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Where Do You Get Your Political News?


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Where do ya'll get your news about what is going on in terms of your country's politics?

I personally get most of mine from Politoco.com

Hi 'Starbreaker'

"Tea Grouts" or "Coffee Grounds" i find it more Truthful than any Media or Listening to Lizards. (Politicians) :o

Regards, Danny

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The BBC. I also read our local newspapers and watch local news stations. I don't watch CNN/MSNBC/Fox News. Sometimes I read Time and Newsweek if I can remember to buy them when I'm at the store. Other than that, that's it.

I would read our local paper, "The Charlotte Observer," but it's so god-awful I can't stand it. I do have a subscription to Time though. I'm with you on Fox/MSNBC/CNN, they're all worthless.

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NPR, Washington Post, New York Times, local TV news, and I subscribe to The Week magazine. It summarizes the week's news by printing excerpts from newspapers and magazines from all over the world. I love it!!

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I search English news sources. I feel that they are probably less influenced by the comminist bent of our current political regime.

New definition for politics: many bloodsucking vermin. dry.gif

LOL, you think the current administration is communist. LOL. What next, Obama was really born in Kenya?

This is supposed to be a discussion of where you get your political news; I don't want this thread to turn into a political debate. Play nice.

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This is supposed to be a discussion of where you get your political news; I don't want this thread to turn into a political debate. Play nice.

I read some of the news websites, and I usually try to look at at least a couple different ones. I try to look at international sites as well as US-based ones if it's about international news, or news/issues mostly related to a different country (e.g. a Canadian source regarding a Canadian issue, the BBC site regarding some English snews, etc.).

I also read my local paper, particularly regarding local/regional politics. I also watch some of our local news channels.

Of course, when I'm real busy with school or whatever, I don't get a chance to be as thorough as I'd like. Then, I have to just quickly glance at a news website and maybe half-listen to the tv news while doing whatever it is that I need to be doing.

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I read some of the news websites, and I usually try to look at at least a couple different ones. I try to look at international sites as well as US-based ones if it's about international news, or news/issues mostly related to a different country (e.g. a Canadian source regarding a Canadian issue, the BBC site regarding some English snews, etc.).

I also read my local paper, particularly regarding local/regional politics. I also watch some of our local news channels.

Of course, when I'm real busy with school or whatever, I don't get a chance to be as thorough as I'd like. Then, I have to just quickly glance at a news website and maybe half-listen to the tv news while doing whatever it is that I need to be doing.


Edited by Atlas
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What's ATS?

Above Top Secret

Then, of course, there is Mad Cow Morning News


July 15, 2010

by Daniel Hopsicker

The identity of the pilot of the American-registered DC-9 (N900SA) from St. Petersburg FL caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine in Mexico's Yucatan several years ago, long a mystery, finally saw the light of day recently in Mexico.

Carmelo Vasquez Guerra, a Venezuelan, was the DC9’s pilot who was said to have “escaped” from the airport while his airplane was being seized, and four other members of his crew were arrested.

He was later taken into custody by Mexican authorities, and charged with flying an airplane packed with 128 identical suitcases filled with cocaine.

Getting caught with 5.5 tons of cocaine would seem to call for some serious jail time. Reporters in Mexico assumed he’d been sent to prison for, like... forever.

So imagine reporter Francisco Gomez of Mexico City's El Universal surprise when he made a startling discovery: Carmelo Vasquez Guerra—amazingly and inexplicably—had been released from prison less than two years after being arrested.

The shocking news was delivered via an international headline stating that a pilot with the same name--Carmelo Vasquez Guerra-- had been arrested in the West African nation of Guinea Bissau on a twin-engine Gulfstream II carrying... what else?

550 kilos—a half-ton—of cocaine.

But Mexico isn't the only country to arrest Vasquez Guerra for the presumably major offense of flying box-car sized loads of cocaine, only to be forced--or persuaded--to let him go. It's happened in three. Caught and released under mysterious and unexplained circumstances. in Mexico, in Guinea Bissau, and in Mali, home of Timbuktu.

Drug pilot Carmelo Vasquez Guerra—or , more likely, the global drug trafficking network to which he belongs, which has, it must be said, a strong and enduring presence in St Petersburg FL, the shuffleboard capital of the world--- has an apparent inexhaustible supply of “get out of jail free” cards.


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For general newsclips CNN, MSNBC and Fox are fine because they're so easy. For anything more important than the face value I go to Google news. pick a category, then hundreds of articles come up from papers, TV, Etc. for each topic.

I also use youtube news, but it's not current. always behind a day it seems, but their search function is very good.

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I'm not quite sure why you used my post as a segue to the various conspiracy-theory websites you visit to get your news...

...but no harm, no foul (I guess) as long as it's quite clear that those are YOUR news sources and not mine. :blink::D

Above Top Secret

Then, of course, there is Mad Cow Morning News

... and speaking of conspiracy theories... doesn't this belong with your other posts related to this one... in your conspiracy thread? :rolleyes::P


Nowadays, I get all my political news from Atlas.

He's cool. He should have his own show on Dave TV.

He nor anyone else is a match for Hermit. Are you out there reading Hermit?

Yeah, I miss Hermit and his political posting. There aren't many here like him.

I gotta admit though, that no one is a match for Atlas either... it's just very different.


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I'm not quite sure why you used my post as a segue to the various conspiracy-theory websites you visit to get your news...

...but no harm, no foul (I guess) as long as it's quite clear that those are YOUR news sources and not mine. :blink::D

It was just the spin cycle news sources you mentioned. I really wasn't using it as a segue. I didn't need an excuse.

... and speaking of conspiracy theories... doesn't this belong with your other posts related to this one... in your conspiracy thread? :rolleyes::P

The question was asked: "Where do you get your political news?" Just because I don't rely on mainstream disinfotaiment outlets doesn't mean I have to remain silent, or does it?

Network News

Guns, death and noise

Sand, oil and blood

Frontiers drawn on paper

No consideration made for

The poor creature who is living

By the grace of God just giving

He's live on network news

Live on network news

Flags, princes, kings

Patriotic tools

As freedom lies in twisted heaps

Whose final breath his soul to keep

Whose greatest foe, the endless sleep

Whose dying wish to reach next week

A bloody star on the network news

A bloody star on the network news

Tanks, boats and planes

Fire, pain and lies

Environmental terrorists

Tease propaganda's paper fist

Whose trade is all the truth that fits

Who often lies but never sits

But on the fence it's the network news

Yes, on the fence it's network news

The lion and the serpent parade out in the sun

All order, flex and gesture

All hail - the techno infidel has come

With satellite bravado and infra-red texture

Beyond these days in time to come

Whose fate is it to measure

Upon these sands such damage done

To spoil God's finest treasure

Beyond these days [etc repeated]

Guns, death and noise

Sand, oil and blood

Guns, death and noise

Sand, oil and blood


Yeah, I miss Hermit and his political posting. There aren't many here like him.

I gotta admit though, that no one is a match for Atlas either... it's just very different.


Speaking of the dead can be fatal around these parts.

Edit to add: It wasn't I who first mentioned ATS in this thread.

Edited by Atlas
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