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Mel Gibson


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Aah, the plot thickens... (doesn't it always?). The validity of the recordings is being questioned by some forensic folks... and now the big debate is whether or not the tapes were doctored.

Link: Did Someone Mess With Mel Gibson's Audio Recordings?

So... who knows... but ol' Mel already tarnished his own reputation in previous outbursts. It remains to be seen whether he can weather this storm, even if it proves to be pretty much fabricated. (My hunch... pieced together to make him look like a jerk, but that he actually is a jerk, and she is not quite as innocent a victim as one might first assume). Ol' Mel seems to be keeping his mouth shut at the moment, which is probably what he should've done in the first place.

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I've spent the past 30 years or so assuming Mel was an Aussie, probably on the basis of the Mad Max movies (which, incidentally, are his crowning achievements).

Mel was born in America, but raised in Australia - the family moved there when he was very young. He didn't return to the U.S. until he was in his 20's and had a film career IIRC.

We would like to return him back to Australia now, please. The guy is a fucking psychotic.

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Mel was born in America, but raised in Australia - the family moved there when he was very young. He didn't return to the U.S. until he was in his 20's and had a film career IIRC.

We would like to return him back to Australia now, please. The guy is a fucking psychotic.

Are all of these reports from credible sources? I do NOT consider tabloids credible. If it is true, its very disappointing to me as a Catholic. I am quite disgusted that he went out there and portrayed himself as a devout Catholic. Passion was a great work, as realistic a portrayal possible even using the language of the time. Many others were involved with that film that must be disgusted by his recent behaviour. I just don't get it.

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Beats me. A child rapist gets a free pass while MG (no angel either) gets dumped on. So much for logic and justice in lib central USA - Hollyweird, CA.. <_<

Hi 'cryingbluerain'

I have to agree with you, but take a look at it this way, if "Kiddie Fiddling" is deemed OK, then most of Hollywood must be doing it, yes? :yesnod: and Hitting your Wife or Girl-Fiend is a No No, my suggestion is to be like Me, NEVER Hit your Wife or Girl-Fiend, get some other MoFo too do it for you, you know it makes sense, Kushty? :o;):lol:

Regards, Danny

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Beats me. A child rapist gets a free pass while MG (no angel either) gets dumped on. So much for logic and justice in lib central USA - Hollyweird, CA.. <_<

Jesus H Christ, don't you ever think of anything else?

Go find a partner and try having sex

once in awhile

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Hi all,

Jesus H Christ, don't you ever think of anything else?

Go find a partner and try having sex

once in awhile.

Dan,you know better than that,...easy lad,easy. :)

IMHO,it's a valid point.Follywood,.....you know the causes these 'celebrities' take? :huh:

Be well my friend,KB

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Hate to scoop Atlas, but the tapes you've heard are the voice of Mel Blanc, not Mel Gibson.

Recorded many years ago and spliced to fit the current.

These were demo outtakes of a combo experiment between Foghorn Leghorn and a drunk Elmer Fudd.

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Hate to scoop Atlas, but the tapes you've heard are the voice of Mel Blanc, not Mel Gibson.

Recorded many years ago and spliced to fit the current.

These were demo outtakes of a combo experiment between Foghorn Leghorn and a drunk Elmer Fudd.


I say, I say, the hell you say, boy!

I tat daw was somethin' wong with them daw wecodings.

If it were only so, there wouldn't be so much disappointment in the events unfolding now.

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If you guys don't like Mel's acting or directing, that's one thing. But why do so many take his personal life, as horrendous as it may be, and let that dictate your appreciation of his artistic endeavors? So what?

I couldn't care less what a person is like in their personal lives. I don't know them. All that matters to me is their artistic output. I happen to like some of Mel Gibson's work and some I don't. These latest revelations or rumor, whichever it is, has no bearing on his movie skills.

You people are too much into this soap opera aspect of a person's life. It must take an incredibly bored person to take on another's life so personally in their own.

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If I found out my favorite musician was a card-carrying member of the KKK for example, I would no longer support that person. I wouldn't buy their albums, listen to their music or go to their concerts. I don't care how much I liked them before I found out or how good their music may be. Once you out yourself to be that kind of degenerate, I'll find someone new to listen to. No biggie.

I've heard the tapes of Mel's "rants". They're disgusting. Not to mention, he's threatened the life of the mother of his child a couple times by saying she needs to be beaten in the head with a baseball bat. Who the fuck says something like that?

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I haven't heard them, nor do I care, and so I'm not affected by it. I couldn't care less.

I LOVE the Road Warrior and always will. Don't care for that mideval thing he did though. Oh yeah, Braveheart.

If I heard his rantings maybe I'd have a different take. I may like that one more, who knows? wink.gif

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I think he has alot of resentment, some justified against the big shot Jews in Hollywood that pretty much tried to snub Passion of the Christ, but it wound up making so much money it was ridiculous. I think the fix was in many times on academy awards. I am not saying he was right the way he let the cop have it when he was drunk etc. But some of his disgust was justified IMO. I am not up do date on the recent domestic occurances, but it sounds like he has really gone off the deep end.

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