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Met JIMMY PAGE today.

zed lep

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Man, what an awesome job perk! That is an amazing story. How were you able to concentrate on driving? I would have been so nervous and distracted I would have driven off the road. Kudos for being calm, cool and collected while (I'm assuming) screaming inside.

That's cool though that you were able to snag some tidbits of information from him.

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Man, what an awesome job perk! That is an amazing story. How were you able to concentrate on driving? I would have been so nervous and distracted I would have driven off the road. Kudos for being calm, cool and collected while (I'm assuming) screaming inside.

That's cool though that you were able to snag some tidbits of information from him.

Thanks for your reply.I was absolutley in shock for a short while but he was so down to earth it really calmed me down and after 5 minutes or so I was actually fairly chilled out and able to have a nice conversation with him.Not surprisingly he honestly didn't tell me anything we don't already know but it was nice hearing it from the man himself and I can't tell you how bizare it is looking at Jimmy Page in your rear view mirror.Your right that it is a great job perk,driving a cab in London certainly has it's moments but they are few and far between but ones like this are rare indeed although there is no reason why I won't pick him again and a cab driver mate of mine picked up Robert Plant last year so maybe he will be next,if so i'll let you all know.



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Thanks for your reply.I was absolutley in shock for a short while but he was so down to earth it really calmed me down and after 5 minutes or so I was actually fairly chilled out and able to have a nice conversation with him.Not surprisingly he honestly didn't tell me anything we don't already know but it was nice hearing it from the man himself and I can't tell you how bizare it is looking at Jimmy Page in your rear view mirror.Your right that it is a great job perk,driving a cab in London certainly has it's moments but they are few and far between but ones like this are rare indeed although there is no reason why I won't pick him again and a cab driver mate of mine picked up Robert Plant last year so maybe he will be next,if so i'll let you all know.



Is Jimmy married now? does he have a steady woman in his life? I have no clue?

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He's been going there for over 40 years. You may have seen the b&w photographs of he and Peter Grant on motorcycles taken around '67? Those were taken at The Worlds End pub (outside). Years later the Swan Song Records office in the Kings Road was located right across the street (top two floors in the center).


I am sure the lads also used to frequent the Golden Lion pub in Fulham. I think the pub has some connection with Zep and their roadies.

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What a great story. Thanks for posting!

Thanks for your reply.I was absolutley in shock for a short while but he was so down to earth it really calmed me down and after 5 minutes or so I was actually fairly chilled out and able to have a nice conversation with him.Not surprisingly he honestly didn't tell me anything we don't already know but it was nice hearing it from the man himself and I can't tell you how bizare it is looking at Jimmy Page in your rear view mirror.Your right that it is a great job perk,driving a cab in London certainly has it's moments but they are few and far between but ones like this are rare indeed although there is no reason why I won't pick him again and a cab driver mate of mine picked up Robert Plant last year so maybe he will be next,if so i'll let you all know.



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I am contemplating a visit to London next spring, hope I run across you or Mr. Page!

i have wandered along there myself before on visits to the nearby Royal Albert Hall, but am a bit shy, and would probably bottle it if i saw him about :D I wouldn't be happy with myself if I came over as a pest, or an overawed fan :D Anyway, take plenty of money with you as recently I was in a coffee shop in Kensington High street where I needed a loan when the bill came :angry: I did see Dave Gilmour there last year, and guess what? yes, i bottled it going up to him so i didn't do it in the end :P

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That's really cool, thanks for sharing Andy! If you can remember anything else you discussed with JP, do tell.

Chimp, I'm the same way - too shy to approach and don't want to be a pest. Especially not to David Gilmour :) Was that the Italian coffee shop on Kensington High Street where you saw him? I love their coffee.

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That's really cool, thanks for sharing Andy! If you can remember anything else you discussed with JP, do tell.

Chimp, I'm the same way - too shy to approach and don't want to be a pest. Especially not to David Gilmour :) Was that the Italian coffee shop on Kensington High Street where you saw him? I love their coffee.

Hello FireOpal

First off I was a mess but then was able to tell him about previous Page and Plant gigs I had attended and that I was genuinely at the O2 reunion,also that because of him I play Guitar and own a 1995 Jimmy Page signature Les Paul which obviously meant I'm a pretty serious fan.Obviously the subject of a Zeppelin reunion came up but as we all know it's all down to Mr Plant and Jimmy said he was dissapointed that Robert was not keen but theres nothing he can do about it and he said everyone thought they would do more shows after the O2 but unbeknown to him Robert went off and done the Alison Krauss thing. He was very complementary about Jason Bonham and he even asked my opinion on the Robert Plant song that is on the radio at the moment to which I replied it's alright but you know what Jimmy, Robert Plant just doesn't ROCK anymore.Shame I know but that's how I feel.I can't remember much more,I think I was racking my brain to avoid asking questions that he would not appreciate,I mean he really is one of my all time life heroes and I didn't want to piss him off or look like an idiot.If I ever pick him up again I will be far more composed.At the end of the journey he signed a magazine picture for me and something for my guitar teacher who went to the O2 gig with me and has recently had a stroke and cannot work.At the start of the journey I turned off the meter but he insisted on giving me a £10 note because I have a living to earn.Won't be spending that note!I then jumped out of the cab to shake hands and thanked him for making my day so great then he smiled and said something like "that's alright man" so hopefully he thought I was an alright bloke.I don't know if I could just stop him in the street as I wouldn't wan't to be a pest but with me he was friendly and polite and I thought he was fantastic and it was a day i'll never forget.

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Hey Andy,

Cool that you got to meet JP.

Can you scan the cover of your magazine with his autograph for us? :)

R B)

Sorry but i'm only on a lap top and don't have a scanner but i'll try and get it on here somehow if I can.

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Well done and Thanks for sharing.

Any personable or funny moments from the ride you could share?

I definately saw him grin when I suggested nipping round to the the Tower House for a Guitar jam the next day and he mad me laugh when he said i'm not going to be sitting there replying to messages all bloody day when talking about his immenent website.He was very relaxed and personable and it's quite hard to associate the rumours and myths with him.He was smaller than I thoght at about 5' 10'' and really quite slim.

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i have wandered along there myself before on visits to the nearby Royal Albert Hall, but am a bit shy, and would probably bottle it if i saw him about :D I wouldn't be happy with myself if I came over as a pest, or an overawed fan :D Anyway, take plenty of money with you as recently I was in a coffee shop in Kensington High street where I needed a loan when the bill came :angry: I did see Dave Gilmour there last year, and guess what? yes, i bottled it going up to him so i didn't do it in the end :P

That's funny, I saw Jeff Beck at the Royal Albert Hall last year and David Gilmour got on stage and played a song with him. However, since I am not a PF fan, I had no idea who he was and only figured it out from the comments made by other spectators. I would rather it had been Mr. Page...

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Thanks a lot for sharing all the details you could remember. What a great experience and how genuinely open and talkative Jimmy was. Most celebs aren't usually like it as they'll barely recognize your existence. Obviously Jimmy is different for the better!

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Hello all.I've never posted before but today I felt I must.My name is Andy and I am a London Cab driver and yep you guest it I picked up Jimmy about 150 yards from his house off Kensington High Street today and took him to a Pub in Chelsea.Luckily for me the traffic was very bad so we chatted for about 20 to 25 minutes.I was a gibbering wreck for the first few minutes but calmed down after a bit.I had a copy of the uncut magazine that was printed just after the O2 show and he was happy to sign it for me.To be fair I am still a bit Dazed and Confused {haha} by the whole thing but when people say you shouldn't meet your heroes because you'll be dissapointed in Jimmy's case they couldn't be more wrong,he was absolutley great.I've picked up lots of famous people but Jimmy for me is the ULTIMATE passenger.And by the way he insisted on giving me a tenner even though I offered to do it for free.What a day,it's been bloody brilliant!!!

It always amazes me that someone with JP's wealth, when he could have a luxurious car with a chauffeur on standby to take him where ever he wants at the drop of a hat, seems to frequently opt for taxis and public transport; I know which I'd prefer if I was JP!!!!!!

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It always amazes me that someone with JP's wealth, when he could have a luxurious car with a chauffeur on standby to take him where ever he wants at the drop of a hat, seems to frequently opt for taxis and public transport; I know which I'd prefer if I was JP!!!!!!

I understand your point. I saw a couple of photos of him on Flickr some time ago (seem to have disappeared since then). One showed him walking some distance from his London home, and the other showed him getting into a taxi he hailed down. He had a trolley suitcase with him in both. I'm not sure if anyone on this site would know what the situation is regarding his support staff - he's bound to have some. I assume a car and driver are hired for more formal occasions, likewise if he needs security for a particular scenario.

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I understand your point. I saw a couple of photos of him on Flickr some time ago (seem to have disappeared since then). One showed him walking some distance from his London home, and the other showed him getting into a taxi he hailed down. He had a trolley suitcase with him in both. I'm not sure if anyone on this site would know what the situation is regarding his support staff - he's bound to have some. I assume a car and driver are hired for more formal occasions, likewise if he needs security for a particular scenario.

Might not be the best idea for Jimmy to do thus even though he may prefer to be like everyone else. But his safety can be a concern considering his celebrity status.

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