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The 30 Harshest Musician-on-Musician Insults in History


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The 30 Harshest Musician-on-Musician Insults in History

by Tom Hawking

Our recent, wildly successful posts about author-on-author insults and filmmaker-on-filmmaker insults got us thinking about similar cattiness in the music industry, which has long been a breeding ground for both feuds and lunatics. An investigation of the history of musician-on-musician insults didn’t disappoint, and we’ve collated 30 of the harshest after the jump. It’s interesting comparing them to the previous pair of posts, too. The verdict: what musicians might lack in verbosity, they more than make up for with vitriol. And UK musicians are far bitchier than US ones (or, perhaps, the UK music press just delights in reporting on insults). Anyway, don’t let your boss catch you reading this…

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Agree with Elton about the lip-synching. But most of those weren't all that harsh.

My all-time favorite (not listed there) was Pat Metheny's tirade about Kenny G playing on that Louis Armstrong record. He goes off on poor Kenny for pages, it's very funny

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Anton Newcombe fronts the band the Brian Jonestown Massacre. A documentary film about them and the Dandy Warhols was made a number of years ago called Dig!. No matter what your opinion may be of Anton (or either band), I consider it a must see documentary, particularly if you're interested in how the music industry really works. It's not a very pretty picture but one that's well worth seeing for yourself.

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Anton Newcombe fronts the band the Brian Jonestown Massacre. A documentary film about them and the Dandy Warhols was made a number of years ago called Dig!. No matter what your opinion may be of Anton (or either band), I consider it a must see documentary, particularly if you're interested in how the music industry really works. It's not a very pretty picture but one that's well worth seeing for yourself.

Looks interesting!

Right up there with The Troggs Tapes.

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The one overriding thought I had reading that article was "have they ever found Richey Edwards?"

Maybe when SteveAJones has solved all the Zeppelin mysteries, he can tackle this one next.

Anton's a scumbag, but I've seen Brian Jonestown Massacre quite a few times(mostly when Miranda Lee Richards was still in the band), and they were pretty good...they wiped the floor with the overhyped Dandy Warhols.

As for the David Lee Roth quote, while funny, it's been quoted to death...I even think that was a paraphrase they printed. The actual quote I remember being worded differently. But DLR has scads more funny insults to mine if the writer had just done a little more research. Every interview Van Halen ever did with Creem back in the day was usually filled with hilarious slags on other bands.

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How could they leave out what I believe to be the #1 putdown, given the personalities involved...

A famous anecdote relates that during the mid-1980s, an intoxicated Mick Jagger phoned Charlie Watts' hotel room in the middle of the night asking "Where's my drummer?". Watts reportedly got up, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a tie and freshly shined shoes, descended the stairs, and punched Jagger in the face, saying: "Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my fucking singer!"

However the story is told, no one denies Watts punched Jagger for calling him "his drummer".

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I'm a big fan of Tupac and Anybody that thinks Hip Hop is all shit your just being narrow minded.

But for the love of god Hit em up sucked so badly it was like a 2 year going into a tantrum,It just rambles on and on and on and on.

Nas had better disses same with Slim Shady.

The problem with hit em up is this''Fuck you yo I fucked your bitch motherfucking fuking punk ass bitch'

I'm sorry but how could anybody possibly get offended by that it sounds like something you would hear in a schoolyard.

Its just lazy songwriting 2pac had much better songs Until that basterd suge got a hold of him.People Check Out ''Me against the world''

and the don killuminati.

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Anton Newcombe fronts the band the Brian Jonestown Massacre. A documentary film about them and the Dandy Warhols was made a number of years ago called Dig!. No matter what your opinion may be of Anton (or either band), I consider it a must see documentary, particularly if you're interested in how the music industry really works. It's not a very pretty picture but one that's well worth seeing for yourself.

I have never seen the movie but by the looks of the trailer, I hope the movie ends with this Anton guy getting kicked in the face with a steel toe boot.

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You know Strider, speaking of Miranda Lee Richards, my favorite song of hers came up on my iPod not that long ago:

I am hugely BESOTTED with Miranda Lee Richards. :wub:

I drunkenly made passes at her one night, but she wasn't having any of it. I was crushed.

God, I love her music.

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