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Jimmy Page book: post in here when you receive your copy!


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I am number 440 and received yesterday the promotional material and a letter appologizing for the delay (the same one as others have received), so I expect that I will not be getting mine until the new year. Sounds like they are having a terrible time with the binding. I presume this also does not bode well for those with numbers above 440.

I was lucky enough to get my book 2 weeks back but I am wondering what kind of promotional material did they send to you? Can you take a picture and post it? I'm just curious to see what it is. Thanks.

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I was lucky enough to get my book 2 weeks back but I am wondering what kind of promotional material did they send to you? Can you take a picture and post it? I'm just curious to see what it is. Thanks.

I posted some pictures of the book brochure on this thread:

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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Well I didn't get the book but I did get the 40 pounds voucher and the promo material.

I got the letter of apology for the delay, the promotional brochure and the £40 gift token. There is indication the last paragraph that they will be able to give me a shipping date in January! Here's waiting.


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I am told the book (#440) is at my house at the moment. Sadly, I am at the office. :angry:

Just be warned, apparently there was a nominal COD charge of about 20 dollars when the book arrived. I assume this was customs, but I dont know for sure. I will update you all tonight. For those who are not home to recieve the books this may pose a problem. Luckilly my fiancee was home and able to pay the fee, otherwise, I imagine that I would have had to pick up the book from the shipping depot and pay the fee there. More info and pictures to come tonight! :D

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I am told the book (#440) is at my house at the moment. Sadly, I am at the office. :angry:

Just be warned, apparently there was a nominal COD charge of about 20 dollars when the book arrived. I assume this was customs, but I dont know for sure. I will update you all tonight. For those who are not home to recieve the books this may pose a problem. Luckilly my fiancee was home and able to pay the fee, otherwise, I imagine that I would have had to pick up the book from the shipping depot and pay the fee there. More info and pictures to come tonight! :D

Hi Dandu

I'm so happy for you that you've received your book. I'm waiting in eager anticipation for your opinion of the book, and any pictures you post! :D


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The book is spectacular!!! Anybody who ordered it will be absolutely thrilled. More on that in a second.

What is even more spectacular for me is that MY PICTURE IS IN THE BOOK!!! There is a shot taken at the o2 showing the crowd in the background and you can make out my face. It is not a great pic by any means, and if you didn't know where I was standing you would never find me, but it is there!! So freaking cool!!!

Now, more about the book. First, it weighs a ton. It is a real beast. Second, it is so well packaged that it cannot help but arrive in pristine condition. Third, the covers are so cool. They are made out of a translucent plastic material (which i guess is the perspex we have been hearing so much about?. It almost looks like they are made of glass! Very, very cool. I have not been through too much of the book yet, but I did take some pictures of the "opening ceremonies" which I will share. I won't share to many photos from inside the book because I think that you should each have an opportunity to experience them for yourself for the first time (but I will post a few). For those who didn't order the book, I will be sure to post a few more later once more copies have been distributed.

Stay tuned...

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I am told the book (#440) is at my house at the moment. Sadly, I am at the office. :angry:

Just be warned, apparently there was a nominal COD charge of about 20 dollars when the book arrived. I assume this was customs, but I dont know for sure. I will update you all tonight. For those who are not home to recieve the books this may pose a problem. Luckilly my fiancee was home and able to pay the fee, otherwise, I imagine that I would have had to pick up the book from the shipping depot and pay the fee there. More info and pictures to come tonight! :D

Yeah Fedex and UPS are thieves that charge a 'brokerage' fee.

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My book and the letter from Genesis both arrived today. I haven't opened the book yet - I am waiting for an uninterrupted moment. I am curious to see what number I got.

I wasn't home when it arrived and my neighbor took it in. He didn't say anything about a COD charge.

Thanks for the pictures, Dandu, I feel like you opened the package for me too. And you also have a pretty fine looking home!

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Here is the pic of me in the crowd at the o2. As I said, it is not a great pic, but still pretty cool!

When I saw that picture, I told my kids that I finally got a picture of me (in the crowd halfway between the stage and mixing board) and the 3 surviving members of Led Zeppelin. They were so excited until they realized that neither I nor them can clearly find me in that picture......but I know I am there somewhere.

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The book is spectacular!!! Anybody who ordered it will be absolutely thrilled. More on that in a second.

What is even more spectacular for me is that MY PICTURE IS IN THE BOOK!!! There is a shot taken at the o2 showing the crowd in the background and you can make out my face. It is not a great pic by any means, and if you didn't know where I was standing you would never find me, but it is there!! So freaking cool!!!

Now, more about the book. First, it weighs a ton. It is a real beast. Second, it is so well packaged that it cannot help but arrive in pristine condition. Third, the covers are so cool. They are made out of a translucent plastic material (which i guess is the perspex we have been hearing so much about?. It almost looks like they are made of glass! Very, very cool. I have not been through too much of the book yet, but I did take some pictures of the "opening ceremonies" which I will share. I won't share to many photos from inside the book because I think that you should each have an opportunity to experience them for yourself for the first time (but I will post a few). For those who didn't order the book, I will be sure to post a few more later once more copies have been distributed.

Stay tuned...


I'm glad to hear you received your book. I totally agree that this book is absolutely fantastic in every way possible. The fact you are actually in the book is totally unbelieveable. I enjoyed Zeppelin at the O2 as well but I'm not in the book...that's incredible. Thanks for the photo's. We're certainly all very fortunate to have received copies.

Cheers, Matt

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My book and the letter from Genesis both arrived today. I haven't opened the book yet - I am waiting for an uninterrupted moment. I am curious to see what number I got.

I wasn't home when it arrived and my neighbor took it in. He didn't say anything about a COD charge.

Thanks for the pictures, Dandu, I feel like you opened the package for me too. And you also have a pretty fine looking home!

Maybe the COD charge is only for Canadians? It was deffinitely some kind of brokerage fee to do with customs.

Thanks for the compliment about the house. My fiancee will be pleased. We fight a lot about decorating, but she always wins...

I hope you enjoy the book as much as I do!

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When I saw that picture, I told my kids that I finally got a picture of me (in the crowd halfway between the stage and mixing board) and the 3 surviving members of Led Zeppelin. They were so excited until they realized that neither I nor them can clearly find me in that picture......but I know I am there somewhere.

Too funny!

In truth, my face is so obscured in the photo that it is almost impossible to make it out, so I am not much better off than you (ie. I don't think your kids would be any more impressed by my photo...) I only know it is me because I recall the people around me at the show and can make out part of my glasses and receding hairline!

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I'm glad to hear you received your book. I totally agree that this book is absolutely fantastic in every way possible. The fact you are actually in the book is totally unbelieveable. I enjoyed Zeppelin at the O2 as well but I'm not in the book...that's incredible. Thanks for the photo's. We're certainly all very fortunate to have received copies.

Cheers, Matt

Thanks Matt! And thanks for being the first to post pictures in this thread. It was awesome to check out your books before I got mine!

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The book is spectacular!!! Anybody who ordered it will be absolutely thrilled. More on that in a second.

What is even more spectacular for me is that MY PICTURE IS IN THE BOOK!!! There is a shot taken at the o2 showing the crowd in the background and you can make out my face. It is not a great pic by any means, and if you didn't know where I was standing you would never find me, but it is there!! So freaking cool!!!

Now, more about the book. First, it weighs a ton. It is a real beast. Second, it is so well packaged that it cannot help but arrive in pristine condition. Third, the covers are so cool. They are made out of a translucent plastic material (which i guess is the perspex we have been hearing so much about?. It almost looks like they are made of glass! Very, very cool. I have not been through too much of the book yet, but I did take some pictures of the "opening ceremonies" which I will share. I won't share to many photos from inside the book because I think that you should each have an opportunity to experience them for yourself for the first time (but I will post a few). For those who didn't order the book, I will be sure to post a few more later once more copies have been distributed.

Stay tuned...

Dandu thank you so much for sharing these amazing pictures of the book, and I'm so relieved that you are happy with it, it does look stunning (so does your interior to your house!). I actually perfer the look of the 'cheaper' version with the perspex covers. You must have been so thrilled to actually be in the book!! :D I can't wait for mine to arrive now. I agree with you about not sharing too many photos on here until we've all received. I don't want to spoil it for myself! Enjoy your book and Merry Christmas! :D

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Dandu thank you so much for sharing these amazing pictures of the book, and I'm so relieved that you are happy with it, it does look stunning (so does your interior to your house!). I actually perfer the look of the 'cheaper' version with the perspex covers. You must have been so thrilled to actually be in the book!! :D I can't wait for mine to arrive now. I agree with you about not sharing too many photos on here until we've all received. I don't want to spoil it for myself! Enjoy your book and Merry Christmas! :D

I think I also like the cover of the Collector's edition more than my Deluxe edition. Plus it also looks like there is a full length picture on the back cover as well - true?

I knew I should have ordered one of each but the price tag was so high that I opted to get just what I could get away telling my wife. When I told her the price of the book 2 weeks back, she was more than a bit stunned. When I told her what the book was going for on eBay, she got upset with me and said I should have bought more and sold the 2nd one on eBay to make up the cost of the 1st one! Go figure! But she is right.

Now that I've gone through the entire book, I re-packed it just the way it came (minus the Genesis black plastic cover) and will take it out to "show" to only special Zep-appreciative friends or on historic Led Zep occasions. Was the book worth the wait? Yes...........definitely a Yes.

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