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New Ross Halfin Shoot of Jimmy

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Hopefully the photos from the shoot will be used to publicize his new project. hopefully. And Yes I am an optimist!!!

I would love to see him do the John Bonham Tribute with Jason. It could be done very tastefully.

I'll be happy with anything Jimmy if it includes music and not just photos.

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From RH's Diary of May 8:-

"And I know you'd like some photos of Ozzy and Jimmy Page to lift for your fan sites - so here's me at dawn instead..."

Someone should explain to Ross (slowly, if necessary) that it is the people on the fan sites who have been ordering the Genesis Publications' Jimmy Page book, some of the proceeds of which will be finding their way into Mr Halfin's bank account. The people on the fan sites bought the albums and paid for LZ concert tickets over the years, thereby funding JP's lifestyle.

If anything, I wish JP would use another photographer for a change, IMHO RH's photographs lack imagination and composition.

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From RH's Diary of May 8:-

"And I know you'd like some photos of Ozzy and Jimmy Page to lift for your fan sites - so here's me at dawn instead..."

Someone should explain to Ross (slowly, if necessary) that it is the people on the fan sites who have been ordering the Genesis Publications' Jimmy Page book, some of the proceeds of which will be finding their way into Mr Halfin's bank account. The people on the fan sites bought the albums and paid for LZ concert tickets over the years, thereby funding JP's lifestyle.

If anything, I wish JP would use another photographer for a change, IMHO RH's photographs lack imagination and composition.

RH Is fucking groupie and a twit period!

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From RH's Diary of May 8:-

If anything, I wish JP would use another photographer for a change, IMHO RH's photographs lack imagination and composition.

...Hi, I respect your opinion, but nevertheless, Ross remains one of the respected photographers to date...I do wish (for a long time, and I think it's too late) that Page would expand his circle in the entertainment industry in general with many other professionals from actors, to directors and possibly composing songs...I don't know why Page has chosen not to discover another world beyond Ross......

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I don't think Ross is consistently or the only person in Jimmy's world - although we might sometimes get that impression from reading Ross's blog posts. One of my friends was recently at an event where Jimmy was a guest and she told me that she didn't see Ross there with Jimmy - she didn't think Ross was even invited. From watching Jimmy, she said she thought he has other good friends, long-time friends, in his world. As an aside, she told me that Jimmy was very gracious that evening - and very nice about letting the guests pose for photos with him.

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Just being curious here but why do some people on this forum always make disparaging comments about the guy? I know he is opinionated but still.

Personally I do it because I don't like him. Can't speak for anyone else.

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"Just being curious here but why do some people on this forum always make disparaging comments about the guy?"


Part of the reason may be that he has, in the past, made disparaging comments about Zeppelin fans, particularly ones on fansites.

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Just being curious here but why do some people on this forum always make disparaging comments about the guy? I know he is opinionated but still.

The man is beyond abrasive. Even so, got nothing bad to say about him myself and I think it's great he blogs.

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What Jimmy Page obviously needs is advice on who to be friends with, and from people who don't know him or Ross Halfin at all, e.g. advice from the good people posting on these forums. :slapface:

Oh, of course Knebby is an exception. She doesn't like Ross, and that's really important for all of us because, after all, it's Knebby's opinion. :wacko:

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What Jimmy Page obviously needs is advice on who to be friends with, and from people who don't know him or Ross Halfin at all, e.g. advice from the good people posting on these forums. :slapface:

Oh, of course Knebby is an exception. She doesn't like Ross, and that's really important for all of us because, after all, it's Knebby's opinion. :wacko:

Their doing wonderful things in the fields of obsession and self awareness. You should really look into it Otto.

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Oh, of course Knebby is an exception. She doesn't like Ross, and that's really important for all of us because, after all, it's Knebby's opinion. :wacko:

This is pathetic Otto.

I've never tried to advise Jimmy re anything at all (except when he asked a group of us who we thought he should work with next).

I have, however, met Halfin several times, so have given an honest opinion of him, and stated that I couldn't speak for anyone else. Now leave me alone.

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This is pathetic Otto.

I've never tried to advise Jimmy re anything at all (except when he asked a group of us who we thought he should work with next).

I have, however, met Halfin several times, so have given an honest opinion of him, and stated that I couldn't speak for anyone else. Now leave me alone.

Pathetic?! Hardly. I was responding to the posts in this thread, that is, to public statements made in an open forum. That's what I did. What I find pathetic is you acting persecuted. If you really want to be left alone with your "honest opinion" of the man, you just keep it to yourself.

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Levee's right - you are obsessed. Good thing I didn't believe your last attempt to present yourself as a "friend" of mine. :rolleyes:

Anyone with eyes can see this is your personal prejudice against me. If you wish to continue it perhaps you could save everyone else from the polluted threads and just PM me your sarcasm and insults.

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