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2012 NFL Thread


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You know this, maan! (should've used that in another thread!)

My 'boys are having a rash of injuries, nothing too serious but the o-line is pretty patched together right now. #1 pick Claiborne won't play due to a sprained knee. I still like our chances though. The 4 Cowboy preseason games are within 16 days of each other...good time to test that depth chart.

I just hope it's a better game than what I've seen over the past 4 days!

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I know that there is already a small QB controversy in Buffalo. Mr Young has arrived and some think we should give him the keys to the city. I am not one of them. Sure the guy is loaded with talent. But Fitz can lead this offense and I think well enough to get the job done. If I am wrong I am sure they will pull the plug on him just like they will on Sanchez in NY> I personally think Fitz will survive and Sanchez wont. I say by week three, it will be Tebow time

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Maybe Andy Reid should retire for good, and attend to what's left of his F-ed up family.

Andy Reid has done a great job as the Eagles coach for many years yet I always hear people wanting him out for some reason.

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Andy Reid sucks...he's been overrated for years.

3-0.....what a game.....


No question there, Walter...at least you got the win. Major Major's right: I would have rather watched volleyball.

Maybe Andy Reid should retire for good, and attend to what's left of his F-ed up family.


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Sure, I'm an Eagles-hater. Partly out of jealousy, for having a team that often looks like they're in fast forward compared to their oposition. Partly because they used to run up the score and taunt the Giants, when there was a big disparity in their talent levels. Mainly since they gave the dog killer a second chance that I don't believe in. But to pretend nothing's wrong with both of your sons acting like Scarface gone bad Steve McQueen, and then bring one onto the team's staff - knowing he can only contribute mayhem? Go home Andy, and take your baby Finster fishing or something...

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Strider. Who is your favorite NFL team? I cant remember? Is it Oakland? Or SF?

Raider Nation! Just win, baby!

In the future Rick, when in doubt you can see all my favourite football(all countries) teams in the "What's your favourite football team?" thread in the Meet and Greet section.

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Raider Nation! Just win, baby!

In the future Rick, when in doubt you can see all my favourite football(all countries) teams in the "What's your favourite football team?" thread in the Meet and Greet section.

Oh no. You are one of them. One of them crazy's that paint their faces black and silver and put cross skulls on their foreheads. I was at the Freeze bowl when you guys had Hostetler in there. Third coldest game ever. Kelly hit Reed for the winner in the second half. We stood and froze even thoug we were tanked up with beer and peppermint schnapps. They guy I went with has since parted this Earth. That was one i will never forget

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Well bless your New England heart...I'll have to do the same for you sometime.

Meanwhile, lawd help me...I must have Rick's disease for I am watching the NFL channel's replay of the Buffalo Bills vs. Minnesota Vikings preseason game. :bagoverhead:

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Looks like the Giants should be just fine this season, as long as their line positions don't take a heavy injury hit in the preseason. I'd expect a better regular season record, and there's no way the running game doesn't improve. Brandon Jacobs was a good emotional presence for the team on the sideline, but just wasn't getting into the secondary anymore - where he could punish would be tacklers.

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I can just see that some people are already believing the Bills should give Vince Young the shot as starter. Not I. Not yet. And not unless Fitz totally fucks up which I do not see. He looked good against Minnesota. Took them down for a touchdown and some good passes en route. I thought he looked good. Of course Young has a stronger arm and can run like a deer. But Fitz has been around and can get it done. The defennse will be far improved. .They may have the best front four in football. On paper they do for sure.

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I can just see that some people are already believing the Bills should give Vince Young the shot as starter. Not I. Not yet. And not unless Fitz totally fucks up which I do not see. He looked good against Minnesota. Took them down for a touchdown and some good passes en route. I thought he looked good. Of course Young has a stronger arm and can run like a deer. But Fitz has been around and can get it done. The defennse will be far improved. .They may have the best front four in football. On paper they do for sure.

Hmmm... On paper, where did they finish in sacks, last season?

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Hmmm... On paper, where did they finish in sacks, last season?

That means absolutely nothing and you know it. When you add the likes of Mario Williams and Anderson, its a new front line period. Most of the experts are saying the same thing. Bills and niners have the best two front lines in the game. Super Mario and Dareus are going to wreck havoc.

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That means absolutely nothing and you know it. When you add the likes of Mario Williams and Anderson, its a new front line period. Most of the experts are saying the same thing. Bills and niners have the best two front lines in the game. Super Mario and Dareus are going to wreck havoc.

When Kelsay is suddenly your backup defensive end, you know things changed for the better...
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