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Led Zeppelin: CELEBRATION DAY (Global Press/Media Coverage)


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I would think so. Just hope certain ones like RS are fair and see how the band played their balls off for this show and the end result that they get the appreciation and all accolades they deserve that has been lacking from certain sources from the media and music. Probably, has to do with jealously to a degree.

RS has come around in the past years. I guess it took them 30 years to realize all the negative stuff they wrote about them was rubbish , and possibly made them less appealing to many possible buyers of the Mag? I dunno, but their attitude towards them is much more respectful nowadays, as if they have jumped on the bandwagon. Whether it's genuine or not, I don't know.

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Ultimate Classic Rock just posted the above article by Billy Dukes.

It has several serious inaccuracies ...even attributing the 5 minutes quote to Jimmy and not John Paul Jones,and at one point giving this semi-quote

“The good thing about what we were … is that we were always creative,” someone said when talking about the band’s history.

Someone said????

Robert Plant said!

Good grief is this sloppy journalism or what? :redcard:

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This film review from Dave Lewis of Tight But Loose - The Led Zeppelin Fanzine



This is possibly one of the hardest tasks I’ve had in conveying thought to paper. The effect of witnessing the press showing of the Celebration Day has been pretty shattering.

So first things first.

What I am about to relay is not seen through rose tinted glasses. I know what I saw and I know what I felt seeing it.

Yes I m a massive fan –fundamentally above everything else a massive fan – there’s a writer, author and publisher in there for sure because that is the job I do, but you can’t take the fan out of the man….

Like many reading this, I’ve been a fan for many years and in doing so, I have been affected, inspired and influenced by the music and world of Led Zeppelin since I was in my teens.

And yes I was lucky enough to be there on that night of nights at the 02 arena on December 10th 2007…

Let me state now that one of the great things about this long awaited film, is that there is no exclusivity to it. It’s something millions can and will share over the coming months, in cinema theatres across the world and subsequently at home on a variety of formats.

Another thing to get out of the way – what this film offers – beyond a mere concert (and albeit probably the most famous one act concert of all time) is a touching humility and sharing of emotions between four personalities as they create this very special performance.

The most affecting music has always been about emotions and the ability of the listener to connect with the artists on that level.

Led Zeppelin’s music has always done that for me – and of course I know countless like minded souls feel the same.

Thank You, That’s The Way, Down By The Seaside, Ten Years Gone, All My Love etc etc – this music has resonated throughout my life, often intuitively providing a soundtrack as it was being played out – from love affairs, through marriage, births, deaths, highs and lows. It continues to act as an inspration and template for my every mood.

Anyone who knows me well, will know I tend to live my life very heart on the sleeve and I am not one to hold off emotion and declare how I feel, be that a good thing or bad. That’s my way. I was therefore not at all embarrassed when I had tears streaming down my face watching them perform Stairway To Heaven back at the 02 on the night. That was the effect it had and I wasn’t the only one.

So yes this film is about humility and emotion.

I was still slightly surprised, in a sort of pleasant way (though the boy Adam here might say to me ‘’Man up Dad!’’) the amount of times I found myself welling up continually throughout the film as the action unfolded. These were shows of emotion that contained a mix of elation, pride, sadness and joy (that word –we will come back to that again).

I feel something of a sense of relief that these emotions were exposed. I would probably have been well surprised if they hadn’t.

This film is also about redemption and rejuvenation.

You can see it continually between the interplay of the four – so brilliantly captured by Dick Carruthers direction. The knowing grins, the winks, the laughs, the sheer joy (that word again) to be had in re- creating the legacy of Led Zeppelin…they knew it was happening (and as Jimmy replied to my question at the press conference – from the very first number) and the sense of redemption they were experiencing is palpable. Make that undeniable.

Celebration Day will make you smile and cry in equal measures. I am not being mawkish here either – it’s the intense reality of watching Led Zeppelin re-claim their crown with such swagger and verve.

So where does all this fit in the scheme of their achievements? Again from witnessing the film, I’d say it’s right at the top of the tree.

Nothing of course can take away the heritage of the LA Forum, Madison Square Garden, Royal Albert Hall, Earls Court, Knebworth etc. Amazing peaks in their career, – which over the years we have enjoyed and revelled in.

What this 02 performance and film tells us though, is that many years hence from these undoubted achievements, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham came together on that cold December Monday night to reclaim the legacy – and not just reclaim it but to extend it beyond reappraisal.

Watching this film spells out clearly one fundamental fact: It could never get any better than this…because this is the best it ever gets. Like the concert itself, it exceeds all expectations.

They were just astonishing…

And so is this film.

Right, I’d better get down to explaining why…

Friday September 21st 2012. Odeon West End Cinema. 11.15am

I arrived pretty early having fended off this voice box infection. Once in Leicester Square I passed by the exact spot I’d queued outside the Warner West End cinema on the night of Friday October 8th 1976 to get tickets for the premiere of The Song Remains The Same.

How could I have ever imagined back than, that 37 years later I’d be returning to this location still on the quest…

Once inside the very plush Odeon the press gathered – a mixture of overseas press from the US plus France, Belguim, Holland, Italy alongside the UK contingent.

Dick Carruthers came out to offer an introductory speech. He talked eloquently of how the project evolved – it was never intended on the night that it would emerge as a film ( ‘’Harvey told me it was to be recorded so I added a few cameras’’’). Dick also revealed they had got the idea for a big screen from seeing Elton John’s Big Red Piano show at the 02. ”They made such a great statement and with so much conviction” he added. ”It’s shot very tight and intimate and I hope it shows the humour and fun they experienced on stage that night.”

Lights down…action…

This is the complete concert film from the TV newsreel intro to them finally walking off stage after the Rock And Roll finale.

There are no cutaway interviews or interruptions of any sort. There are a few edits of in between chat (notably Robert’s Kashmir intro) but overall this is the complete film of the 02 gig.

Even though I was among the press pack, there was much enthusiasm for the individual performances and clapping between numbers. In the cinema screenings to come I am sure this will be a fervent factor – you are not going to see a film – this is a gig by any other name…it will be hard not to treat it as such, so warn the popcorn sellers accordingly.

Back to the Odeon:

So a deep breath and shivers down the spine as the newsreel film kicks n.

The intro credits: Subtle with each of their names appearing (ala Song Remains) which will surely get the expected applause in cinemas across the globe.

Darkness….the silhouetted 02 arena then four solitary hi hat strikes and…


I am watching Led Zeppelin perform Good Times Bad Times and for the next 124 minutes, well life is very good indeed.

The filming technique: Brilliantly done – hats off to Dick C – as he demonstrated with the Albert Hall/Earls Court/Knebworth 2003 DVD footage, he has a real empathy for how Led Zeppelin should be best filmed and presented.

Multi cameras capture the action in close proximity –both front of stage and behind and the swirling cutaways employed provide a real sense of being right there on stage with them which is utterly compelling. Dick employs the tried and trusted super 8 feel bootleg feel deployed on the Earls Court and Knebworth footage. This was done as he explained beforehand, by placing a super eight camera operator in the crowd and there are a fair few scenes where he juxtaposes the super 8 clips momentarily within the main footage.

As mentioned, the use of multi cameras allows for some simply incredible close ups on stage where the sheer joy (that word again) of these four musicians performing together is framed beautifully. He also makes very subtle and effective use of crowd shots and noise. Several esteemed ladies will find themselves captured on screen in the crowd shots.

The individual songs – I don’t want to give too much away because you need to experience this for yourselves but here are some initial impressions.

At no point does the film lose focus or sag –you will not want to exit to the bathroom for sure!

The set list as we know was superbly balanced –now I’ve watched enough of the bootleg DVD’s over the past few years to know this set inside out, but aside from the expected highlights I know so well, what is really encouraging is the way performances such as No Quarter, Since I’ve Been Loving You and Misty Mountian Hop shine through. I can also add that this film speeds along at a fast pace –no sooner had it got going than they were into Kashmir –you just get so lost in it all – so my advice is, if you’ve booked once, book to see it again fast…there’s so much to soak up.

Here’s some comments from my notes as the action unfolded:

Good Times Bad Times: Lots of immediate close ups.…Jason on backing vocals…

Ramble On: Brilliant close of up of JPJ on the bass lines and Robert as he sings the first verse. The first ’well up’ moment – as they come out of the chorus and go back to the verse and Jimmy and Robert glance at each other –just awesome…

Black Dog: Jonesy smiling continually…..Jimmy grinning…great crowd shots…

In My Time Of Dying: Lots of close ups of the ES 350 guitar and Jimmy’s slide picking. Robert with two tambourines…incredible


For Your Life: Fantastic behind drum riser shot of Jimmy strapping on the Black Beauty and flexing his hands….Jason right on it -amazing drumming…the gold glittering on Jimmy’s Black Beauty – laughter between them near the close – this is absolutely phenomenal!

Trampled Underfoot: JPJ simply on it –great close up of his boot hitting the pedals…Jimmy’s solo a crescendo of wah wah – that swing of the mic by Robert as they go into the solo is captured right behind the drum riser…

Nobody’s Fault But Mine: Close up of JPJ’s Manson bass –you see his symbol on the fret….excellent crowd shots…so much power in this performance…

No Quarter: An absolute revelation again JPJ magnificent close ups as he plays the riff…Jason on the kettle drums…amazing shot of Jimmy scrubbing the Gibson strings…

Since I’ve Been Loving You: Another revelation –brilliant interplay – Jimmy and Robert laughing at the end…

Dazed And Confused: Dynamic and compact….bass drum pedal close up on Jason….great shot of Jimmy sliding down the fret ala Superhsow…lasers and violin bow – classic Zep…

Stairway To Heaven: Moving crowd shots as they perform the intro….captures all the sensitivity of the night…superb shot of a lady in the crowd singing the final line in tears …’’Ahmet we did it’’ – another unavoidable ‘well up’ moment…

The Song Remains The Same: Tremendous screen shots with Jimmy’s double neck –at the close Jason taking the accolades and shows his Bonham symbol tattoo. Very moving…

Misty Mountain Hop: Lovely story from Robert about Pat and John singing Hendrix songs…Jason on backing vocals…effective psychedelic screen.

Kashmir: Colossal!….simply stunning the way the visuals enter…marching oberlisks engulfing the screen…absolutely astonishing! Emotional scenes as they leave the stage (another ‘well up’ warning required here!)

Whole Lotta Love: Robert’s comment ”What do you think Dave ?’ aknowledging the presence of his lifelong friend Dave who attended the show despite being ill with cancer and who sadly died a few days later……Great laser effects here and theremin battle then back to the crunching riff…

Rock And Roll: Jimmy’s lovely speech…the vintage film behind them….yet more emotion at the end…the four walking off stage …Jason elongating the moment…Donato Farace’s Canadian flag is caught on the big screen for a few seconds and then the massive Led Zeppelin logo lights up…stunning…

Fade to black…credits role…

Studio version of No Quarter plays

That is Celebration Day….


More thoughts: It’s fantastic they have made this a film because the big screen is where it needs to be seen – the sound in the Odeon was excellent loud and clear. Here’s hoping the provincial cinemas will replicate that.

Watching all this on the night at the 02 was an incredible experience. I don’t quite know how to explain this properly but in its own unique way this film offers an equally fulfilling experience and in a way is perhaps an even more memorable one, because watching Celebration Day will be a communal Led Zeppelin experience to be enjoyed in all corners of the world. More so than any other single Led Zeppelin event.

As you can probably tell I am still completely over whelmed with what I witnessed on Friday and it has been difficult to relay the experience and for once mere words are maybe not enough –but when you see it you will know what I mean.

With the release of Celebration Day – the concert record of their reunion at the O2 arena to honour Ahmert Ertegun, Led Zeppelin will bring joy to the world.

…and you will know exactly how that feels when you witness this simply astonishing film.

Dave Lewis

September 23rd 2012

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Led Zeppelin Concert Film Director: 'The Talk About A Reunion Should Stop'


28 September 2012


Photo: John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page

The brains behind Led Zeppelin's new concert movie Celebration Day has urged fans not to read too much into the release of the film surrounding the group's 2007 reunion, insisting the project merely captures a magical musical moment in time.

The band came together to honour late mentor Ahmet Ertegun in London and they asked video director and frequent collaborator DICk Carruthers to shoot the one-off gig and beam images onto screens set up at the O2 Arena.

Years later, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones opted to dig the footage out of the band's vaults and take a look.

Carruthers says, "As John Paul Jones says, five years is five minutes in Zeppelin time... There's a band who, if they wanna sit on something until the time is right, they will. They're not hurried by any of the commercial pressures that might apply to another band.

"All that happened was several years later, there was just a phone call and they said, 'Well, can we have a look at it then? Let's get the stuff out and let's have a look at it.'

"So we had two viewing days and we showed them what you call a line cut... and they were pretty blown away. I hadn't really seen the footage either and we realised it was something very special indeed."

After the viewing it was decided the footage should be edited for a cinema release before hitting stores as a souvenir of Led Zeppelin's final get together.

And Carruthers is dismayed that so many people are using the film's upcoming release to crank up speculation about a Led Zep reunion tour.

He adds, "I do think the whole will-they-won't-they go on tour thing preoccupies far too much of the media's attention. This really isn't about that."

Asked if there has been any talk about another get together since the 2007 show he filmed, Carruthers says, "Let's put it this way, it hasn't happened in the last five years since the reunion show."

Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day will be released in cinemas around the world on 17 October (12) for a limited engagement. The Dvd will go on sale a month later (Nov12).


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Celebration Day, review

Celebration Day, a film of Led Zeppelin's 2007 live show at the O2 Arena, shows rock 'n' roll at its most moving, magical and magnificent, writes Marc Lee.



John Paul Jones, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin appear at a media screening for Celebration Day.

By Marc Lee

The Telegraph

11:40AM BST 24 Sep 2012

Cert tbc, 124 min

Twenty million people applied for tickets; only 18,000 got them. Now, five years after Led Zeppelin convened one of the most eagerly awaited reunions in the history of rock and roll, comes the film of the gig. And it's so good, it might make the disappointment of not having been there even more acute.

As members of the band acknowledged at a press conference to launch Celebration Day, there were no guarantees ahead of their appearance at the O2 in December 2007. They hadn't headlined for 27 years, since the vodka-related death of drummer John Bonham. And, without Bonham, whose deftly thunderous style had driven their blues-inflected metal so powerfully, could they really reproduce the magic of their Seventies heyday?

Well, as Dick Carruthers's film attests, yes, they could - with the help of Bonham's similarly muscular and steadfastly metronomic son Jason.

Carruthers wanted to make proceedings as intimate as they had felt on the night, despite the vastness of the venue, and he has certainly succeeded in that. He gets up close to singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones, and they are all in impressive nick for a bunch with a reputation for having pushed the boundaries of rock-and-roll excess so determinedly.

Plant is in particularly good form. If his onstage persona is slightly less focused on strutting, preening and crotch-centric posing, he still cuts it as a rock god, his leonine locks flowing as luxuriantly as ever they did. And, if the banshee wail isn't quite so ear-splitting as it once was, he remains a great blues belter.

He tells the crowd at one point that choosing which tracks to play from their 10 albums had been a real challenge, "but some songs have to be there. And this is one." Cue the eerie, swirling paranoia of Dazed and Confused from the first album.

Stairway to Heaven had to be there, too. As did Black Dog, Rock and Roll, In My Time of Dying and Trampled Under Foot. All of them magnificent. Only their greatest song of all, Whole Lotta Love, is slightly disappointing: the dark allure of this sexual juggernaut of a song is all but impossible to recreate live.

At the end of the epic Kashmir, there is a close-up of a girl in the crowd transfixed by the scene before her, tears in her eyes. It's easy to understand why. Celebration Day is a celebration of rock 'n' roll at its most moving, magical and magnificent.


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First Look - Led Zeppelin's Celebration Day



Michael Bonner

Uncut Blog

September 21st 2012

Here’s Jimmy Page, reminiscing about Led Zeppelin’s 2007 reunion show at the 02. “We wanted to go out there, stand up and be counted,” he said at a press conference held earlier today in London. “To show people who maybe didn’t know Led Zeppelin but had heard a lot about us why we were what we were. And not only that, we had had a really good time that night. We made a lot of people very happy.”

We're in the swish conference hall of a high-end London hotel. Page – lightly tanned, dressed in black, his hair in ponytail and a slim, black scarf tied loosely round his neck – and his bandmates Robert Plant and John Paul Jones are here to launch Celebration Day, their concert film, Blu-ray/DVD and album commemorating the 02 show. (Forgive me, incidentally, if this blog slips between news report on the press conference and a kind of 'highlights' preview/review of Celebration Day itself.)

Anyway, back to the press conference: why release it now?

“Five years is five minutes in Zeppelin time,” said John Paul Jones, soberly dressed in a charcoal grey suit jacket, dark t-shirt and trousers. “I’m surprised we got it out so quickly.”

Robert Plant, in a loose, blue shirt, spoke of how the show "was very rewarding for all of us." Plant's presence here today was arguably a surprise. He's the one who's moved on professionally the furthest from Zeppelin, and found himself blessed with a very successful second act career. Accordingly, he came across as the most mischievous of the three today. He talked about arriving at the 02 by boat, seeing visions of Arthur and Guenièvre emerging from the Thames, and later digressing into a yarn about having to get Jason Bonham out of bed on his wedding night to play with Zeppelin. "I struggle with lyrics from particular periods in time," Plant admitted at one point. "Maybe I'm still trying to work out what I'm taking about. I know every other fucker is."

When asked about the possibility of more Zeppelin shows, the band were unsurprisingly evasive. A question about whether the 02 show had excited them enough to regroup once more, Page answered, "Can I just ask you all if you enjoyed the film?"

When pushed for an answer, Plant replied, "That would be kiss and tell."

Celebration Day “will be part of the legacy,” acknowledged Page. “It is what we managed to do for one day. However, what needs to be stressed here was that when we played the 02, the idea wasn’t to make a DVD or film. It just so happened that we had all this material going on behind us [on the screens], and some very fine production and camera work, so it made the utmost sense to record it. Don’t forget, we were only doing one show. We didn’t know whether we were going to have half a dozen train wrecks in it. But at least we could record it, even for our own collection and amusement.”

Read into all this what you will. But certainly the journey from the 02 to Celebration Day has been as epic as you’d expect from a band with Zeppelin’s credentials. The statistics for the show itself briefly bear repeating: out of the 20 million people who applied for tickets to the 02, only 18,000 were lucky enough to see the band’s first headline show in 27 years. After Celebration Day gets a theatrical release on 1,500 screens in 40 countries, it will then be available across no less than six formats – from a 2 DVD/2 CD Deluxe Edition, including footage of the 02 rehearsals at Shepperton, to an old-school 3 LP set.

Page is rumoured to have spent five years working on this. When he’s asked, however, whether there’s been any fixes to the sound, he replied: “If I say there might have been a handful of fixes, what I’m really saying is the minimum to what other people would do. The concert was what it was. There was very little that needed to be messed about with. Because we’d already done it well in the first place.”

So, what do we get? Celebration Day is directed by Dick Carruthers, who’s worked on videos for the White Stripes, Oasis, McFly and Take That. Carruthers worked with Zeppelin previously on their 2003 DVD set. Regardless of whether or not Page and co had their eye on recording the show for a future commercial release or simply their own “amusement”, Carruthers has presented a commendably fit-for-purpose film. If you were one of the disappointed 19,982,000 people unlucky enough not to get a ticket to the show itself, you will be relieved to learn that Carruthers puts you in the thick of the action. You can see the white of Page’s plectrums, and you might notice that he’s scrubbed out certain letters on his Orange AD-30 amp so it spells ‘OR GE’. There are no gimmicks to speak of – apart from a handful of freeze-frames, or cuts to super 8 camera footage filmed in the audience, Carruthers presents the 02 show as it happens, his crew catching every one of Page’s grimaces as he wrings another solo from his guitar, or John Paul Jones’ unexpectedly hypnotic runs along the fretboard of his bass guitar.

The band play in a tight formation, centred around Jason Bonham's drum kit, facing in and often playing to each other. The differences in performance style is enhanced by Carruthers' tight-up camerawork. There's Page, tearing through some ferocious slide guitar on "In My Time Of Dying", the sweat beginning to seep through is shirt, and opposite him is John Paul Jones, a more discreet presence, certainly, but completely in tune with Page's histrionics. A thrilling "Trampled Underfoot" finds Page and Jones - on piano - duelling solo against solo.

Unlike, say, Martin Scorsese's Rolling Stones' concert filmShine A Light, Celebration Day isn't looking to say anything profound or particularly meaningful about Led Zeppelin. Curruthers' proficient film is a testament to the physical endurance of these men, and a satisfying reminder of the brilliance of that show in 2007.

Celebration Day is released in cinemas on October 17, and then on November 19 on these formats:

Standard Editions – 1-DVD/2-CD set and 1-Blu-ray/2-CD set

Deluxe Editions – 2-DVD/2-CD set and 1-Blu-ray/1-DVD/2-CD set featuring exclusive bonus video content including the Shepperton rehearsals, and BBC news footage

Music Only CD Edition – 2-CD set

Music Only Blu-ray Audio Edition – Blu-ray Audio release featuring high-resolution 48K 24 bit PCM stereo and DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround sound audio only, no video

Vinyl Edition – 3 LPs, 180-gram, audiophile quality vinyl

Digital Edition


Edited by SteveAJones
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This Week In Trailers: The Comedy, Chasing Ice, Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day, That’s What She Said, Split: A Deeper Divide

Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day Trailer

by Christopher Stipp


September 28th 2012

This just doesn’t work.

Dick Caruthers, a director who worked extensively with Oasis in the day, and, more recently and importantly amiright, Michael Bublé, can’t work his magic on this. If he had, I wouldn’t wonder why this seems like a pastiche of unimpressive concert footage that seems more like a tired retrospective of some guys half assing it than it does a triumphant return to form.

And, make no mistake, there is no form here. The cuts are quick and sloppy, the energy that’s created isn’t being done through the magnificence of the remaining members of the band, and it’s only the ADD injected editing that tries to smoke and mirror us into thinking this was a concert for the ages. It’s not quite embarrassing but let’s call it for what it is: old guys making a go at it and who are showing their age. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with that and this trailer wants to project something that isn’t there. Plant can’t rock like he did so don’t try and fool me with clever shots and sweeping camera movements.

It’s honestly a disappointing trailer that I thought would make me want to rush out and experience a moment in time. What it’s selling me, though, is a moment in time that’s long since passed. It’s not pathetic or sad, though, but don’t be clever with the bait and switch.

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'Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day' set for Blu-ray release

9:19 PM, Sep. 26, 2012 | Written by Channing King | The Indianapolis Star


They've been officially broken up since 1980, but Led Zeppelin is still omnipresent on the radio and in countless lists of “Greatest Rock and Roll Bands of All Time.” Come Nov. 19, you will be able to get a fresh look at the band as Warner Music releases ‘Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day’ on DVD and Blu-ray, a mere month after a limited run in theaters.

OK, no, this 2007 concert isn’t true Led Zeppelin, as it consists only of Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist/keyboardist John Paul Jones, but it’s as close as you’re going to get since drummer John Bonham is more than 30 years passed. (For something closer to the true experience, check out the Blu-ray of ‘The Song Remains the Same’ from the ’73 tour.)

The concert was held at O2 Arena in London as part of a big multi-act tribute to the late Ahmet Ertegun, founder of Atlantic Records. If you look up the show’s 16-song set list, you would say to yourself, “That’s a pretty solid greatest hits album.” While anyone deep into Zeppelin could wonder why such-and-such deep cut was skipped, it’s hard to argue with ‘Black Dog,’ ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and ‘Kashmir.’

Twenty million people tried to get tickets. Sixteen thousand got them. Hence the demand for some kind of document of the concert.

Fathom Events is holding one of its limited events for ‘Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day’ next month, with the concert film running on the big screen on Oct. 17 and 18. Unfortunately, no Indiana theaters are currently set to host the event.

Hopefully the show will be good enough to wipe away memories of the last time Zeppelin’s music got wide mainstream play. (They don’t allow Cameron Crowe to use ‘Stairway to Heaven’ for the magnificent ‘Almost Famous,’ but do let the below song to happen? People…)



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Led Zeppelin film on way

By Dave Richards, Erie Times-News

September 27, 2012

Led Zeppelin Cool news for Led Zeppelin fans. Looks like the concert film "Celebration Day" -- filmed at their lauded 2007 reunion concert in London -- will screen at Tinseltown. It's listed on Led Zeppelin's website for Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m.

Tinseltown hadn't listed it, as of late Tuesday, but it does indicate an untitled film will play Oct. 17 and Oct. 18 ("Day" is a two-night event in most cities). Putting 2 and 2 together, I get "IV," as in Zoso, as in Zep.

The film will also be released on Blu-ray and DVD in November. Surviving Led Zeppelin members held a press conference to announce the movie, but avoided questions about a reunion tour. Don't hold your breath for that.


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Led Zeppelin: Coming to a theater near you

Iconic rock band to perform on the big screen here in October


The 2007 reunion by (from left) Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page has been made into the concert movie

"Celebration Day." The film will screen Oct. 17 at 1,500 theaters worldwide, including eight in San Diego County. Kevin Westenberg

by George Varga

San Diego Union-Times

September 25, 2012

Led Zeppelin is assuming an unexpectedly high profile for a band that has spent far more years defunct or on extended hiatus than it has in action.

The pioneering English rock band, which was launched in 1968 as "The New Yardbirds" and disbanded in 1980 after the death of drummer John Bonham, will appear in 1,500 movie theaters worldwide on Oct. 17, for a one-night screening of

No fewer than eight San Diego County theaters are scheduled to show the film, Led Zeppelin's first since "The Song Remains the Same" came out in 1976. A starting date for advanceticket sales for the Oct. 17 screening has not yet been announced.

"Celebration Day" was shot live at London's 20,000-capacity 02 Arena in 2007. It was then that Zeppelin's three surviving co-founders -- guitarist Jimmy Page, singer Robert Plant and bassist, keyboardist and block flute player John Paul Jones -- got back together for one, instantly sold-out performance. The audience included Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl and other rock luminaries, along with everyday fans (at least those everyday fans who could afford the price of admission and were lucky enough to score tickets).

Page, Plant and Jones will be together again on Dec. 2 when Led Zeppelin becomes one of this year's Kennedy Center Honors recipients in Washington, D.C.. The band will be feted alongside this year's four other Kennedy Center honorees: actor Dustin Hoffman; blues guitar pioneer Buddy Guy (a key influence on Page); TV host David Letterman; and retired ballet star Natalia Makarova. A PBS TV special of the event is scheduled to air nationwide on Dec. 26.

"Celebration Day" will also be released in DVD, CD and vinyl versions on Nov. 17. The fact that it took five years to prepare the 2007 concert film, which will also come out on DVD and (sans images) on CD, was downplayed at a Friday press conference in London by the band's three members.

"Five years is five minutes in Led Zeppelin time!" said Jones, only half in jest.

Bonham's son, drummer Jason Bonham, did not attend Friday's press conference, although Page, Plant and Jones all praised him for so ably filling in for his deceased father on drums at the 2007 O2 concert. On Oct. 5, Jason Bonham launches a U.S. tour with his cover band, Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Concert Experience.

Plant's most recent San Diego performance was last summer at Copley Symphony Hall, where he performed with his Band of Joy. That group featured Grammy-winning American singer-songwriter Patti Griffin, whom Plant earlier this year disclosed he had married. Page has not performed here since a 1998 show by him and Plant at SDSU's Cox Arena. Jones was not part of that tour.

You can view Zeppelin's Friday press conference in its entirety on YouTube. There are few surprises, although some fans may enjoy watching Plant, Page and Jones dodge questions about whether another Zeppelin reunion might one day be in the offing. The fact that neither a "no" or a "yes" was offered in response may be seen by some fans as a sign for cautious optimism.

Longtime fans will likely chuckle when Plant acknowledges -- with a choice profanity -- that, to this day, he still isn't sure what the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" are really about. "Maybe I'm still trying to work out what I was talking about," Plant said.

And fans of the late Irish blues-rock guitar hero will smile when Page is asked to comment on Gallagher's legacy, which he does with obvious admiration.

What songs are featured in "Celebration Day?" Here's the rundown:

"Good Times Bad Times"

"Ramble On"

"'Black Dog"

"In My Time Of Dying"

"For Your Life"

"Trampled Under Foot"

"Nobody's Fault But Mine"

"No Quarter"

"Since I've Been Loving You"

"Dazed And Confused"

"Stairway To Heaven"

"The Song Remains The Same"

"Misty Mountain Hop"


"Whole Lotta Love"

"Rock And Roll"

Led Zeppelin "Celebration Day" concert film

When: Oct. 17 (showtimes vary from theater to theater)

Where: Reading Cinemas Gaslamp; Landmark Hillcrest; AMC Mission Valley; AMC Plaza Bonita; Reading Cinemas Town Square; Reading Cinemas Grossmont; Regal Mira Mesa; Regal San Marcos

Tickets: $12 (although prices may vary at different theaters)


Edited by SteveAJones
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Led Zep film is coming to Luton


Luton News Herald & Post

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Rock fans can catch Celebration Day, the film of Led Zeppelin’s first live show for 27 years, in Luton later this month.

The film will be showing for one night only at Cineworld on October 17.

The two-hour show at the O2 arena in London saw founder members John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant joined on stage by Jason Bonham, son of their late drummer John Bonham.

Cineworld will screen the film at 6pm and 8.45pm, visit cineworld.co.uk for tickets.


Edited by SteveAJones
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October 5

Flew to NYC with James Patrick Page as he's doing press for Celebration Day. I'm kind of hanging out and sort of being his tour manager. Flew BA which I hate, but actually it was okay as it was empty, a bit like having your own 747. Landed to a beautiful day, nice and warm. Got straight off the plane and went record shopping in the Village. I thought there was nothing much I could find until I found Lee Michaels Live, The Boys From Brazil Soundtrack, Joan Armatrading Live At The Bijou Cafe, Philadelphia 1977 white label promo and a new copy of Riot's Fire Down Under with my back cover photo shot in the Drake Hotel in NY - many moons ago.

Quite liking NY - the last few times I've been I've sort of rediscovered it.

My Led Zeppelin photo in the NY Times (below)

Ross Halfin



October 1, 2012

Led Zeppelin Semi-Reunion to Touch Down in New York

By Dave Itzkoff


Ross Halfin/Getty Images Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham performing in 2007.

It’s been a long time — a long, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time — since Led Zeppelin last appeared on American soil. But now the hammer of the gods (and the spirit of publicity) will drive the surviving members of that seminal British rock band to New York next week to begin promoting its new concert film, “Celebration Day,” its press representatives said on Monday.

On Oct. 9 “Celebration Day” will have its premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in Manhattan. That event will be preceded by a news conference at the Museum of Modern Art with the Led Zeppelin founders Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones. Stepping in for John Bonham, who died in 1980 – and who would have probably taken a bite out of van Gogh’s “Starry Night” if he were still with us and allowed in the museum – will be that drummer’s son, Jason Bonham. The original band members will also appear at the film’s Oct. 12 London premiere at the Hammersmith Apollo; Mr. Jones is to attend a Berlin premiere on Oct. 15 and Mr. Page will be at a Tokyo premiere on Oct. 16.

Led Zeppelin played its last North American tour in 1977 and was preparing to return in 1980 when John Bonham died and the band dissolved. The group made a one-time reunion in 2007 (with Jason Bonham on drums) for a performance honoring the Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun, which was filmed for “Celebration Day.”

Mr. Plant, Mr. Page and Mr. Jones held a ews conference in London last month, where they discussed “Celebration Day” and largely dodged the issue of whether a longer reunion tour was in the works. (None of which means the question won’t come up again at MoMA.)


Edited by SteveAJones
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Jimmy Page on Another Led Zeppelin Reunion: 'I Don't See It'

Band's 'Celebration Day' documentary is 'a testament to what we did in 2007'

By David Fricke

October 8, 2012 7:00 AM ET


John Paul Jones, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin

Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

At one point in Celebration Day, the new film of Led Zeppelin's 2007 reunion concert in London, the camera stays long and tight on Jimmy Page's hands as they execute the introduction to "Stairway to Heaven" on the six-string neck of his double-neck Gibson guitar. It is one of rock's most iconic riffs, played in full and close-up by the composer, at one of his band's greatest and most important shows.

"With Led Zeppelin, it has always been that mystique of how the music is done – how it works, why it works," Page says on the phone from London a couple of weeks before Celebration Day's worldwide theatrical premiere on October 17th. "The closer you can get in on that and the more lingering it is, the better."

Celebration Day, which will be commercially released in various audio and visual formats on November 19th, is nothing more or less than Zeppelin's entire two-hour performance on December 10th, 2007, at London's O2 Arena. The concert, a benefit and tribute to the late Atlantic Records chief Ahmet Ertegun, was the first full Zeppelin show by Page, singer Robert Plant and bassist John Paul Jones since the death of drummer John Bonham in 1980. Bonham's son, Jason, took his father's place for the night, which is shown without backstage footage and includes minimal shots of the ecstatic audience. Instead, director Dick Carruthers – who shot the concert with more than a dozen cameras – provides extended close-ups of the band members in action: Plant in bluestrance moan during "Since I've Been Loving You"; Jones threading the folk-rock gallop of "Ramble On" with low-end countermelodies; everyone turning to Jason in admiration during his volcanic solo at the end of "Rock and Roll."

Celebration Day is "almost like being onstage with us," Jones says. "We always had that interaction," he adds, referring to Zeppelin's legendary concert prowess in the Seventies. "But nobody could see it, because the lighting wasn't there." Before the O2 show, Jones notes, "I remember Dick saying in one of the early meetings, 'I'm going to need 14 cameras.' Everybody went, 'What?' It paid off."

Page recalls walking off stage after the reunion concert feeling "really high. That's the truth. It was a serious test, and we passed it, all of us. And we had an extraordinary communion on the stage. That's alive and well when you see it." But it was quite a while – Page can't remember how long – before he saw a rough cut of Carruthers' footage ("We didn't rush into the editing suite to have it out for Christmas").

In fact, Plant and Jones viewed that cut first. "We came away raving," Jones says. "It was very fitting to the experience. We called Jimmy and said, 'You've gotta see this.'"

"The thing about Led Zeppelin was that it was always four musicians at the top of their game, but they could play like a band," Page says. "Even in the first couple of rehearsal days, running up to the O2, we were playing pretty good. But we really wanted to shine as a band." He cites the set list's opening sequence – from the surprise opener, "Good Times Bad Times," from 1969's Led Zeppelin, into "Ramble On" and the tortuous crunch of "Black Dog." "I wanted people to feel, 'They're taking this seriously.'

"And I have to tell you, the rehearsals were all quite different," Page says, "so much in that Zeppelin spirit and character." To prove it, a deluxe edition of the DVD will include footage from the band's only full-scale production rehearsal before the O2 concert. "You get the urgency of that night, but also the determination that was in rehearsal."

Inevitably, Celebration Day has set off more reunion talk. At a London press conference announcing the film, Plant raved about the O2 performance: "To get back in the middle of that music was a spectacular experience." But he and Page evaded questions about additional shows. When asked if the movie marks the end of Zeppelin, once and for all, Jones – who is busy writing an opera and collaborating with Robyn Hitchcock and the Norwegian group Supersilent – responds, "When I move house, I never look back at the house and go, 'Oh, that's the last moment I'll see there.' I always move forward."

"That's a good answer," Page says, laughing. But he is more direct. "I think if there had been any more concerts to be done, we'd already be talking about them. So I don't see it." Celebration Day, he adds, "is a testament to what we did in 2007. There it is."

This story is from the October 25th, 2012 issue of Rolling Stone.


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The "Rolling Stone" interview ends on a bit of a downer, but Celebration Day is going to be great! "Minimal shots of the audience" and "extended close-ups of the band members in action" sounds good to me.

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Director’s story of Led Zeppelin reunion gig film Celebration Day


Published: 2 hrs ago


MORE than 20million people wanted tickets for Led Zeppelin’s famous reunion gig in 2007, but only now will most of them get the chance to see the amazing show.

And it is all thanks to one man hiding the footage away for five years.

Dick Carruthers took charge of live video beamed on screens during the historic concert at London’s O2 Arena. And now surviving band members Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Robert Plant are to release a film of their first gig in 25 years.

Acclaimed director Dick says: “This gig has to be seen and heard to be believed. You’ve got incredible songs, with musicianship second to none.

“We realised how special the gig was when we got the footage out of storage.

“It transports you there, and it’s impossible not to be bowled over.”

Dick, who had worked with the band before on a DVD, got a call from Page, 68, Plant, 64, and Jones, 66 — who were joined by late drummer John Bonham’s son Jason, 46, for the show — in summer 2007.

He was one of the few people to attend secret rehearsals for the gig — a tribute to their former record label boss Ahmet Ertegun, who died in 2006.

Dick says: “For the dress rehearsal at Shepperton Studios there were just a handful of people watching and they rattled through the whole gig.

“I had a small camera there and it will be on the DVD release too. Thank God I still have the tape.”

Despite the rehearsals Dick reckons the band were still nervous before the 18,000 capacity one-off gig, on December 10, 2007. He said: “I think there were nerves beforehand... but the first three songs are brilliant — and then they really hit their stride.”

Dick says Led Zep fans and those who do not know much about the legendary rockers will marvel at their on-stage chemistry.

And he adds: “The crowd were in awe. There was an electric sense of excitement — and a sense of this being a piece of rock ’n’ roll history.”

Asked if he thinks the band will ever reunite again, Dick says: “It was so good I think it’s unnecessary to talk about whether they want to do it again.”

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/music/4579123/Directors-story-of-Led-Zeppelin-reunion-gig-film-Celebration-Day.html#ixzz28lqpJ8PU

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Dick says: “For the dress rehearsal at Shepperton Studios there were just a handful of people watching and they rattled through the whole gig.

“I had a small camera there and it will be on the DVD release too. Thank God I still have the tape.”

So can we assume that we'll get the complete footage of the rehearsal on the bonus DVD?

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