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BON APPÉTIT! What Are You Eating?


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Your New Year's desserts look heavenly, Kiwi!  I've seen desserts served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of cream, but not vanilla custard.  However, I am a big fan of vanilla custard and think it's a great idea!! I do love a dessert called cottage pudding that is served with a vanilla custard, and now I will consider that topping for other desserts as well! :)  We have so many desserts at Thanksgiving and Christmas that I am trying to lay low on the desserts for New Year's.  With that said, I have been enjoying some tasty treats from a super generous forum member, and I will be eating birthday cake today for my niece's birthday!  Guess I'll have to start slowing down tomorrow! ;) 

Happy New Year to you, Kiwi!


Hi Debbie! :wave:

Hope you had a wonderful New Year! :friends: My mom loves vanilla custard with apple pie and I guess I've inherited her sweet tooth! :lol: I have never tried apple pie with vanilla ice cream, but I'll be more than happy to. It sounds delicious! :D By the way, I googled cottage pudding and my mouth started watering! It's so yum! What with my dad's birthday in October, Diwali in November and my mom and I, practically sharing birthdays in December (her birthday is a day after mine), I really tend to indulge during the last 3 months of the year, but hey, I am on my best behaviour, during the rest of the year! :angel: Hope you enjoyed your niece's birthday! :) 

Oh and do be on the look out for a rather long PM from me, within the next couple of days, full of my mom's Christmas recipes. My mom has made it her mission in life, to cook healthy food and her recipe for dishes like Chana Masala doesn't contain the usual horrific ingredients like coconut (which is sadly used as the core ingredient for the gravy base, by many clueless people out there). She instead uses plenty of onions, tomatoes and lentils. She also goes easy on the oil and spices. Anyone can eat my mom's cooking and follow her recipes, without fear! :) 

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Hmmm...the foodies around here, seem unusually quiet this time of year, so since I set the ball rolling as far as New Year treats are concerned, I might as well, continue! :P 

A Slice of Lemon Tea Cake, with a Layer of Vanilla Custard, this New Year's Day


Been under the weather lately. All I want to do is curl up in bed and listen to music. Your treats looked delish, though.

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Cheers, Strider! :) Hope you feel better soon. :console: 

Thanks Kiwi. A pauper's breakfast of porridge and tea this morning for me. Last night it was matzo ball soup and tea. Starting to feel better...with a little help from the Sudafeds I'm wolfing down.

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Thanks Kiwi. A pauper's breakfast of porridge and tea this morning for me. Last night it was matzo ball soup and tea. Starting to feel better...with a little help from the Sudafeds I'm wolfing down.

I sensed that you had come down with the flu, Strider! :console: I recommend gargling with salt water (to get rid of any nasty cough that you might have), propping your head with an extra pillow or two while sleeping (please don't sleep on your side) and steam inhalation where you put a strong herbal balm (that relieves any sort of nasal congestion like Himalaya or Amrutanjan Strong - available here : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KEH4YRO or here: http://www.amazon.com/Himalaya-HERBALS-Pain-Balm-Strong10/dp/B00KKF3LKQ) in boiling hot water and just let the balm dissolve (for a few seconds) and then, you deeply inhale and exhale to clear your nasal passage and sinuses. 

And then there is something called a hot toddy, which can do wonders:


    • 1 oz (2 tablespoons) of bourbon
    • 1 tablespoon of mild honey
    • 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice
    • 1/4 cup of boiling-hot water



    1. Put bourbon, honey, and lemon juice in a 6-ounce mug. Top off with hot water and stir until honey is dissolved.
    3. I know that I deviated considerably from the topic and I know that you are starting to feel better, but these remedies will get rid of your cold symptoms in no time! :friends: 
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  • 3 weeks later...

The house will be full of aromas today.

I have marinated some chicken legs in my mates really hot and spicy Jerk Seasoning this morning. This is for this evening which we will have with some french fries. After the cricket finishes for lunch, i am making a Malaysian Chicken Curry for tomorrow as I am at Man Utd for the game. This fragrant little number is made from this recipe:


My fingers will then be getting nimble to make a fresh loaf for the weekend. 

A cooks work is never done !:D

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47 minutes ago, Strider said:

^^^Strangely creepy, hehe. Is that a Bundt cake?

Ha! It is a little creepy, isn't it!  My first king cake of the Mardi Gras season, this one is apple and goat cheese.  I walked nearly three miles to get it.  Very yummy, well worth the walk. ;) 

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13 hours ago, Ddladner said:

Happy Mardi Gras


That looks very interesting and colorful, Debbie. I have never seen anything like it in all my life! My first thought was 'is it a cake or a doughnut with a little figurine on top'? :) 

That's why I love this thread, so very much! For a self confessed foodie like me, it is always a pleasure to learn about and feast my eyes on photos of food and drink from various parts of the globe! :thumbsup: 

Edited to add: Debbie, I owe you some more recipes and I can happily say that I can finally, get down to writing them and sending them across, today! :) 

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6 hours ago, Kiwi_Zep_Fan87 said:

That looks very interesting and colorful, Debbie. I have never seen anything like it in all my life! My first thought was 'is it a cake or a doughnut with a little figurine on top'? :) 

That's why I love this thread, so very much! For a self confessed foodie like me, it is always a pleasure to learn about and feast my eyes on photos of food and drink from various parts of the globe! :thumbsup: 

Edited to add: Debbie, I owe you some more recipes and I can happily say that I can finally, get down to writing them and sending them across, today! :) 

Thanks, Kiwi! I also love that the forum has a very diverse group of folks (in age, thought, and geographical/ethnic background). I find myself googling many of the items I see in this thread! The king cake (more like a pastry) is a staple during the Mardi Gras season. There will be thousands made by every baker in town, all hoping to earn the 'best king cake in town' title.  The cakes are lavishly decorated in the Mardi Gras colors green, purple and gold.  The baby used to be hidden in the cake when you bought it, but with the thought of it becoming a choking hazard, it is now provided outside the cake for the customer to hide (if they wish).  The tradition is for the person who receives the baby to purchase the next king cake, and there is sure to be steady king cake until the season ends with Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) day, the day before Ash Wednesday.

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On 1/25/2016 at 8:39 PM, Ddladner said:

Thanks, Kiwi! I also love that the forum has a very diverse group of folks (in age, thought, and geographical/ethnic background). I find myself googling many of the items I see in this thread! The king cake (more like a pastry) is a staple during the Mardi Gras season. There will be thousands made by every baker in town, all hoping to earn the 'best king cake in town' title.  The cakes are lavishly decorated in the Mardi Gras colors green, purple and gold.  The baby used to be hidden in the cake when you bought it, but with the thought of it becoming a choking hazard, it is now provided outside the cake for the customer to hide (if they wish).  The tradition is for the person who receives the baby to purchase the next king cake, and there is sure to be steady king cake until the season ends with Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) day, the day before Ash Wednesday.

Thanks for the very interesting note on the dessert traditions of Mardi Gras, Debbie! Much appreciated! :thanku: 

Is the baby figurine edible? It looks like a nice piece of chocolate! Also, does the king cake have its own figurine of a king? I am also marveling at and wondering how on earth the baker managed to pull off that gorgeous purple, gold and green icing! Sorry for all these questions, Debbie! It's just that, this is all so new and exciting for me! :D 

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7 hours ago, Kiwi_Zep_Fan87 said:

Thanks for the very interesting note on the dessert traditions of Mardi Gras, Debbie! Much appreciated! :thanku: 

Is the baby figurine edible? It looks like a nice piece of chocolate! Also, does the king cake have its own figurine of a king? I am also marveling at and wondering how on earth the baker managed to pull off that gorgeous purple, gold and green icing! Sorry for all these questions, Debbie! It's just that, this is all so new and exciting for me! :D 

Hi Kiwi! I don't mind the questions at all! Mardi Gras is a lot of fun with king cakes, formal balls and parades (you would be surprised at how serious folks can get about catching plastic beads at a parade!).  The baby is plastic and although there could be other trinkets in the cake, I've only ever seen it be a plastic baby.  Here is a link with a few other fun facts from one of my favorite king cake bakers. 


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Well, it's a Saturday night and I am as high as a fuckin' kite, courtesy of Beefeater London Dry Gin. 

What attracted me to drink copious amounts of alcohol on this fine Saturday night, is to celebrate the end of an incredibly fucked up and horrendous month, wherein the Grim Reaper has been taking his job way too fuckin' seriously! 

My 6 massive shots of the incredibly glorious Beefeater London Dry Gin mixed with Lemon flavoured Sprite (in the proportion of 70 : 30) are in honour of a legendary artist who passed away, fairly recently and who needless to say, truly understood me and so many other 'misfits' and 'geeks' around the world! 

I have been a (proud!) misfit for most of my teenage years, wherein, I was constantly ridiculed and looked down upon for not only my appearance, but for being excessively fond of subjects like Maths, History, Literature and Economics.  All that changed in University, when I finally found that I could actually interact with like minded souls.

High school was an incredibly dark period in my life (a period that I would wholeheartedly love to forget!!) and it was bands and artists like David Bowie, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Hazell Dean, INXS and The Jimi Hendrix Experience that helped me overcome my greatest fears! 

My two favourite albums to get drunk to, happen to be the timeless Are You Experienced? and The Man Who Sold The World. 

As a tribute to the late great David Bowie, who was by far ahead of his time, I blasted the great pioneering album The Man Who Sold The World, over the speakers of my Sony stereo system this evening, while slamming down massive shots of Gin (coupled with incredibly small shots of Sprite), as a small thank you note to this wonderful artist who changed my life forever!

I still can't listen to songs such as Under Pressure, All The Madmen, The Width of a Circle, and Running Gun Blues, without tearing up!!!! :( I still can't believe he's gone (even though it's going to be three whole weeks, since he left this world)!!!!!! :tears:

The last time that I was affected so bloody much by an artist's death, was when the legendary Rik Mayall passed away, ever so suddenly! :( 

IMG_1137 (2).JPG

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