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What Made You Happy today?


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One day you'll wake up dead mate, give it up, you know it makes sense. :o;)

Regards, Danny

I know I need to quit. I'm working on it, honest.

What made me happy today, was seeing my toddler hunt eggs for the first time. He didn't really understand it, but it was cute nonetheless. Haha.

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I'm happy I put my guitars flat on the floor before I left on vacation last weekend! Usually I have them standing up on end, which is kind of dumb, but they take up too much space. However, I do try to remember to lay them down when I'm out of town in case of an earthquake, and hey hey, it paid off! Some CDs fell off a shelf, but other than that, everything's okay. Glad to know my 1920s-era house didn't do the mambo down the street during the thing - I was in a restaurant Palm Springs when it happened today. That was the biggest one I've ever felt, I think. It was kind of weird, though, it was more of a rolling one than a jostling one, but sheez, it lasted forever! I probably should've gotten under the table, considering how long it went on, but everybody just kind of got out from under the chandeliers (perfect timing to have one of those over your head) and beams and were like, "Um, stop now please?" Well, except for the guy who ran out the door, right into a bunch of trees and possibly power lines...not sure where he thought he was headed.

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^What good luck! I felt that quake today too. It's epicenter was in mexicali i think. 7.2 kinda scary thinking about it. :0

On a happier note I finally got a job, well actually, yesterday. I'm ecstatic about it. After a while I started to think that no one would give a job to young kid with no prior experience, but I will be a census taker. Yes, I'm going to be one of those scary people who show up at your door and take your information! >tongue.gif beware of me! tongue.gif

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I'm happy I put my guitars flat on the floor before I left on vacation last weekend! Usually I have them standing up on end, which is kind of dumb, but they take up too much space. However, I do try to remember to lay them down when I'm out of town in case of an earthquake, and hey hey, it paid off! Some CDs fell off a shelf, but other than that, everything's okay. Glad to know my 1920s-era house didn't do the mambo down the street during the thing - I was in a restaurant Palm Springs when it happened today. That was the biggest one I've ever felt, I think. It was kind of weird, though, it was more of a rolling one than a jostling one, but sheez, it lasted forever! I probably should've gotten under the table, considering how long it went on, but everybody just kind of got out from under the chandeliers (perfect timing to have one of those over your head) and beams and were like, "Um, stop now please?" Well, except for the guy who ran out the door, right into a bunch of trees and possibly power lines...not sure where he thought he was headed.

Glad your guitars survived. We had a few things fall down and the chandaliers were swinging pretty good. The long rolling on this gave me a dizzy feeling. I was just coming into the house through the back door but stopped and stepped back, and back, and back until I was in the middle of the back yard. My daughter jumped up and stood by the foyer and took a surfing pose and was yelling Woohoo! Silly girl!

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I know I need to quit. I'm working on it, honest.

What made me happy today, was seeing my toddler hunt eggs for the first time. He didn't really understand it, but it was cute nonetheless. Haha.

Good for you 'Broken Levee', all the best in your endeavours to quit, just get that song "I cant quit you babe" out of your head and I'm sure you will. ;)

What made me happy today, me Misses got her new phone, a Sony Ericsson W995, and i put all me Led Zeppelin Music on it, :yay:

me Misses says to tell you that she allowed me to put me music on it as she rules the roost in this house. :blush:

Regards, Danny

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Glad your guitars survived. We had a few things fall down and the chandaliers were swinging pretty good. The long rolling on this gave me a dizzy feeling. I was just coming into the house through the back door but stopped and stepped back, and back, and back until I was in the middle of the back yard. My daughter jumped up and stood by the foyer and took a surfing pose and was yelling Woohoo! Silly girl!

Thanks! Lol, surf's up! Glad nothing broke at your house...I think we got pretty lucky on this one. Well, except for Mexicali/Calexico...I've definitely been keeping them in my thoughts.

I had a short day at school today; the person I usually tutor had class earlier than usual (I don't quite get how that works, but whatever) and didn't stick around, so I went home. As much as I like to help everybody, I'm kinda thankful for the break.

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Good for you 'Broken Levee', all the best in your endeavours to quit, just get that song "I cant quit you babe" out of your head and I'm sure you will. ;)

What made me happy today, me Misses got her new phone, a Sony Ericsson W995, and i put all me Led Zeppelin Music on it, :yay:

me Misses says to tell you that she allowed me to put me music on it as she rules the roost in this house. :blush:

Regards, Danny

I have 1 cigg left in my pack, and I'm not buying another. Bring on the mood swings.

What made me happy today, was that I lost 4 pounds on my diet. I've been on this "nothing but fruit and vegetables diet" for the past 3 days, and your supposed to loose a pound every day you do it.

Although is seems this diet should have me feeling fantastic and full of energy, I've had a few negative side effects. I have been feeling weak and nauseous. I even got dizzy and fell earlier. Anybody know whats up with this?

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I have 1 cigg left in my pack, and I'm not buying another. Bring on the mood swings.

What made me happy today, was that I lost 4 pounds on my diet. I've been on this "nothing but fruit and vegetables diet" for the past 3 days, and your supposed to loose a pound every day you do it.

Although is seems this diet should have me feeling fantastic and full of energy, I've had a few negative side effects. I have been feeling weak and nauseous. I even got dizzy and fell earlier. Anybody know whats up with this?

Congratulations on quitting smoking! :)

Fruits and veggies are great, but your body also needs other nutrients or things like that can happen. The nicotine withdrawals might be a contributing factor too. I would suggest eating lean protein (fish, grilled chicken), fruits/veggies, whole grains/legumes and eliminating "white flour" products, processed foods and sugar instead. It may take longer to initially lose the weight, but it's a more sustainable way of eating, and the weight will be more likely to stay off. Good luck and hope you feel better!

(Disclaimer: I am not a medical person! :))

Edited by Virginia
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Congratulations on quitting smoking! :)

Fruits and veggies are great, but your body also needs other nutrients or things like that can happen. The nicotine withdrawals might be a contributing factor too. I would suggest eating lean protein (fish, grilled chicken), fruits/veggies, whole grains/legumes and eliminating "white flour" products, processed foods and sugar instead. It may take longer to initially lose the weight, but it's a more sustainable way of eating, and the weight will be more likely to stay off. Good luck and hope you feel better!

(Disclaimer: I am not a medical person! :))

Thanks Virginia! I have eliminated white flour and sugar for a while now. I don't even drink anything but water. But I just wasn't seeing any results. I was eating a lot of processed food though, and not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables. But I'm really afraid of gaining weight from quitting smoking. That's really why I started this diet. It's supposed to flush your system, and I thought if it flushed all the toxins from smoking, maybe it will help with cravings and weight gain.

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Thanks Virginia! I have eliminated white flour and sugar for a while now. I don't even drink anything but water. But I just wasn't seeing any results. I was eating a lot of processed food though, and not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables. But I'm really afraid of gaining weight from quitting smoking. That's really why I started this diet. It's supposed to flush your system, and I thought if it flushed all the toxins from smoking, maybe it will help with cravings and weight gain.

Good luck on your diet BrokenLevee. Processed foods (preservatives/hydrolysed vegetable oils) also contribute to some changes in hormones which in turn contribute to weight gain , especially for us females, so eliminating that is great. Just don't get discouraged.

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Today is my sons 2'nd birthday! Were taking him to eat lunch in the cafeteria at the hospital he was born! (The food there is surprisingly delicious) Then were taking him to play in the park that's right behind that hospital.

He opened some presents this morning from his father and I. But his actual party is on Saturday. Can't wait to clean up after all the kids. :party:

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Good luck on your diet BrokenLevee. Processed foods (preservatives/hydrolysed vegetable oils) also contribute to some changes in hormones which in turn contribute to weight gain , especially for us females, so eliminating that is great. Just don't get discouraged.

Thanks ledzepfvr! I know what you mean, my boyfriend looses 5 pounds to every pound I loose. It's not fair. <_<:lol: I am determined to get this baby weight off finally. He's 2 for goodness sake! lol

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