's time for a big family dinner. :D

Oooh! A Led Zeppelin potluck. I'll bring some drinks. :D

Have to agree with you Anjin.. lots of knowledgable people here and I enjoy reading the info posted here even though I don't usually have much to offer.

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Why thank you Anjin-san my friend. It's always fun to chat with my Led Zeppelin friend's!

Dinner???!!!!???!!!?? If it's some where close to my neck of the wood's I'll be there!

I'm sure Dan is still around some where, maybe he's just busy or some thing.

Stairway backwards, does raise the eyebrows to the Zeppelin heads.

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Thanks bro but don't forget that you've always been there for us too !

Hopefully one day soon we'll be having a few drinks.gif and more than a few hysterical.gif

We'll just have to be carefull not to get redcard.gif



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What a great thread! I really enjoy the converstions with so many of you. It would be great to eventally all get together at some point.

Thanks to all of those mentioned here and several others for many enjoyable and informative converstaions! Here is to many more :peace:

Best, Deborah

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Yes,it would be nice if we could have an 'offical' Led Zeppelin convention! B) If any of you are ever in the Boston area,give me a shout!We could have a clam bake! :wave:


Thanx bro!

Dealing with some personal issues hope to get back to posting soon!?

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Keeping with the spirit of this thread, I'd like to echo the thoughts of my bro Anjin - san and say that during my spell here I have met some great people and made some wonderful friends along the way ! For me personally, I have a great appreciation for honesty and tend to gravitate to people who aren't affraid to speak their minds regardless of whether or not I agree with their positions all of the time. All of the people I consider to be good friends have that confident quality and there are many of them. At times, life can deal some cruel blows to people and having friends who have your back during those times makes a huge difference. Thanks to all of those who have had mine

Thats all



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I also really appreciate the friends I've made here. Led Zeppelin has a special place in my heart; their music has always made me feel very peaceful and happy. I have many special memories associated with their music; as I think most people here do. That's a wonderful thing to have in common :)

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Without getting into it, I do miss alot of the heads from the old board. This board just has a different array of personalities.

I agree with you. :(

But still I'm really grateful to this place because thanks to Sam and Led Zeppelin I have made friends for life here (or in the old board). Real friends that I have already met in person, friends that I'll certainly meet one day, friends that will have a place in my heart forever.


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I agree with you. :(

But still I'm really grateful to this place because thanks to Sam and Led Zeppelin I have made friends for life here (or in the old board). Real friends that I have already met in person, friends that I'll certainly meet one day, friends that will have a place in my heart forever.


I miss them too and yes, I've made some really special friends for life that I've been blessed to meet, will meet soon and hope to meet as well :D :D :D

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Hi all,

This thread,which was in my head (Danke, Ally!),was to thank all the Brothers&Sisters I have met here(and the old board too),welcome them into the family.I am sure, there are more than a few tales to tell,which didn't appear on the board,but in PM's,emails,that would peel paint off a battle ship. There were also things that,IMHO were not right for the board,I 'discovered' some long,lost family there,...

"What's the point?Old man?" :rolleyes:

Maybe,just maybe,the 'old heads' and the present folks,can say; 'When all is one and one is all.'

KB(maybe,maybe knot) berry farms,....

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Where is BIGDAN?

I haven't seen him around in a while.


I've been trolling around some other boards looking for a fight, argument, debate, anything really, and I've been very disappointed, nobody was biting. So i thought i would give this old site a look, i know from old that the fishing can be very good here, especially if you use the right bait. ;)

So thanks for your concern DOC, its very much appreciated really, i have been visiting my army boy in his new home down in Hampshire, that's Hamp not Hemp by the way, just in case you get the wrong idea about me. :lol:


Nice one, to get mentioned in your dispatches is an Honour/Honour mate, live long and prosper, and to all those out there who give a shit, thanks for being who you are, friend or foe you are all alright as far as I'm concerned.

Here's to you all.:beer:

Kind Regards, Danny

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see you back Danny smile.gif The place hasn't been the same without ya

Your bro Jock Blood tongue.gif:lol:

Hi and thanks Ally,

Their are so many on here that make up the community feel about this forum, I'm so glad you extend this feeling toward me. :kiss::beer:

(me thinks me jock hating street cred just took a knock, i just kissed one and brought him a bevy, what will the "WEJHBs" think of me me now?" :lol:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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