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^ Cecil, please do not inform these non believers of too many astrophysical secrets. Too much education can be dangerous to feeble minded nitwits.

Now we have another wisenhiemer. I guess you know all this astrology stuff too. And I bet you are going to tell me you had a 4.0 at Oxford and proofread papers for Stephen Hawkings.

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last thursday, ( not the one just gone ), my hubby was driving home fro sydney, and he saw a strange sight in the sky. said it kind of looked like fireworks - green fireball - heading downward ...

he looked up the net, and it was said to be an old russian sattelite falling to earth. mystery solved.

or was it .....?

the news article he read had comments underneath, and one of the writers said that he went to the website where you can track these things in real-time, and it was still in the air till the saturday, our time ..... hmmmmmmm ?

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