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Steve Jobs has passed away


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Damn, every time you turn around these days...first Bert Jansch this morning, now Steve Jobs.


Apple remembers Steve Jobs:


Whether you used Apple products or not, the man left a mark on the way we live.

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I received a 30 GB fifth generation ipod classic as a birthday gift from my dad when I was 19 years old. 5 years later, I still love it and it continues to work perfectly and I pretty much carry it every where I go. It (to date) remains one of my most prized possessions! Sad to hear that the man behind this and so many other wonderful gadgets, is no longer with us! :( R.I.P Mr. Jobs! You sir, were a true innovator to the very end! Thank you for shaping our lives in such a profound way!

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One of the best celebrity commencement addresses I've heard. What's hysterical is that neither him, nor Bill Gates, graduated college. That's not to say that a college education is worthless, just that the notion you absolutely have to have one to be successful is not always true. I was a PC user for many years, not because I didn't like Apple, but because I couldn't afford a Macbook. This May, I was finally able to get one, and it was one of the smartest business investments I've ever made, not just personal. Wozniak was the brains behind the engineering of Apple, but Jobs was the brains behind the marketing, and that's just as important. It doesn't matter how great a product you have if you can't get anyone to buy it.

I'm typing this on my Macbook, listening to my iPod, and looking at a potential iPad purchase. To say that Jobs's innovation, genius, and passion has not influenced my life in some small way, would be wrong.

RIP, sir. May you find your place amongst the stars where you belong.

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I'm typing this on my Macbook, listening to my iPod, and looking at a potential iPad purchase. To say that Jobs's innovation, genius, and passion has not influenced my life in some small way, would be wrong.

^ Agreed 100%

RIP Steve Jobs

His mark on the world will not be forgotten. Every time I listen to music, use a Mac computer, an Apple product, or watch a Pixar movie, I know the man behind it all. The genius of it all. It was him. He changed the world. Not many people can really say that. That speaks volumes.

Edited by BlackDog71
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I love how all these anti-business, anti-capitalist protestors make an exception for Steve Jobs. He was just as much an "evil capitalist" as any of the other Wall Street millionaires these protestors are demonstrating against. I guess because his company made such "cool" products like I-phones and I-pads that it excuses any hard-driving entrepeneurship and work ethic that they so look down upon. :rolleyes:

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I love how all these anti-business, anti-capitalist protestors make an exception for Steve Jobs. He was just as much an "evil capitalist" as any of the other Wall Street millionaires these protestors are demonstrating against. I guess because his company made such "cool" products like I-phones and I-pads that it excuses any hard-driving entrepeneurship and work ethic that they so look down upon. :rolleyes:

Wrong...on several levels. Your statement contains some assumptions that deserve a response...but I'm about to watch the Raider game, and am not about to spoil it by being on an internet board.

But to say that protesters don't appreciate hard work and entrepreneurship is just Glenn Beck-crazy. CEO pay was 45 times average worker pay in 1980; it is 343 times that today.

Steve Jobs clearly demonstrated his worth to his company's bottom-line. But the business world is littered with CEO's who were grandfathered in by dint of their family name, who not only show no value to their company, but often are detrimental and cause massive losses, and sometimes cause ruin to their companies...yet still walk away with millions of dollars and a golden parachute severance package while the hard-working workers get screwed.

Football is on...I'll be back later.

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Granted Apple's stock options are better than most company's, but when Steve Jobs came back as CEO in 1997, he took an annual salary of $1. That's it. $1 a year for the rest of his life, which was 14 years. So in total, he made $14 in salary working at Apple. He had about $2 billion dollars in stock, but comparing him to other CEOs of huge, multimillion dollar or multibillion dollar companies isn't right. They fired him, and when the company went down the shitter in his absence, they hired him back. He could have told them to eff off, but thankfully he didn't.

He and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers in his garage in 1977. Between him, Wozniak, Bill Gates and about two other people, you don't have a computer with which to do anything, much less complain about people complaining. So Jobs isn't quite like all the CEOs and Wall Street fat-cats the Occupy Wall Street crowd is railing against, and it has less to do with the fact Apple makes nice gadgets than you think.

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^^^Nicely put, Electro...you saved me the trouble of saying it myself.

Also, I'm sick of people assuming all protestors are anti-business and anti-capitalist. That is so not true.

Halftime is over now, so back to the game.

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It has way more to do with than just his salary. Apple CEO Jobs was just as nasty and tyrannical as any other head of a large corporation. Apple exploited Chinese labor in sweat shops and caused environmental problems in areas surrounding Chinese factories.

Other companies get taken to task over such abuses but not Apple?

China: Steve Jobs' death doesn't absolve Apple

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It has way more to do with than just his salary. Apple CEO Jobs was just as nasty and tyrannical as any other head of a large corporation. Apple exploited Chinese labor in sweat shops and caused environmental problems in areas surrounding Chinese factories.

Other companies get taken to task over such abuses but not Apple?

I don't disagree. However, how many other major multinational corporations have used or are currently using, Chinese sweatshop labor? Also, to say that Apple hasn't been "taken to task" over it is a bit extreme. They have. They don't own Foxconn though, they never did. As a matter of interest, I was reading an article shortly after Jobs died about the suicide rate of workers at sweatshops in China, and Foxconn, the factory that Apple used, was rated as having the lowest. That's neither here nor there, but does show that working conditions at their factory can't be as Dickensian as Apple detractors would like to have you think.

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Seems to me one of the greatest achievements in Steve Jobs' life was having the courage and honesty to say "I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of, such as getting my girlfriend pregnant when I was 23 and the way I handled that..." (said in a statement in 2011 to promote his authorized biography).

Lisa (his daughter) resembles him so much The Kids of Business Icons: Lisa Brennan-Jobs lbj_257x194.jpg that it's really a mystery that he denied being her father - what was he thinking? :unsure:

In that commencent address he said "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice...." --

--- wonder if Steve Jobs eventually figured out why most dogma exists - perhaps dogma could be seen as a sort of "trap" but it helps to make sure that adults don't ruin the lives of innocent children and others! Anyway, Steve Jobs' recommendation to "Stay Foolish" doesn't exactly sound like something he agreed with, at least not in his personal relationships - but evidently the college grads enjoyed hearing it.

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"Reality Beyond Dreams" were the words picked to honor the late Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computers, by Dorothy Twinney and her colleagues at RBD Creative. This tribute, videotaped at Kellogg Park, was sent to ABC television's ”Good Morning America” for an upcoming “Your Three Words” segment

What would "Your Three Words" be?

How about: "I'd rather dream" ? B)

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