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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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Did you ever think of the possibility he said he lost sight of him and was heading back to his vehicle, while in truth he was still tailing him, simply because the 911 operator told him to stop pursuit? Not saying that is what happened, just saying there is no way to prove what Zimmerman was doing period. No eyewitness testimony, simply Zimmerman's story.

Did you ever think that Treyvon could have just said,"I am looking for my step-dads house,cracker?"

Again, if someone is following you at 7pm in the dark, what would you do? Trayvon Martin was justified in his action, George Zimmerman was not, based on the available evidence.

How many stories you want Bro? Treyvon was justified in his assault?Wow,get out of the heat!

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Hey, Sag - just found out you have served, or still are serving, in our Military. Let me thank you a million times for your service.

I know this is way off topic, but Sag, IMO, deserves a shout-out from a member who just found out about his service. I salute you, sir.

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^ Thanks, but it was a long time ago, I went in back in 86' and discharged in 94'. I was three weeks out of high school, hated my home life (brother was a drug addict), and wanted to do something "fun" instead of going to college straight off. To be honest at that age serving my country was last on my mind, I really wanted to blow shit up and have fun...boy, was I in for a rude awakening!

Anyway, thank you for your dedication to the law. My brother, once he cleaned up for a time, became a lawyer and I always wished I went in that direction. Keep up the legal jargon as well, it make us all smarter when we have to look it up :thumbsup:

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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Soccer mom jury equals a hung jury I'm guessing.

That, or I agree with Sag... manslaughter.

And I tend to agree with both of you...too much reasonable doubt IMO even for a Murder Two charge (okay, I freely admit I got all of my legal knowledge for the most part from watching Law & Order, but what the fuck :lol: ....where's Jack McCoy when ya need him?)

Edited by Nutrocker
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Sag, be thankful that you didn't go into the law. It is tough and no fun at all. Most of the posters here understand very well what is going on, with a few little "bips" here and there. I don't feel as though I am doing anything honorable any more. Sad but true. Maybe I could open up a

Led Zeppelin Legal Clinic. :witch:

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State rests today. Defense asked for an acquittal, but were denied. I heard that the jury could still find him guilty of manslaughter, if they choose. I wasn't aware of that until today. We shall see...

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Do you the media would treat a white on white incident any differently?

Actually, what's more relevant is how they'd treat it if it was the other way around (black on white - or "white latino".)

We'd have never heard about it (nationally) at all.

It wouldn't fit the media's agenda of portraying the country as a pit of vile racists on the cusp of lapsing into apartheid.

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Actually, what's more relevant is how they'd treat it if it was the other way around (black on white - or "white latino".)

We'd have never heard about it (nationally) at all.

It wouldn't fit the media's agenda of portraying the country as a pit of vile racists on the cusp of lapsing into apartheid.

The modern media.


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This trial has been a total fucking joke...the Peter Principle in action from both the Defence and Prosecution...a total Show Trial...we'll be lucky to see the son of a bitch found guilty of manslaughter, if he doesn't get off altogether...

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This trial has been a total fucking joke...the Peter Principle in action from both the Defence and Prosecution...a total Show Trial...we'll be lucky to see the son of a bitch found guilty of manslaughter, if he doesn't get off altogether...

Are you going to riot if he's acquitted?

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I know this is cynical but I am sick of it, in these high profile cases there is rarely justice. It all comes down to a popularity contest and which side has the edge while picking the jury.

I always said if I am innocent of a crime I would 100% go for a bench trial. Having a jury of my peers deciding my fate based on what I look like is not a good bet to me. However, if I were guilty I would 100% want a jury trial for that exact reason why I would not want one if I were innocent. Pure emotion, screw the facts!

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Actually, what's more relevant is how they'd treat it if it was the other way around (black on white - or "white latino".)

We'd have never heard about it (nationally) at all.

It wouldn't fit the media's agenda of portraying the country as a pit of vile racists on the cusp of lapsing into apartheid.

Unfortunately for George Zimmerman, the Sanford Police Department had zero credibility with the town's African-American community even BEFORE he shot Trayvon Martin. They have a history of using excessive force against African-American men and conducting half-assed investigations when African-Americans are shot, assaulted, etc. by non-blacks. Trayvon's parents, knowing all of this, hired a lawyer to put the Sanford PD on notice. The lawyer, in turn, hired a publicist. The publicist shopped the story to Florida media outlets which ran it because it was reminiscent of other incidents that have occurred in Florida during the past decade. The Florida media coverage caught the attention of the national media which ran with the story.

Edited by Disco Duck
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^ Exactly DD. I remember the morning after the shooting, the story was being swept under the rug as an apparent drug deal gone wrong on some back ally. It took at least 2 weeks before the story even gained much attention, kinda like why is this story coming back up again. That's what infuriated the African-American community of Sanford, that the Martin family had to fight through shotty work with the Sanford PD and the fact that Zimmerman hadn't even been looked at as a criminal in any way until at least 3 weeks later, after shooting an unarmed minor. Of course we now have seen and heard just how pathetic the Sanford PD and city government were during the whole investigation, how they handled the evidence, etc. Sanford has a very bad history, both recent and past, and this shooting/trial doesn't seem to be doing much to help that.

Defense is expected to rest today, tomorrow at the latest. I don't know why the judge would even entertain an animated video to be present as evidence on behalf of the defense. Pretty heated exchange late last night between the judge and defense.

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Unfortunately for George Zimmerman, the Sanford Police Department had zero credibility with the town's African-American community even BEFORE he shot Trayvon Martin. They have a history of using excessive force against African-American men and conducting half-assed investigations when African-Americans are shot, assaulted, etc. by non-blacks. Trayvon's parents, knowing all of this, hired a lawyer to put the Sanford PD on notice. The lawyer, in turn, hired a publicist. The publicist shopped the story to Florida media outlets which ran it because it was reminiscent of other incidents that have occurred in Florida during the past decade. The Florida media coverage caught the attention of the national media which ran with the story.

Zimmerman also - as you probably already know, it's not anything new - went to bat back in 2010 in defense of an African-American who had been beaten by Sanford Police.

That's why the media's whipping this up into a racial issue is so despicable.

And using the photo of a much younger and innocent-looking Trayvon was a big part of it.

It lit the fuse for public outrage to ignite and explode into racial injustice, which is exactly what happened.

I honestly feel the American news media is out of control with the power they hold to control, shape and even alter public opinion.

And that is a massive problem that goes way beyond this or any one case - it affects every facet of our life.

GZ is almost certainly not a racist (as in, looking for an opportunity to pop a cap in a black person).

An over-zealous, self-appointed watchdog who found himself in an untenable position due to his snooping, but not a racist.

Just like Trayvon most likely - in the eternal stereotype of indiscriminate youth who act without consideration of consequences, i.e., could the person I'm about to confront / start some shit with possibly be armed? - found himself in a similarly untenable position in response to his taking offense at being questioned / followed.

As an exercise in judging Trayvon's actions, imagine if Zimmerman was actually an off-duty policeman, completely authorized to be armed.

In approaching Trayvon, being off-duty he wouldn't immediately identify himself as law-enforcement, he'd simply, just as GZ did, try to approach him to ask him similar questions.

Which puts it right into the same result - Trayvon ducked him, and circled back around to confront him.

So now he's swinging on and pounding the head of an off-duty cop.

My point isn't that TM caused it.

As I've said before, it's poor decision-making all around on both sides.

And these are the types of situations that eventually escalate into unpredictable results.

This is a video from a recent incident.

As you watch, you'll see the guy seems intent on getting the attention of the police.

Well, he succeeds, but I'm sure the last thing he imagined was that his dog would end up shot and killed.


Whether it's getting aggressive / hostile with police during a routine stop, or shouting and giving the finger to another driver who cut you off, confrontations of any kind are loaded with disastrous possibilities, and the harder you push into the confrontation, the more likely the outcome will be a negative experience.

It seems Trayvon was annoyed at GZ's actions, and made the decision to confront him.

Does that mean he deserved to die?

Absolutely not.

But a lot of undeserving things result from confrontations spinning out of control.

If Zimmerman had not been armed, he easily could have been killed by Trayvon.

By the same token, he also would not deserve to die for basically being nosy.

Everyone wants this case to be cut and dried, but life rarely is.

This is a prime example.

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Are you going to riot if he's acquitted?

Not me, but I'm gonna have lots of fun watching the people who do riot do their thing on CNN...with a brewski in one hand and a doob in the other, and I'll be saying really loud: "I fucking told you so!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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