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Gibson's Daily Throwdown: The Jeff Beck Group vs. Led Zeppelin

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Both versions are great. I think that's why I love the version Page did with the Black Crowes. It gives you an idea of what Zep might have sounded like with Rod Stewart or Steve Marriott in the band instead of Plant.

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It's really just too close to call.

Both versions are sick and make me do a happy dance.

After I heard the JBG version, I was thinking "ok how can they top that?".

Of course I've listened to the Zeppelin version many more times, which may be swaying my judgment as I think I've generally grown tired of 'You Shook Me'.

And despite my penchant for bootlegs, I don't think I've heard this live version and was very pleased.

I'll give it Zeppelin by a hair. But the JBG really kicks ass. Go buy Truth and you won't be let down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The original Zep studio version is IMHO a masterpeice of production, lost a bit of the magic live for me the same way Levee did. Strangely I Can't Quit You Babe is exactly the opposite for me, much better live.

Never understood what all the fuss was about from Beck, the two versions are about as different as its possible for electric blues covers in that era to be. Its not as if Page aped Beck's cover and tried to outdo him in soloing is it?

Edited by greenman
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