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Jimmy Page Book Available NOW!


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In the email that I got from Genesis there are some pics that will be in the book- one of them is a pic of Jimmy with Red E. Lewis & The Redcaps, and on the bass drum it looks like it says "Jimmy Book" ( abd here I'm thinking it's some kind of Photoshopped thing) but then I looked at it again & saw that it really says "Jimmy Rook". Was the drummer's name really Jimmy Rook?

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So can one buy this book lets say at Barnes and Noble? or do you have to order it online?

As far as I know it must be ordered directly from the publisher HERE though I have heard people mention that the SundayTimes interview said that it could be ordered directly from them at a lower price. I have not verified this info.

Edited by Dandu
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The book is a limited addition print and so far is only available from Genesis publications.

linkage to buy

Well it seems a bit steep to pay that price for a book. To see Led Zeppelin I would pay. But the book, doubt it. I would like to know if there is anything in there that is Earth shattering? ie, does Jimmy say anything about the decision by Plant to not play? Would love to know that info.

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Well it seems a bit steep to pay that price for a book. To see Led Zeppelin I would pay. But the book, doubt it. I would like to know if there is anything in there that is Earth shattering? ie, does Jimmy say anything about the decision by Plant to not play? Would love to know that info.

.........SM, I didn't expect anything earth shattering, but at least somewhat serious perspective, but that does not even appears to be so. The Interview below states "Short on Words" and Page talks about Planting Flowers........(as best as I can judge)

Here is the Other Thread - His Interview: SUnday Times

For you here is Dave Lewis Piece that you can read and decide a bit (I am not sure you have seen this link before):



...and I am sure we agree that Poppy's have to our Most Favorite flowers (we both love the 70's, I am sure) , I am awaiting news on those, Begonias are fine, but nothing compared to these wild flowers..........

PS...The Book is Signed by Page...

:wave: :wave:

edited for clarity...

Edited by PlanetPage
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As far as I know it must be ordered directly from the publisher HERE though I have heard people mention that the SundayTimes interview said that it could be ordered directly from them at a lower price. I have not verified this info.


I put the text of the Sunday Times interview on the 'News' forum yesterday afternoon. At the end of the article, the following was stated:-

"The book Jimmy Page (Genesis Publications, Pounds 395) is published in September in a signed limited edition of 2,500. It is available, with free p&p, at The Sunday Times Bookshop. Tel: 0845 2712 135".

I then expressed my concern for people who had already ordered some months ago and had paid postage and packaging charges.

I have tried to find the book in the online Times book section, but it seems to only feature the likes of the George Case book. I am not certain, but I suspect that to get access to the Sunday Times Bookshop referred to above, you may have to subscribe to their site. I know that if you want access to the video of the Sunday Times interview, you have to subscribe. Or perhaps you have to order using the phone number which was given.

Edited by kenog
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I put the text of the Sunday Times interview on the 'News' forum yesterday afternoon. At the end of the article, the following was stated:-

"The book Jimmy Page (Genesis Publications, Pounds 395) is published in September in a signed limited edition of 2,500. It is available, with free p&p, at The Sunday Times Bookshop. Tel: 0845 2712 135".

I then expressed my concern for people who had already ordered some months ago and had paid postage and packaging charges.

I have tried to find the book in the online Times book section, but it seems to only feature the likes of the George Case book. I am not certain, but I suspect that to get access to the Sunday Times Bookshop referred to above, you may have to subscribe to their site. I know that if you want access to the video of the Sunday Times interview, you have to subscribe. Or perhaps you have to order using the phone number which was given.


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I have an update to my earlier post. This evening (Saturday), I subscribed to the Sunday Times for their 24 hour access deal in order to watch the video which accompanies the Sunday Times 22/08 interview. The end of the online magazine has been amended by the ST to show that the book is indeed £445, and amongst the online comments, one of their staff has apologised for the error. There are, however, some comments from highly displeased fans who had contacted the ST in the belief that they would get the book at the lower price.

BTW, I have put a transcript of Jimmy's video interview on the thread about the ST article.

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The cost is a little steep for a book, I know, I know, it's signed by Jimmy - which does make it tempting, but for all you Yanks out there, that's roughly $689.00. That's too pricey for me. I'm going to have to pass - unless I win the lottery anytime soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Jim,

Official publication date is September 27th. Binders are currently working hard to get the first 1500 copies to us. First books should be with us early October and will be despatched as soon as they get here. Further copies will arrive every few days thereafter. Earliest orders will receive their books first so as you ordered back in April you should be an early recipient. Please bear with us for a short while longer.



On 22 September 2010 18:52

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Oh the things I would buy if I could afford it (won the lottery). Zeppelin would be a huge part of my spending. Too bad. The book looks great. A little on the overpriced side though huh?

I feel that way too. That's why I held off on it. Being a photo book, how many times will you actually look at it? Even though it seems like a great item of the utmost quality.

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I heard that JP's deliberately delaying the publication, so that he can have a tie-in with the 'forthcoming release' of his new album. In that case, will all purchasers please ensure that they remember to make specific provision in their Wills, detailing to whom Genesis should mail the book, if it ever actually materialises?

Seriously though, all this excitement and anticpation over a mere book...reminds me of the spiritual - nay, SEXUAL - build-ups to actual Zep ALBUM releases; the endless artwork delays with HOTH, PG, Presence, ITTOD... another release date passes (ooh, you little TEASERS!), and another, and then, and then.........KA-BOOOOOM! The album drops like manna from on high, you skip school to go buy it, rush home to play it, and sit there entranced for 40 (or 80) minutes, experiencing the exquisite, joyous sensation of slooooow release, as all the previous months' unresolved musical tension comes gushing out (well, maybe not in the case of ITTOD).

Some of you book purchasers will never have experienced this divine torture. To you, I say this: don't get pissed at the delay. Rather, enjoy it - embrace it, even. It's not the same, of course, but unless RP ever kicks his Red Sovine habit, it's probably as close as you're gonna get. Just one thing, though - pray that the book turns out to be more of a PG than an ITTOD.

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very much looking forward to this. yeh it wasnt easy to shell out over $600 bucks....BUT....it will have an authentic JP signature, on a limited edition run of 2500. really the only reason I bought it. Im sure the photos will be cool and the design and quality of printing will be stellar, but all I care about is the "sig". Something that no matter how fleeting he actually touched and signed. I regret not getting the limited edition art print of LZ4 that was out many years ago, so I wasnt gonna miss out on this.

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I heard that JP's deliberately delaying the publication, so that he can have a tie-in with the 'forthcoming release' of his new album. In that case, will all purchasers please ensure that they remember to make specific provision in their Wills, detailing to whom Genesis should mail the book, if it ever actually materialises?

Seriously though, all this excitement and anticpation over a mere book...reminds me of the spiritual - nay, SEXUAL - build-ups to actual Zep ALBUM releases; the endless artwork delays with HOTH, PG, Presence, ITTOD... another release date passes (ooh, you little TEASERS!), and another, and then, and then.........KA-BOOOOOM! The album drops like manna from on high, you skip school to go buy it, rush home to play it, and sit there entranced for 40 (or 80) minutes, experiencing the exquisite, joyous sensation of slooooow release, as all the previous months' unresolved musical tension comes gushing out (well, maybe not in the case of ITTOD).

Some of you book purchasers will never have experienced this divine torture. To you, I say this: don't get pissed at the delay. Rather, enjoy it - embrace it, even. It's not the same, of course, but unless RP ever kicks his Red Sovine habit, it's probably as close as you're gonna get. Just one thing, though - pray that the book turns out to be more of a PG than an ITTOD.

I actually agree with your last comment. Earlier in the day I was frustrated because I didn't have the book, or it wasn't in transit to me like I expected it to be, but I think the anticipation in just waiting for this book to be published is so exciting, I've never been so excited about actually owning something before. It's something really special to look forward to. :D

If anything should happen to me (heaven forbid!) I haven't really thought about what would happen to be book. It would probably go to my brother who really likes Zeppelin, but isn't really a Zep Head (he doesn't even own TSRTS soundtrack for goodness sake!). Or maybe I'll leave it to one of my friends on here who hasn't got a copy. Kiwi_Zep-Fan87 would be my first choice, she's such a great friend, a real Zep Head, and I know she would treasure it. ;)

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