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Christians hauled to jail for preaching Jesus


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^ I think you mean if anyone tries to bible-thump you...

IIRC, thumping is seen as being pro-bible and thumping it to tell you how lost you are, etc. while bible-bashing is telling you how wrong, stupid, useless, etc. the bible is. In other words, you bash the bible to proclaim how worthless it is, and you thump it to proclaim how worthless you are.

It's very important to make sure we don't bash when we mean to thump... and vice versa, of course. ;):P

And yeah, Bongman, I like how ol' Newt managed in his newsletter to make that a radical islamist thing. Ah well, what can one expect from someone named for an amphibian. :lol:

edited for typo... ala "bong0man" indeed :bagoverhead:

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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^ I think you mean if anyone tries to bible-thump you...

IIRC, thumping is seen as being pro-bible and thumping it to tell you how lost you are, etc. while bible-bashing is telling you how wrong, stupid, useless, etc. the bible is. In other words, you bash the bible to proclaim how worthless it is, and you thump it to proclaim how worthless you are.

It's very important to make sure we don't bash when we mean to thump... and vice versa, of course. ;):P

And yeah, Bongman, I like how ol' Newt managed in his newsletter to make that a radical islamist thing. Ah well, what can one expect from someone named for an amphibian. :lol:

edited for typo... ala "bong0man" indeed :bagoverhead:

Yeah...I must have drunk one too many beers when writing that......BIBLE-THUMPERS BEWARE....now I'm sober :):):)


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  • 8 months later...

GO HOME !! :angry:


Dearborn mayor urges Quran burning pastor to move protest

Oralandar Brand-Williams / The Detroit News

Detroit —Dearborn Mayor John B. O'Reilly Jr. has written an "open letter" to Florida Pastor Terry Jones in a last-ditch effort to persuade the Quran-burning pastor to cancel a planned Good Friday protest outside the Islamic Center of America mosque.

In a three-page letter released to the media today, O'Reilly urged Jones to conduct his demonstration at one of the city's "free speech" zones, including in front of City Hall. He also questioned the logic of protesting Sharia law and "radical" Islam in Dearborn.

"Our commitment to the Constitution is unwavering, not merely convenient, which makes your hyperbole about Sharia Law being practiced in the courts or civil law of Dearborn nonsensical," O'Reilly wrote. "So, you are coming to protest against an imaginary threat that doesn't exist in our community. Not in our courts, not at our City Hall, not on our streets and not in any of our places of worship."

The mayor also pointed out to Jones that several churches in the vicinity of the mosque will be conducting Good Friday services and Jones' protest outside the mosque will be disruptive to their traffic as well.

"The members of the Christian churches on Altar Road asked me last week if they should cancel their Good Friday services because of your planned visit. I assured them that they should not because the Constitution does not allow you to violate their rights. I don't know why you selected Good Friday but it wasn't very considerate of the significant Christian services being held at that time. I assure you that you will not make them forfeit their services," O'Reilly wrote.

Jones, the pastor of the Dove World Outreach center in Gainesville, Fla., is due in 19th District Court in Dearborn on Thursday on a request by the Wayne County prosecutor's office that he takes out a "peace bond" to cover additional police cost because his protest outside the mosque could incite a riot.

Jones has repeatedly said he has no plans of canceling his protest.


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Anyone that belives in someone upstairs .... God , Allah , Jesus, etc etc is a Mental case...... Get a fooking grip...... Enjoy the world as it is.....

Christians blow up balloons

Muslims blow up everybody


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just so all of the good folks know, tomorrow (Saturday May 20th) is the beginning of the Raputure. Yes kids, that Rapture. A minister from Oakland California claims it's going to start at 6 in the evening............he didn't say what time zone exactly though.

So smoke 'em if you've got them.



Pity for this Preacher Camping, he's got himself a nice gig right here on Earth by the look of it.

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Hi Danny

I do believe too much freedom of speech can be a bad thing. Did you happen to catch Louis Theroux's jaw-dropping documentary on an extreme right-wing Christian group in the US on BBC 2 last month? This is just a taster: :o

I know no one would get away with saying these kind of things in Britain (thank goodness).


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To me, to harass or insult another person or group is not a RIGHT. To place yourself in front of the family house or at the funeral of a fallen soldier yelling and carrying signs giving thanks to God for his/her death, inflicts severe moral pain, in addition to being harassment.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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To me, to harass or insult another person or group is not a RIGHT. To place yourself in front of the family house or at the funeral of a fallen soldier yelling and carrying signs giving thanks to God for his/her death, inflicts severe moral pain, in addition to being harassment.

USSC. Look it up.

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Hi Danny

I do believe too much freedom of speech can be a bad thing. Did you happen to catch Louis Theroux's jaw-dropping documentary on an extreme right-wing Christian group in the US on BBC 2 last month? This is just a taster: :o

I know no one would get away with saying these kind of things in Britain (thank goodness).


I have learned something new today. I didn't know homosexuality = infedelity(?). slapface.gifAnd that all married men go off and have sex with gay men. I am going to sit my hubby down and have a long talk with him tonight. tongue.gif It actually hurt me brain trying to understand her "logic" but felt better when none of it processed cause it is just hatred disguised as religious faith.

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Just for clarification on my comment: The Phelps Church in Kansas (God Hates Fags group) and the Reverend Jones in Florida (Koran burning advocate) are two very different groups.

I agree that nobody should have the right to disrupt another religious meeting or even worse a funeral. Free speech can be limited to appropriate "time, place and manner". Just as it is not allowed to yell FIRE in a theater. So on that point the Phelps group should be limited.

But what of this Jones guy? If he wants to burn some books in protest, and as long as he does it on his own property on not if front of a mosque or someone's home; should that be allowed?

Of course there are different degrees of freedom that I believe should be granted. What people do in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not illegal, is up to them.

When certain extreme individuals/groups go out of their way to harass and offend others, it's not acceptable in my view. By giving these individuals complete freedom speech, you inevitably restrict the freedom of others, for example to mourn to the loss of loved one in peace, or simply be an open homosexual in a 'free' country. That was the point I was making.

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Can you please elaborate on that. That isn't a legitimate point.

As a non-American, I've only read about and seen cases where freedom of speech has immoral consequnces. Are the kids in this video 'free' or are they being brainwashed by an organisation that preaches hatred?To me it's the latter, and they get away with it because they have freedom of speech.

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In response to the original topic here is something that was written a bit later.


Acts 17 Apologetics have NEVER addressed the reason for their arrest and nor have they disclosed the FULL and TRUE reason being their arrest.

Yes, the reason behind their arrest was “breach of peace” BUT cleverly (and deceptively) Acts 17 Apologetics led us to believe the breach of peace arrest was related to Acts17Apologetics and festival goers.

This is not the case. The breach of the peace complaint is related to ONE volunteer named Roger Williams.(judging by his name I’d assume him to be a non-Muslim)

Officer Kapanowski writes (in the police report):

While inside the command trailer during Arabfest, Sgt Mrowka, Ofc Smith and I were notified by Roger Williams (festival volunteer) that he had just been harassed by a film crew and Amal Alslami had witnessed the incident.

Roger Williams decides to make a formal criminal complaint against Acts 17 Apologetics

Ofc Kapanowski elucidates further:

Williams stated a film crew began recording him doing his festival duties. He advised the subjects (later identified as Negeen Mayel, Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, and Paul Rezkalla) that he did not want to be filmed and told them to stop. Williams stated that they did not stop and instead, began to surround him. He added that he felt extremely uncomfortable and thought he could not leave although he attempted to several times. They continued to pester him and badger him with questions and continued filming. Williams again told them to stop filming. Qureshi and Wood, as well as Rezkalla, finally put down the microphone and camcorder to speak with him, but he noticed Mayel still filming within hearing distance. He radioed to security for assistance and the parties soon left. He advised Alslami that he wished to make a formal complaint with the police.

The police at the behest of Sgt Mrowka (due to Roger William’s formal complaint) move in to conduct a criminal investigation and apprehend Rezkalla, Wood and Qureshi (members of Acts 17 Apologetics) after apprehending Mayel (Negeen):

I relayed the information to Sgt Mrowka and he advised us to arrest all parties involved for Breach of Peace. Ofc Micallef, Ofc Ballard, Ofc Smith, and I located Qureshi, Wood, and Rezkalla in the center of another large crowd in the middle of the two tents. When we advised them to turn their camcorders off and they were under arrest for Breach of Peace, they were hesitant but eventually complied.


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Sure,the USSC (United States Supreme Court) ruled that this is fully protected by the 1st Amendment.


So are these types of organisations allowed freedom of speech or not in the US? I'm not sure exactly what constitutes freedom of speech in the US. I'm not trying to bellitte your country's principals, I'm just curious how much freedom the average American actually possesses.

In the UK this complex debate stirs up all kind of problems. There can be consequnces to things people say and the government can restrict things people say, which I think is a sensible approach.


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You know, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but your habit of responding to people with either:

1. :rolleyes:

2. Nope


is really annoying, and adds nothing to the discussion.

It doesn't matter whether I agree with Magic Fills The Air's point or not, but she's right in that your response of "Fail" doesn't explain how she is wrong; it's a snotty, childish response.

And merely stating a Supreme Court decision

doesn't mean anything either. As history has shown, the USSC is not infallible. Otherwise, we would still be living under the Dredd Scott decision.

Edited by Strider
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Hi Danny

I do believe too much freedom of speech can be a bad thing. Did you happen to catch Louis Theroux's jaw-dropping documentary on an extreme right-wing Christian group in the US on BBC 2 last month? This is just a taster: :o

I know no one would get away with saying these kind of things in Britain (thank goodness).


Hi Magic, I know you're in,

I didn't see this programme but I know about them from a previous documentry, and Jeremy Kyle's show. The problem is that anyone who Truly believes in the Torah, Bible or Koran has to agree with these bunch of Hate Preaching Bible Thumpers, its all there baby, read the script, "GOD HATES FAGS" because it says so in the Bible. There is another theory that God only HATES the ACT OF HOMOSEXUALITY and not them and if no Unholy Act is Performed then GOD has no issue with them. This also goes for ANY SEXUAL ACT outside of Marriage including Masturbation (Guilty) Fondling (Very Guilty) Heavy Petting (Leave Off Kate) and Snogging, although Kissing without using Tongues is permitted.

Now I suppose you want my opinion? well here it is for nothing, while I would love to live in a world where SEX between Husband and Wife was a wonderful and fullfilling act I also believe that without SEX outside of marriage how would anyone get any training as to how to Perform or get any First Hand Knowledge. And also how would you know what turns you on unless you have had a partner to show you something that you have never thought of or have never tried before?

But I definatly would not allow these Retards to Violate a Soldiers Funeral who was KIA, that is beyond common decency, and I would issue each and every one of them an OBL Forehead Cigarette Holder, and I dont think GOD wouldn't persecute me for this.

Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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Sure,the USSC (United States Supreme Court) ruled that this is fully protected by the 1st Amendment.


Hi Kev,

Then the USSC (United States Supreme Court) is an ASS/ARSE my friend, no surprise there then? :o;):lol:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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Hi all,

So are these types of organisations allowed freedom of speech or not in the US? I'm not sure exactly what constitutes freedom of speech in the US. I'm not trying to bellitte your country's principals, I'm just curious how much freedom the average American actually possesses.

In the UK this complex debate stirs up all kind of problems. There can be consequnces to things people say and the government can restrict things people say, which I think is a sensible approach.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7113186.stm

I only stated what the USSC said.I don't agree with it.


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To me, to harass or insult another person or group is not a RIGHT. To place yourself in front of the family house or at the funeral of a fallen soldier yelling and carrying signs giving thanks to God for his/her death, inflicts severe moral pain, in addition to being harassment.

You don't understand the purpose of the 1st amendment. Freedom of speech does not protect speech you like, it protects speech you hate.

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