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Just got mine!!!! :bravo: It's number 143 out of 418. Well happy I am now!! I just thought "Oh my god, this is the closest you've ever been to Jimmy Page^^". I still wonder who hand-numbered the editions..

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Bizzare music indeed. Just listened to side one..Very strange, picks up a bit though around the 14m 15s mark....Got side 2 on now tk 1 !!! now tk 2 !!!! tk 3(unharmonics) it's getting better tk 4 ( damask ambient) things are looking up...maybe I'm just getting attuned to it ..tk 5 uh oh ..here we go wierd again...Well thats it, finished...Thanks to dadgad and the little green devil with the three pronged fork for saving me a packet.

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It is quite weird stuff, but it is exactly what was expected. Worth the extra price for the deluxe? Maybe, maybe not...I'm not quite sure yet. The first side gets interesting about halfway through when the synth comes in and later the drums. The second side, man...I wish these songs were longer. Spacy, ambient, bowed guitar noise. Exactly what I like, seriously. Too bad they are all about one minute each. I may have to assemble these into a longer piece of music. I've yet to listen to it all the way through.

Any pictures of the non deluxe? I am curious to see what the subtle artwork differences are...and if it's just the # box

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Just very gently had a look at mine. The text on it is as follows:

The music presented here was recorded in my home studio in Plumpton, Sussex.

Experimenting with the theatre of the avant-garde, during the early seventies on eight-track,

one-inch analogue tape. I had been asked to provide some music for the soundtrack of

Lucifer Rising by Kenneth Anger. I had already been experimenting with some textures

I thought might work and went about doubling the length of a piece for the film.

The instruments and overdubs were treated at source with processing and sonic effects.

In some cases sub-mixes were employed.

The current mixes involved balancing the track levels with no additional effects for the

final mix. Two of these ideas were to surface on Death Wish II ten years later.

I'd been quite involved in what had gone on in art labs prior to Lucifer Rising. I had an

interest in underground everything. Art college was a hotbed of everything that was

alternative, whether it be poetry, music, film and certainly art. It's not well known but in

The Yardbirds we did a number called Glimpses, and Glimpses was something that involved

a bow. The bowed guitar wasn't a novelty to me; I really considered that it was making music.

The manifestation of that is in The Song Remains The Same with the bow and the whole

imagery of the hermit. Anyway, with Glimpses I was playing with tapes. I had all these

sound effects, like the Staten Island ferry, crunching noises and the rattling of a locomotive

with its lonesome horn. The juxtaposition of sound you could have taken out of the Fillmore East

and put into an art lab. The bow was used extensively on the music featured here.

When light beams were used with security alarms I had an idea of using tape recorders that

were triggered by the beams. You could have a dancer affecting the music, interrupting the

light beam. The musical combination was whatever the dancer would be inspired by; by the

ambience of the audience and their own imagination.

So the fact that I got involved with Kenneth Anger and Lucifer Rising was really just a step

along the road of my interest in the extreme and alternative.

Jimmy Page, March 2012

side one


Whilst in India I had acquired a bass tanpura, that provides a majestic drone.

I applied a chant, tabla drums, bowed guitar, acoustic twelve string guitar,

mellotron and a newly acquired ARP synthesiser that provided the Horns of Jericho.

A mix of music was presented to Kenneth Anger and was used

on showings of the first third of the film but not in the final cut.

side two


This suggests the icy scratches and cutting embrace of the incubus at play.

Instrument: Guitar


Inspired by my journeys both on foot and through the

recordings of the masters. A simple homage to the sarangi.

Instrument: Six String Bowed Guitar


With the harmonics and demonstrative bowed glissandos the

naked solo guitar moves cautiously through a sonic landscape.

Instruments: Six String Bowed Guitar, Bowed Guitar


Damask Mix II returns from the original recording

with a more dense, heavily perfumed ambience.

Instrument: Six String Bowed Guitar


The main title with a surprise visitor. I had forgotten about

a percussive overdub courtesy of the ARP Odyssey synthesiser.

Instruments: Phased Chants, ARP Synthesiser, Mellotron,

Twelve String Guitar, Tabla

All songs written by Jimmy Page, published by Succubus Music Limited

All instruments played and recorded by Jimmy Page

Original engineering and mix Jimmy Page

Additional engineering and mix Drew Griffiths

Mastering John Davis

Art direction Tex Higgins

Cover image based on Gustav Dore's The Eagle

Produced by Jimmy Page

Inscribed on the laquer bit middle thing of the first side is 'LUCIFER RISING 0001 A-2'

And on the second side is 'LUCIFER RISING 0001 B1'

There is a cardboard slipcase that contains the record itself, with the text I have provided above on either side. The record itself comes in a plastic sleeve and is protected by bubble wrap.

...thank you sharing these Notes so promptly, I have received mine today...

Reading these notes, they truly reflect The Legendary Musician's senstive and humble side as always, a simple homeage to Masters of Sarangi, he states......He is Master Guitarist himself, one of the Greatest Musiicians of This Century... :notworthy: ....

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I've just picked up mine from the post office :)

It's the cheapest edition. I'm student and I can't afford anything more hehe. But I have to wait to have my turntable fixed to have a good listen... I know what's in, but I REALLY like this soundtrack and wanted to have it, not downloaded by youtube audios or something like that

(There's a bit of me in the last photo :lol: )




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I'm sorry - I just don't get it. This is a non-relevant piece of music. It COULD have been re-invented and a visionary piece of work but -

It just isn't much more than what it once was...

I missed the part where someone was forcing you at gunpoint to purchase it. Others seem to be quite happy to have it. It may have been available as a bootleg release for years but for him to officially release it and as a limited edition at that is quite another thing altogether. Just be thankful that he's releasing anything at all.

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I missed the part where someone was forcing you at gunpoint to purchase it. Others seem to be quite happy to have it. It may have been available as a bootleg release for years but for him to officially release it and as a limited edition at that is quite another thing altogether. Just be thankful that he's releasing anything at all.

Jahfin - that's the problem!! Jimmy's fans have gotten to the point where they are "happy" or "content" with anything, no matter how nondescript, that Jimmy decides to release!

All this re-packaging and limited release and autographed merchandise is and should be viewed as unacceptable material, not worthy of Jimmy or his legacy.

If Jimmy spent as much time creating NEW material as he does in his re-packaging of older, no longer relevant material than he would be considered a REAL artist once again.

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It's time Jimmy's fans say - NO MORE!!!!

If it ain't new and relevant to what an artist is capable of - WE DON'T WANT IT!

No matter the packaging and autographs - WE DON'T WANT IT!

For Lord's sake man - you're JIMMY PAGE! OUR FUCKIN' HERO!!!


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I'm as huge a fan of Jimmy Page and Zeppelin as you're likely to find but I didn't purchase this. Nor does the release of this or the Death Wish II soundtrack upset me in the least. I already own the Death Wish II soundtrack on vinyl so this release didn't really interest me. If you're expecting people to protest these releases and refuse to purchase them, you're fighting a losing battle. Obviously lots of fans are interested in them or they wouldn't be buying these records and posting about them here. When and if Page decides to record and release new music that's up to him. Typing in all caps and throwing a temper tantrum like a child on a message board isn't going to accomplish anything except maybe to make you look foolish and perhaps even worse, selfish. A very wise man once sang, "you don't always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need". Perhaps you'd be wise to take a step outside, take a deep breath and shake it off. It's not worth getting all upset about.

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Hey if you guys are fine with rehashed mediocrity from a genius, repackaging from a marketing executive, buzz words like "autographed", "limited", "deluxe", "numbered", etc.

AND you're willing to pay for it - well, no matter how I rant and rave nothing will convince your wide eyed drama over these release from the Page Inc. Group. Nothing.

Me, I DON'T WANT IT, it's unacceptable from a man I consider still capable of creating marvelous and new art. To me the JIMMY I knew was a genius - not some marketing

show preying on the past glories and waving a "For Sale" banner so fans can have something to murmur about.

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^ +1.

Collectable, but totally unlistenable -so bad that even KA turned it down.

What I want to know is what happened to the rest of it? I'm sure I read that JP and/or KA had said that 26mins of 'music' was produced.

Unlistenable? Subjective opinion, that.

Lucifer Rising isn't meant to be compared to the man's other musical accomplishments - it's an exercise in the avant-garde, in ambience. If you don't like it, move on...

Hey if you guys are fine with rehashed mediocrity from a genius, repackaging from a marketing executive, buzz words like "autographed", "limited", "deluxe", "numbered", etc.

AND you're willing to pay for it - well, no matter how I rant and rave nothing will convince your wide eyed drama over these release from the Page Inc. Group. Nothing.

Me, I DON'T WANT IT, it's unacceptable from a man I consider still capable of creating marvelous and new art. To me the JIMMY I knew was a genius - not some marketing

show preying on the past glories and waving a "For Sale" banner so fans can have something to murmur about.

What a load! He isn't forcing anyone to purchase it, and the fact that it sold as well as it did suggests that not everyone shares your opinion that it's "rehashed mediocrity"! Grow up, and let the people spend their money as they see fit.

It's this god awful negativity, self-deprecation, and tearing down of the band/members of the band that make me not want to visit sites like this...

Edited by Melcórë
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I agree about the statement that Jimmy should do new music. But some of us didn't have the opportunity to have this kind of works of his own in the time they were released. At last it still is his music, you can like or dislike it, but I see it in the same way you can buy Outrider, for instance.

Would I pay a hundred of pounds to have this same LP signed by his hand? Not at all. I met Jimmy some months ago and have a photo with him, that's much more than enough for me, a signature doesn't mean so much for me, but I can understand that someone wants an special edition, no matter which reasons move them to do it. So, I paid what I find a reasonable prize for a piece of music I REALLY LIKE. I suppose that's what moved the rest of people to do the same. I find something in it that you maybe not. Your and mine opinion are respectable.

If those LP's are released it's because they know some people is going to buy it. Well, you can see it as a mere way to make money. But I don't think that's incompatible with selling new music. If Jimmy had anything new to show, he would have already released it, I'm sure.

Edited by Laura_Page
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