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john paul jones, Ignored ?

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I read today that jonesy was not told that page and plant will reunion in 1995 and make the no quarter unledded DVD , Is that true ???

and i read that he was unhappy that they named the DVD no quarter, which was, pretty much His work .

so is that true ??? or is it just another misleading wikipedia page ??? and if it is true, why ???

i always felt that jonesy was always out of the view, but i thought he just liked that . Does anybody know why he was ignored by P&P ??

Did they hate him ??? weren't they friends ??? .... it's just so insulting and disgraceful :angry: ...

Edited by tazulike88
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... it's just so insulting and disgraceful :angry: ...

No, it isn't.

You are not inside any of their heads or involved in their history. If it was so insulting and disgraceful the 2007 reunion would never have happened.

Just accept that there are some parts of their history that will always be mysterious to you.

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No, it isn't.

You are not inside any of their heads or involved in their history. If it was so insulting and disgraceful the 2007 reunion would never have happened.

Just accept that there are some parts of their history that will always be mysterious to you.

Well it was somewhat insulting .. for John Paul Jones to find out while watching the news was disrespectful.

Seems like it's all good between them now though, and that's what really matters.

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No, it isn't.

You are not inside any of their heads or involved in their history. If it was so insulting and disgraceful the 2007 reunion would never have happened.

Just accept that there are some parts of their history that will always be mysterious to you.

well, he didn't have to be in the DVD ... but at least tell the man ..... i know that i'm not in their heads to judge them .... but from where is stand .. it's a bit unkind

Well it was somewhat insulting .. for John Paul Jones to find out while watching the news was disrespectful.

Seems like it's all good between them now though, and that's what really matters.

that's what i was thinking about ... if i was JPJ, i would've flipped out ... and made a big fight :) ... but you're right ... they're on good terms now, and that's what matters ...

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that's what i was thinking about ... if i was JPJ, i would've flipped out ... and made a big fight :) ... but you're right ... they're on good terms now, and that's what matters ...

If you were JPJ you would've flipped out? That's rich! Glad you thoroughly understand the depth and dynamics of their relationship with each other.


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I read today that jonesy was not told that page and plant will reunion in 1995 and make the no quarter unledded DVD , Is that true ???

and i read that he was unhappy that they named the DVD no quarter, which was, pretty much His work .

so is that true ???


and if it is true, why ???

Charlie Jones, the bass player on Plant's solo albums "Manic Nirvana" and "Fate of nations" was also dating Carmen Jane, Robert's daughter. So I think Plant naturally thought of him on bass for the P/P project. Add to the context that if John Paul Jones had been involved in "No Quarter" dvd and cd, it could've been hard to justify not using Led Zeppelin's name for the project with three ex band members in it. Instead of that with " just" the duo of Page and Plant it was easier to escape LZ etiquette.

All of that was it still derogatory towards JP Jones ? Yes, definitely. ( cf. the poor comment made by Plant in response to one question asked by a journalist during a press conference held at the time of" No Quarter/Unledded" : when asked about John Paul Jones absence, Robert replied : "he's parking the car".)

I remember reading somewhere that Plant could have been deeply hurt by the absence of Jimmy and John Paul at the funeral of his son, when Karac died in 1977. I don't know what to think of that. It seems strange though that John Bonham was there but no Jimmy nor John Paul. Yes Robert and John shared the same background, had known each other before LZ and so on but still ?

To go back on topic, I think that one of the great merits of John Paul Jones bypass on No Quarter/Unledded and "Walking into Clarksdale" was to undoubtedly illustrate that without him, the songs were definitely not the same and the overall live sound was hugely altered when he was missing. Yes, JP Jones is VITAL to LZ's alchemy.

Edited by seaweed gate
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  • 1 month later...

Well I don't know them and really I will never know why he wasn't asked to join the P/P project, but Robert Plants comment "He is parking the car" must of hurt if JPJ had read that comment and as an outsider comes across rather badly, but I guess buisness is buisness.

With the reunion gig they had to ask him as you can't have a Zep gig without him or we get into Queen and Who territory with only 2 original members left.

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Well I don't know them and really I will never know why he wasn't asked to join the P/P project, but Robert Plants comment "He is parking the car" must of hurt if JPJ had read that comment and as an outsider comes across rather badly, but I guess buisness is buisness.

With the reunion gig they had to ask him as you can't have a Zep gig without him or we get into Queen and Who territory with only 2 original members left.

The possibility of the Who excluding a living Entsistle would be unfathomable. This subject within Zep's past is indeed a disgraceful chapter, which did unfortunately really occur.

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I imagine this is ground that's been well covered here over the years but in the years leading up to Unledded there was lots of stuff in the press about Page and Plant possibly working together again. As I recall, John Paul Jones' name was never mentioned. Probably because it was never intended to be a Led Zeppelin reunion.

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The possibility of the Who excluding a living Entsistle would be unfathomable. This subject within Zep's past is indeed a disgraceful chapter, which did unfortunately really occur.

Well I agree if he were alive of course they would ask him to play in The Who, and although with the P/P thing if JPJ had been asked to join it would have the Zep connotations, but they did play alot of Zep stuff, it just comes across to the untrained eye and ears as being a bit bad that JPJ wasn't asked or explained too (maybe he was). With the "glad they remembered my number" at the award kinda shows he wasn't.

Its all playground stuff really, 2 are mates 3 is a crowd, we have all been in JPJ situation.

Edited by yeldd
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well i saw a press conference of Page and plant ... and Monsieur Page said that they started the whole project as nothing big or high profile ... but suddenly they got twisted into more complicated things that it became impossible to invite jonesy ... so they didn't invite him, not because they didn't want him but because they didn't plan to make anything big at the first place. What's weird is that in the conference plant interrupted jimmy while he was talking and made fun of jonesy's Suit in TSRTS and said that he has the same wife that he had 20 years before and that he doesn't need them anymore ... and if it makes any sense, i think plant was mad at him for some reason ... you can tell by his look.

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I read today that jonesy was not told that page and plant will reunion in 1995 and make the no quarter unledded DVD , Is that true ???

and i read that he was unhappy that they named the DVD no quarter, which was, pretty much His work .

so is that true ??? or is it just another misleading wikipedia page ??? and if it is true, why ???

The short answer is he was not told of their Unledded collaboration in advance; he became aware of it while on tour with Diamanda Galas that same Autumn.

He found it discourteous of them not to have informed him in advance, but sufficient reconciliation was eventually achieved.

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Bass players do get a raw deal in general.

I've really just started exploring you tube musically - mainly due to this forum. The first thing I noticed is that (at least on this simple computer) I can barely hear the bass work. I'm sure many of you others don't either, yet it's all the rage. When we used to check out stereos, before pc's existed, the bass response was critical in our decision to buy. So, my conclusion is that the bass is obviously not of importance to many so-called music afficionados, anymore.

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I've really just started exploring you tube musically - mainly due to this forum. The first thing I noticed is that (at least on this simple computer) I can barely hear the bass work. I'm sure many of you others don't either, yet it's all the rage. When we used to check out stereos, before pc's existed, the bass response was critical in our decision to buy. So, my conclusion is that the bass is obviously not of importance to many so-called music afficionados, anymore.

Not for me ... i have strong speakers with high bass and let me tell you, i don't respect those who think bass is not important ... more that half zeppelin songs are dominated by JPJ's rampaging Bass lines, the guy's a legend, and i never enjoy a song if i can't hear the bass line ... if you think bass isn't important in a song you obviously know nothing about music (Not talking about YOU Jimmie ray :) ).

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Well I think they reworked the songs really well and just wanted to stay away from the Led Zeppelin label and if they would have invited Jones it would be much closer to that!

I think Plant's responses are just a bit untactfully placed comments, to show questions about Jones are irrelevant, because there is absolutely no reason in the first place, that he would automatically have to be involved!

Edited by Matjaz1
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It's a shame no one here has some level of contact with Plant. Someone that could have a sit down with him, explain simple manners, and get this resolved. It would have to a "mother hen" type, though - not any of these young chicks he's always hanging around with...

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