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People don't get "attacked" for their remarks around here. Some folk just cannot handle that others don't agree with them. This "poor me poor me " thing is far too widespread on here.

I love Keith :D

LOL! I wasn't being serious! :lol:

I love Keith too but I do find this thread to be incredibly funny! ;)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Danny you're too cruel, you may end up looking like that one day (although I'm sure you've never had a drug habit like Keith!) :lol: Poor Keith, I love him too! :D

Keith could be the new face of Olay's anti-aging cream! :lol:

Hi Magic, I'm not cruel, I could have used any number of worse pictures of Keith as an example. :blink:

Everyone loves Keith, he is the most unassuming guy in music, he never takes credit for his innovative music and he is such a laugh with his witty banter and anecdotal stories, I just Love the Guy and cant get enough of Him on TV, we need more people like Keith Richards in the world, especially the ones who can climb trees. :lol:

Regards, Danny

PS, How much Olay do you think Keith would need to keep the wrinkles at bay? Lets face it he has more miles of wrinkles than the London Underground has tracks. :o And every wrinkle can tell its own story.

PPS, I didn't know that Keith had a drugs problem, I just thought he popped a lot of sweets, or maybe it was the hard life he had as a child that gave him his furrow lines.

PPPS, If I thought that the taking of Drugs would have caused me to look like as ageless as Keith then I would have started much younger (although I have always been drug free) but I only have three wrinkles, one I wink with, one I eat through and the other I sit on. :o;):lol:

Edited by BIGDAN
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People don't get "attacked" for their remarks around here. Some folk just cannot handle that others don't agree with them. This "poor me poor me " thing is far too widespread on here.

I love Keith :D

Yeah, but you got to admit he is and old fuck....look at me talking, I'm over 45, bald and a grandfather...so I got no room to talk. lol :)

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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Yes, check out the Ladies and Gentlemen dvd. That was before he got his teeth fixed, but ironically they somehow looked better then than they do now. They should have made the false teeth resemble his original teeth.

At least Keef has got teef!


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