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Fiscal Cliff

Old Shep

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I don't pretend to fully understand this, but over here it's being portrayed like it's the End Of Days. Is this a big deal, and if so, how big a deal is it? Could this in fact be what the Mayans were in a lather over, and they just got their dates wrong by 10 days?

From what I've heard, it could add $3,500 to the average household's annual tax bill. If that's all it is, what's the problem? That's peanuts! Or are there other factors involved?

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Some things that will be impacted...

-Massive defense cuts

-Significant income tax increases

-End of unemployment insurance for about 2 million people

-Reduction of child tax credit by 50%

In light of this Obama ended the federal wage freeze so the VP and Congress will get a raise in March.

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Like most things to do Washington DC and the media, it's much ado about nothing. Just something else to stoke the fear of the populace.

Taxes are merely going back to what they were in the Clinton era before Bush ill-advisedly cut them.

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Like most things to do Washington DC and the media, it's much ado about nothing. Just something else to stoke the fear of the populace.

Taxes are merely going back to what they were in the Clinton era before Bush ill-advisedly cut them.

After reading a newspaper(uk). President good, Senate evil, is it that simple?. I always thought US politics was about checks & balances
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Some things that will be impacted...

-Massive defense cuts

-Significant income tax increases

-End of unemployment insurance for about 2 million people

-Reduction of child tax credit by 50%

Well that doesn't sound so bad. In fact, it all sounds eminently sensible.

Wait...does that mean I'm a closet Republican? Eww....

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If we "go over" the fiscal cliff:

Deficit is cut in half! No dirty work required.

Better yet, reset tax rates to what they were under (Saint) Ronald Reagan;

Deficit is gone, surpluses return, no spending cuts needed.

Anyone heard about the "Dairy Cliff"? Apparently a farm bill expires tonight, ending all price supports on milk. Milk will go from about 3.50 a gallon to somewhere between 6 and 8 dollars a gallon.

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16+ trillion, *poof*? :rolleyes:


DEFICIT is gone, not DEBT. but we could begin to pay down the debt like we were doing under Clinton. It's not crazy hard to get back to surpluses, reset some tax rates, cut defense and non-defense spending, restructure some entitlements. Instead we have Washington trying to wipe their bottoms and they forgot to bring toilet paper.

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Looks like they didn't make it, huh?

Time, perhaps, to resurrect an Olde English joke, slightly modified:

Q: What do Princess Grace Of Monaco, Sue Barker and the US Economy have in common?

A: They've all been fucked by Cliffs

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DEFICIT is gone, not DEBT. but we could begin to pay down the debt like we were doing under Clinton. It's not crazy hard to get back to surpluses, reset some tax rates, cut defense and non-defense spending, restructure some entitlements. Instead we have Washington trying to wipe their bottoms and they forgot to bring toilet paper.

For every $1 the US takes in,it spends $1.49,....

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We have a spending problem,...... :blink:

Enjoy the fall.

Walter is right. I will leave with this thought:

There is not one single respected deficit reduction plan that says we can fix our troubles only by cutting spending, or only by rising taxes. We need a common sense mixture of both.

Enjoy the fall? I like every season.

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I think it's just bullshit that gives them something to blame tax increases on - it's not OUR fault, it's those Democrats / Republicans who let us go over the cliff.

I notice they voted themselves another raise.

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It's a concept totally lost on the average person. It's like death. We basically refuse to accept it.

Well put -- I completely agree. The good news is that American economic performance, and particularly the budget and deficit situation, seems to be improving. The Dow and S and P are now at all-time highs.

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CJW is right, countless commissions have been appointed and all they say the same thing: "huge cuts to defense, huge cuts to social spending, and big tax hikes". Name a politician that wants to sell that, lol!

Oddly, look at Russia in both 98 and (lesser) 2008. Defaulted on its debt, and now is fine, and countries line up to loan them money. (Russia's situation is hugely compex, as it assumed most of the USSR debt when then USSR dissolved). So there is a precedence for defaulting, though far more likely would be some sort of debt swap (we wipe out Country X's debt that they owe us, if they wipe out the debt we owe them). Then some sort of leveraged buyout, say 60 cents on the dollar.

Most likely of all is continued burying of the head in the sand.

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