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Copenhagen 7-24-79 - Rare Photos


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Thanks Sam- as I said when you posted the pics from the 23rd - I had been waiting to do a photo setlist to these 2 shows because I was never sure if all the pics I had seen included any photos from the 24th- now I must say that no none of the other pics floating around were from this show. My main test was going to be a pic of them performing 'Ten Years Gone' as they only played it at the second show. But now I see they are all wearing the same clothes except Robert Plant is wearing a different shirt. Like I said in the other thread about the 23rd- I have had unseen pics from that show a guy forwarded me back in like 2004. They are cool because they are unseen but they are much darker than these superb shots. I am so happy now I have the answer to the different shows and lots of good pics to work with.

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Hmm, it was always believed Jimmy's Zoso symbol disappeared between the 23rd and 24th show. However it is present here, and although JB, JPJ and Jimmy all appear to have worn the same clothes the night before, Robert's shirt looks to be different.

That is something I thought until I did the thread on the Knebworth setup and soundcheck back in 2011. This pic was taken August 2, 1979.


Edited by DavidZoso
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JPJ had some serious kit for this show...

isn't that Andy in the first pic keeping shop?

That is correct. It was me working stage left. It was over 33 years ago so my memory is a little hazy. Its always interesting to find these pictures. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.



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That is correct. It was me working stage left. It was over 33 years ago so my memory is a little hazy. Its always interesting to find these pictures. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.



WOW... this is just an awesome forum. So many interesting people here that had so much and so intense experience with Zeps. How did u enjoy the time with the band? Any stories to tell? Any special memories?

Lalalalalaaaaa this is awesome :). :beer:

EDIT: I didnt even say Hi... so... Hi!!! :). I cant even believe I am actually greating someone who was on stage with the best band ever back in the day!!! :D.

Edited by Stormbringer
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he had you busy...

looks like he had extras of everything on hand - so the phone on the Yamaha was a hotline to Andy :angel:

No spares - just one of everything for the keyboards. If it went wrong I had to fix it.

To the best of memory on that tour there was.....

Yamaha GX1, Yamaha CP70, Fender Rhodes piano, Hofner Clavinet, Bill Dunne bass pedals.

Bass guitars, amps, cabinets, and 24 into 8 monitor mixing board with which I mixed stage left monitors. and keyboards.

I think there was a spare bass guitar amplifier. The phone was just a theatrical prop as I remember it.

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